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Posts posted by deluca67

  1. Who's adding more doubt here? Nobody. We have a healthy level of doubt afforded by our justice system. We're not out slandering her here or oppressing her. 


    If you want to nitpick between the definitions of innocent and guilty that's fine, but I literally posted this exact thing in the post you quoted.


    What are we accusing her of? 

    Sexual assault/rape is the only type of crime I can think of where the victim's credibility is questioned more than the alleged perpetrator. A victim's entire sexual history is brought into question. 

  2. I imagine its because of the age we live in (or hopefully it's because it just goes without mentioning), but why is Kane involved with a woman/girl like this?


    Don't give me the macho "boys will be boys", or "how can he know how old she is"! At some point we need to hold folks accountable for their actions, athletes and celebrities included. Poor decisions will lead to bad results. Save it for your wife


    Like what?


    Also, Kane doesn't have a wife. He has a girlfriend of three or more years, but has joked he won't get married until after Toews does.

    Aud Fight! 


    Kane's relationship status is irrelevant. And let's face it, getting women has been part of the allure of becoming a famous athlete as far back as Babe Ruth. The only two things that matter, IMO, are 1) was the woman of age for consent and 2) at any point during their liaison did the woman say "no" or "stop."   

  3. I'd be interested in a debate about whether giving the benefit of the doubt to the accused is simultaneously failing to give the accuser the benefit of the doubt. "Innocent until proven guilty" seems to also indicate "lying until proven otherwise" at times.

    How about a debate on whether or not the "benefit of the doubt" is ours to give. We are just spectators in all of this. 

  4. I'm not saying he didn't do anything, I'm not saying he did, I'm not saying he will be charged, and I'm not saying he won't be.  But before everyone jumps to conclusions...



    I wouldn't consider a failure to prosecute as innocence. Fact is that rape is extremely hard to prove, it is often a he said/she said situation. 

  5. I'm pretty sure Sawyer is Caucasian and please be careful, I wouldn't want to lose your input over a Colin Cowherd type comment like that although you did capitalize it so there is a certain amount of respect shown. There are several Black people in Hockey management doing splendid jobs.

    Black Senior Advisor and Alt-Governors Matter!  


    Too Soon? 

    I think Patrick left, but not bodily, after PLF jumped ship.


    And as for Sawyer, I'm not sure he ever was here.

    You may be on to something. I looked up Ken Sawyer on the Buffalo Sabres website and I am pretty sure the picture they have of him is the same picture that was in my new wallet a couple of years ago. 

  6. Niemi I can understand, lehtonen is often injured, goes on a good run for few games but to many highs and lows.

    Right now the Sabres have nothing in goal but hope and potential. As of today, the Stars have a level of goal-tending the Sabres can only hope for. It's like comparing the Bills QB's to that of Miami and Cincinnati. They may not have elite QB's, compared to the Bills they might as well be. 

  7. I just notice, not to throw a turd into the punch bowl, but the Twins played 2 fewer games and, therefore, hold the tie-breaker.

    Is this correct? The Twins would have to win those two games, right now the Jays have the higher winning percentage. 


    Can I please just point out how much better this way of determining the standings is than the NHL's ridiculous point system. You don't need anything other than wins and loses. None of this, the Jays may have more wins but the Twins lost more games in extra-innings so with the loser points the Twins are in the playoffs.  

  8. Can we get back to this candy draft?  When did I miss this?

    Hersey Bar with Almonds is the Jack Eichel of candy.  

    You pointed out the stars, but their D is as weak if not weaker than ours.  And their goalie situation i wouldn't call better either.


    As for compher being a piece to much, its probably what got us McGinn in return.    Rather have a proven NHL'r than a prospect.

    Allthough the Lehner trade might be overpayment at the moment, if he is our #1 in 2 yrs with a Stanley cup it will make Murray look like a genious.

    Our prospect pool was so good and big, people forget in the end 50 contracts is your max and you can't win it with 18-24 yr olds only.  I am happy about these trades if we didn't do them we would have to wait atleast 5 years before we take a run or even make the playoffs.

    I'd take Lehtonen and Niemi over what the Sabres currently have. 

  9. So do we want to gauge the 2020-2021 season and base rankings on the organization that will have the most success in 5 years? Or the one that will enjoy the most success over the course of the next 5 seasons? I think the only plausible one would be the latter as the former may be too elusive as Weave notes. 

    If you go by success over the next five years, than a team like the Blackhawks will top most lists. IMO, they have 2 or 3 more Cups in them.


    5) Pittsburgh 


    4) LA Kings


    3) Dallas Stars


    2) Tampa Bay


    1) Chicago 


    It might be a good idea to do both type of lists. 

  10. Well this never caught fire like I hoped it would, but here is thehockeywriters' "Core Rankings". Go ahead and guess where you think the Sabres are on this list before you look, I'm interesting to see if anyone gets it.


    Looks like their listing was weighed heavily by established NHL talent not promise.  


    I really do like this idea. I am going to list my top 5 teams for the upcoming 2020-21 season.


    5) Colorado Avalanche 


    4) Florida Panthers


    3) Dallas Stars 


    2) Buffalo Sabres


    1) Calgary Flames  

  11. I don't actually care which Xmen film takes place in which continuity, but First Class was far and away better than every other X-men film.  After I saw it, I immediately assumed they'd make a direct sequel.  Future Past was OK, but it confused the hell out of me that it wasn't much like First Class.

    X-Men - First Class, Days of Future Past and Wolverine did a great job of laying down the origin story of the X-Men. The X-Men universe is almost as large as the rest of the Marvel Universe combined. There is so much content that they can make movies for the next 100 years. I was disappointed in the first three X-Men movies, I think they have made up for them with the more recent X-Men movies and Wolverine. I hope future movies include some of my favorites like Mr. Sinister, Stryfe and Cable.  

  12. First class is definitely a prequel, but DoFP was not. DoFP reset the timeline so that X2 and X3 never happened in the cinematic universe. That's not a prequel, that's a reboot.


    BvS isn't a reboot either because Batman and Superman have never shared a cinematic universe. It's a brand new thing. It a semi-reboot in the sense that Batman is t the same one from the Dark Knight trilogy, but Superman is the same guy from Man of Steel, and like I said this is DC's first stab at a shared universe so nothing is starting over.

    X-Men DOFP is an established X-Men story line. Time travel and altering of time lines is part of that story line and is consistent within the X-Men universe. Everything bad that happens in the beginning of DOFP happens after X-Men The Last Stand. Any changes caused by DOFP is consistent.


    X-Men Apocalypse should be really interesting.  



  13. A reboot doesn't have to be a re-telling of the origin story. For example X-men:DoFP rebooted the X-men series. The new Spiderman coming out may not go back to his origin, but it is most definitely a reboot.

    X-Men DOFP and X-Men: First Class are prequels. Under your example of Spiderman than the new Batman Vs. Superman movie is also a reboot.  


    One movie I do has trouble defining is Superman Returns. For me it is a sequel because it follows the timeline, I can totally understand why it is considered a reboot. 

  14. The Hulk movie with Edward Norton (The Incredible Hulk) was a re-boot, there's only been one Hulk movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    Re-boots start from the beginning. The first Hulk movie provided the origin, the 2nd Hulk movie continues with Banner already on the run and continues the same story line with Betty and Colonel Ross. 


    Reboots are are complete do overs. Take the Batman movies, the Spiderman movies, and soon, the Fantastic Four movies, they have all been rebooted.

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