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Everything posted by Stads

  1. Omg that 5 on 3 has me lmao. So freaking slow and sloppy
  2. Rob, you have an upper body injury. It's called "Early onset dementia"
  3. I would love someone to make a video of our defensive zone coverage set to "Yackety Sax"
  4. How many times would you say that's happened this year?
  5. That seems about the best statement to describe Adams. No "wow" moments to be had. He lacks:
  6. I am pretty stupid so this is most likely true
  7. I'm more interested in Matty Ellis' thoughts: "I talked to Matty Ellis in between periods. He says 5 goals is more than 3. When you have less goals than the opposing team, you want to try and score more to get closer. He says you do that by putting pucks on net while maintaining a strong defensive game and pressuring the St. Louis D."
  8. What a friggin' waste of a comeback with 24 seconds of:
  9. "Keep following the gameplan?" What praytell is said plan Robert?
  10. "Not a big deal" Rob? It's a huge deal giving up 2 goals that quickly after having all of the momentum
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