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Everything posted by Stads

  1. And we're 12th in penalty kill. It is so hard to be last in the league with your speciality units that strong
  2. Can anything happen tonight to get Krueger fired? Someone please come up with a scenario for me. If Ralph walked up to Terry after a 7-0 loss, wearing the t-shirt below, kicked him in the jewels and made a pass at Kim, could that do it?
  3. Poultry package? A bunch of chicken would have been better than what we got back in that trade. I agree that the Pegulas mean well. That's a great start but the product needs to get better in a hurry. Go down the "Hockey Czar" route and see what happens.
  4. Who is going to step in with Eichel out to make passes off the boards back to the point?
  5. Was she concerned that you wanted to wear the stilettos and the garters?
  6. I have never been one to hope for a Sabres' loss. I struggled with the tank year pretty badly. As for today, I want them to get absolutely destroyed. Krueger needs to go in the worst way. Three straight embarrassing losses to the same team should be enough to send him packing in my opinion. I want to enjoy watching this team again. A new coach, whoever it may be, would make the rest of the season palatable.
  7. Magoo time baby! For those who want RaKru fired, this is the man for the job
  8. If a Sabres' player somehow gets a breakaway, does Krueger coach them to wait for a defenseman to join the play so they can get a point shot with traffic in front?
  9. Ummm is Hutton's eye issue contagious? Time to call Tre White
  10. Is Magoo starting in net tonight?
  11. They may ask any fans attending to sign a "no booing" waiver before entrance is allowed. You may also have to accept Ralph Krueger as your Lord and savior to boot
  12. The Rangers should give their goalies a break and see if Mike Richter wants to add to his career shutout numbers
  13. Starting in goal for your Buffalo Sabres:
  14. Rob just said the shootout is the most exciting part
  15. Why did Colin Miller challenge him at the blue line?
  16. I know Dahlin has looked like hot garbage in his own zone, but he needs to be carrying the play up the ice. You are depriving him of his greatest strength
  17. Is this really the crap we're going to have to watch after the football season is over?
  18. I listened to the radio broadcast while driving home and I thought he messed up and blamed it on being in Angola. I never saw him on the broadcast. Good chance I could be wrong
  19. I was taken aback by that comment. I would say watching from Angola is the cause, but Razor always says nonsense like that
  20. I don't see color. Everyone is equal in my book
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