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Posts posted by deluca67

  1. IMO, all this bluster from the Patriots and the NFLPA about fairness in the hearing process is a calculated attempt to distract peoples attention from what should be the main focus. One of the premier franchises and it's biggest star got caught cheating (again) and got off relatively light. They know they have no chance in court, shown by their Hail-Mary attempt to get their case heard in Minnesota.  


    I can't wait to see what the Patriots say the next time they are caught cheating, and we all know there will be a next time.   

  2. Bad is relative since they're all at least okay, but the only sequel I found better than the original was Cap 2 (FWIW, the original Cap is probably my least favorite Marvel movie). My issue with Thor 2 was the villain was so...bad. I mean, I'm not expecting an Oscar-worthy story, but he just had no development at all. I also found the whole teleporting thing to be quite lame. Iron Man 3 was definitely better than 2, but still quite inferior to the original--no, I will not get over the Mandarin thing. As far as Age of Ultron goes, I was just disappointed in Ultron--once again, no development. He just comes into existence and immediately wants to destroy everything; I was hoping for a more gradual decline into a murderous robot.


    On Hulk, the second one was better...but it wasn't a sequel, it was a reboot. So doesn't really count IMO.

    Hulk 2 continues the story, a re-boot, like Fantastic Four, starts from the beginning. Another example of a re-boot is Man of Steel. 

  3. Yea a 3-2 game isn't on the pitching staff. But the pitching is obviously the problem there.


    On the Sox dump: I don't think they'll be dumping Ramirez and Sandoval. They did get A-Gon and Crawford before dumping them shortly after, but I don't know that they want to develop an image of a franchise that does that.


    If I'm an organization like Boston guys like Big Papi have a free pass to play with us for (basically) what he wants until he's completely incapable.

    It would be worse to have an image of team that is finishes last in the Division by a wide margin as the Sox did last season and appear to be repeating this season. Making mistakes and dying with those mistakes is never a good idea.


    It's time to say "thank you" and "good bye" to David Ortiz.  You can't move forward if you hanging onto the past.  

  4. Just got done watching "The Brink", definitely recommend. Movie wise, I want to see Trainwreck, heard it was very good

    Trainwreck is really funny and Spy is freaking hilarious. The best two movies of the year by far. 


    Saw Inside Out, a very sad movie I thought and Minions is 100% exactly what you would expect going in. Thought Jurassic Park was predictable. Looking forward to Mission Impossible and vacation this weekend.  

    Antman was really well done. Marvel does a really good job when they introduce characters.

    Antman was much better than I anticipated. Paul Rudd did a great job.


    I am looking forward to the Fantastic 4 reboot. 

    ...and a really bad job with sequels, Cap 2 notwithstanding. 

    Thor: The Dark World was very good, IMO. I also liked Age of Ultron. The only squeals I was not a fan of are the Iron Mans. I liked Iron Man 3 much more than Iron Man 2.




    The 2nd Hulk movie was much better than the first.  

  5. Ortiz and Napoli are a given, but Sandoval and Ramirez are both pretty young and aren't going anywhere. You're problem is starting pitching, and bullpen pitching for that matter

    Pitching is a huge problem, unfortunately the Red Sox have more problems than just pitching. Sandoval just doesn't hit enough to make up for his fielding and I'm not a Ramirez fan. 

  6. Cole Hamels will likely become the first player ever to throw a no-hitter and then start your next game for another team.

    As a Red Sox fan I hate that they are being mentioned in the Hamels sweepstakes. This is a team that needs to start unloading big time. They are a classic example of a team looking to add names rather than address the real problem which is they need to blow it up and start from ground zero. There are a few younger players they can keep, but Ramirez, Sandoval, Ortiz and Napoli need to go. I would also move the closers while they still have a little value.   

  7. Getting back to the subject at hand, didn't Toronto snd Deluca say the same thing when Burke and then Carlisle came to town?

    More Burke than Carlisle, though it didn't work out for Burke in Toronto, Calgary on the other hand appears to be on the right track. Overall, the brain trust the Leafs are putting together is impressive. Time will tell if it works. It's not easy converting all that hockey knowledge into a cohesive product on the ice.   

  8. Someone has said unless rape occurs at the party there was no predator. Maybe I'm taking it out of context?


    But I do believe this party is fine (very dorky). I think women should go to it. I think everyone should have a great time.


    My one and only point this whole time has been this has the potential to be predatory behavior. I don't know what's going on in anyone's head there. I highly doubt it's predatory behavior, but it could be. That's all. I think it's a fair point, I'm just surprised so many people believe there is no way in hell this has the possibility to be predatory behavior. Very surprising

    If someone did say that, that is truly sad. 


    You are correct, this party has the potential to spawn predatory behavior. Really, any party does especially if alcohol or other drugs are involved.


    Another aspect of this is that McCoy if opening himself up to being a victim here of a female predator. It only takes a woman to show up at this party and been seen there and seen with McCoy and he can end up with some nasty allegations which don't have to be true, or ever proven true, to cost McCoy everything. 


    To be honest, if I were young and had millions of dollars I'd be doing stupid things to.  

  9. Iv repeatedly held the opinion that something that McCoy is doing can be predatory. Who knows if it is since I don't know what he's doing and I don't know the girls and I don't know what will happen. It's a little disappointing that the possibility can be so easily dismissed by so many. But oh well, that's opinions.


    I would love to see the argument that strip club owners or some in the porn industry can't be predatory if they only work with adult girls who willingly got themselves into the situation and were asked to "join."


    Also, using the argument that it is offensive that girls can't think for themselves is absolutly perverting what I said or Hoss said. Just because I envision a possibility that an adult girl can be manipulated and used in a situation someone planned, does not mean I don't think girls can think or protect themselves or blablabla. I'm saying anyone can be manipulated or be faced against a predator. It's not dismissive, and a generalization like that is always a poor (yet sadly effective) argument against women's rights in plenty of situations.


    It's also a joke to think someone can only be a sexual predator if they physically force someone into sex.

    I don't think anyone here really believes that. I think most have gone out at one time in hopes of looking for a "hookup" as they say. That's not a predatory act. If a party says no and you follow them, then it becomes predatory. The difference, I believe, is that you have to give the other party a chance to exercise their free will (if a party is impaired or under age they are deemed as not being able to make those decisions) and respect their wishes.     

  10. There are plenty of hot women with a desire to bang a pro athlete.  McCoy is providing a way for this to happen.


    Frankly, I find it dismissive of such women's ability to make choices for themselves to label them as prey, victims, or anything suggesting the fact that they lack the capacity to exercise their free wills. 


    There's nothing to scold here.  McCoy wants to choose among some hot women.  The hot women want to bang McCoy.  They're all grownups and they're all capable of making--and allowed to make--their own choices.


    Otherwise, it's tantamount to saying that the pretty little things don't have minds of their own.

    I agree with you as far as the women who would attend would be doing so of their own free will.


    As Far as McCoy? He has to know better, doesn't he? Considering all the PR hits the NFL has taken over the years in relation to how their players treat women, you have the think that McCoy is going to have to answer when the Bills' management asks "WTF!" It may come across "Skeevy, gross, scummy, degenerate." as Aud said, more than anything it comes across as just plain stupid and gives me, as a fan, doubts as to how smart is this guy. I know football players don't have to be members of Mensa to play the game, but damn, there should at least be a minimal about of common sense. Shouldn't there be? 

  11. Kind of a trick question. Deathtongue changed their name when their manager was getting grilled by a Congressional panel following Tipper Gore's witch hunt against rock lyrics. They're the same band.

    I'm not ready for tests.  ;)

  12. And Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers of all-time, and just won player of the year 2 years ago. Sure isn't doing much now though.


    Except I root for Tiger. Not so much for the Leafs.

    Tiger's issues are his body breaking down and his personal life going down the toilet. As far as  know Lou L is in good health and he hasn't been banging any cocktail waitresses. Though I am sure if he wore his Stanley Cup rings he could. 


    Personally I am wondering if they'll still stick to their rebuild plan, I can't see Lou wanting a tank year.

    You can rebuild without going into a full tank like the Sabres did. I think the Calgary Flames would be more of the model for the Leafs than the Sabres. 

  13. LL is a coup for the Leafs


    They'll be back in top in no time.

    The Leafs just added one of the best GM's in NHL history to go along with one of the best coaches in the game today. Leaf fans have every reason to be excited.  Lou just had a team in the Finals four seasons ago. I don't see where loading up on quality hockey people can ever be a bad thing. The Leafs can have one hell of a 'Bring your Stanley Cup Ring to Work Day."

  14. I know that I am in the minority on this, but I wonder how the young players and draft picks would have developed over time instead of using these assets in the trades that were made.  Clearly, some players needed a change, including Stafford and Grigorenko, but I continue to believe that we overpaid in some of our trades, particularly for Lehner.  I understand that O'Reilly and Kane are quality players, but it seems that the trading of a significant portion of our assets has left us with a weak defense with few options in free agency.  Of course we could make more trades to upgrade the defense, but do we really want to use our remaining assets to do so?


    The rebuild has been painful, and fans of the Sabres should not be happy about the last few years, but I was willing to be patient for a bit longer.  

    The one thing I try to remember is that the Sabres traded away assets for assets further along. It's not like they dumped a number of picks to pick up some 30 years old's. The Sabres have added NHL proven parts to their core. That is no small feet and is not cheap. They were also able to do so without giving up their prime assets. Girgensons, Risto and the two Top 2 draft picks are still here. They still have a bunch of talented prospects in the pipe line and draft picks available to either move or execute. Sure, the Sabres still have holes and needs, they are just starting to put this thing together, it's not going to happen overnight. As a GM you take a look at opportunities that are out there and you take advantage. Kane and O'Reilly being Sabres is as much about timing as it was about the assets used to acquire them. Maybe next seasons Kane or O'Reilly is a blueliner, or maybe if the Bruins weren't in the Sabres division we would be talking about Dougie Hamilton. The Sabres a re in a solid position right now. And odds are that some young player that we may not be talking much about right now comes out of nowhere to make an impact filling what is now perceived as a need.      

  15. You hear some stories and you have to wonder if they are true. I would not believe this if my wife had not been there. If you are eating, please do not continue reading. 



    My wife ordered a dress from a popular women's store in the North-towns. I drove her to pick up the dress this evening.  She walked into the store and in a matter of moments she left the store with what can best be described as a look of horror. Apparently a female customer had taken it upon herself to relieve herself on the floor in front of the cash register. My wife did not witness the act it's self, only the gruesome after math. I am going to be 48 years old this year and I have never heard of anything so horrific.


    What in the hell is wrong with people? Why would anyone even consider doing something like this. My poor wife is now in what seemingly appears to be a permanent state of nausea. We were heading out to dinner after and those plans went out the door. 


    Seriously! What is wrong with people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I don't really get this move for Dallas. They were the highest scoring team in the league last year, and they just went out and added more firepower. Granted Niemi should definitely stabilize their goal-tending, but that defense is still poor. 

    The Sharp trade is a horrible trade for the Stars. Giving up assets and paying $5 mil a year for a declining player like Sharp is not the way to continue building on what they have started there in Dallas. I have to guess that they were desperate to make some kind of move and Sharp was all that was left. Sharp days of being considered "fire power" are behind him. Likely a 15-20 goal scorer going forward, the days of hitting 30 are gone. 

  17. Here's my latest line-up, with a top lefty D the one glaring roster hole at the moment which I assume GMTM is still busy trying to fill:


    Kane - O'Reilly - Reinhart

    Moulson - Eichel - Ennis

    McGinn - Girgensons - Gionta

    Foligno - Larsson - Deslauriers


    ??? - Bogosian

    Gorges - Ristolainen

    Colaiacovo - Pysyk




    Johnson, Weber, McCormick, Legwand

    Girgensons is being wasted by centering McGinn and Gionta. 


    I know there are a lot of shiny new toys for us fans to fawn over. We can't forget what Girgensons brings to this team. I would rather Girgensons play wing on the top two lines than center the third. 


    Kane - O'Reilly - Girgensons with Eichel & Ennis on the second line. Moulson looks to be the default winger on that second line. I would like to see the Sabres move Moulson out and upgrade on the wing. 


    IMO, there is a big drop off after the top six guys, Kane. O'Reilly, Eichel, Ennis, Girgensons and Reinhart, and the rest of the roster. I am very interested in what additional moves Murray will be making as the season progresses. As fun as this off-season has been, there is still a ton of work to be done on this roster for his team to move closer to the ultimate goal. 

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