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Posts posted by kas23

  1. My question is this: if you were GMTM, would you try to move Stafford, Stewart, Myers, etc. right now for a lesser return (but ensure a complete tank) or trade them later when we will get more for them (and risk an incomplete tank)?


    Current standings through games played 11/7.


    Team ----- GP - L - W - OT - PTS

    Buffalo 15 10 3 2 22

    Colorado 15 6 4 5 17

    Edmonton 14 8 5 1 17

    Columbus 13 8 4 1 17

    Carolina 12 6 4 2 14

    Arizona 13 6 6 1 13

    Winnipeg 14 5 7 2 12

    Calgary 15 5 8 2 12

    NY I 13 5 8 0 10

    Florida 11 3 4 4 10


    Anyone think GMTM frequents this thread to get league updates?

  3. I rise again — well, maybe that wasn't the best idea, let me sit back down discreetly — to object to the term shart here. The Sabres' "braintrust" is not trying to fart, they're trying to take a dump in their pants and blame the smell on a fart. A stealth ######. A shealth. I know it doesn't have the same ring to it.


    But, carrion. Courage.


    That truly is brilliant stuff there. I can see GMTM just sitting there "it's just a fart. What would make you think otherwise, Teddy?".

  4. In the other thread, I mentioned that I want Benoit as a captain. Screw that--I want a conference named after him!


    Too bad it's already named after Leino, a legend of his trade. Seriously, why'd we get rid of that guy? If Pegs wasn't so busy buying the Bills it never would've happened.

  5. A thread dedicated to rooting against the Sabres? Funny how things change. Wasn't too long ago that posters would claim that's what I and others were doing. Now it seems to be the in thing to do. Which is pretty friggin sad. I may not have liked who was running Sabres or the make up of their roster, I never actively rooted against them. :unsure:


    It's actually rooting for them and against the same old mediocrity. Hate to use the cliche, but you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette. Besides, no one's rooting against them, but rather sitting back at watching nature take its course.



    The Sabres cannot be on some sort of hamster wheel where they run, run, run, and get nowhere. Eventually, they need players. Hockey players, and NHL-ready players, to be more specific. They cannot keep trading players for picks.


    I understand that getting young players back will accelerate our rebuild, but teams are much less likely to part with them than draft picks. We all would like to think the Sabres have these great players who will net us stuff in return, but if they were so great, why are we on pace to shatter the single season shutout record by a mile?

  7. Great teams have a continuous stream of good players in development at different stages. GMTM isn't looking to shape a great team for the 2015 season, but for the next decade or two. That steady stream of players come from the draft and the more picks you have, the greater the chance of hitting the jackpot (considering the draft is a huge crap shoot). I'm not even adverse to trading Stewart for 2016 or even 2017 picks. I can't honestly say trading him for an actual player is going to net the type of player we need right now or next year. Our system is already packed with 2nd and 3rd liners.

  8. Jeremy White posted a tweet having an idea of a website very similar to the CHL. I responded by telling him about this thread and invited him to check it out. He asked if the standings where updated daily (Yes) and if it was possible to get a direct link to updated standings. A short time later the Sabre Space mentioned on their twitter feed to us "we can do this for you I bet".


    I wish I could get automatic updates pushed directly to my iPhone. A dedicated app would be great, with notifications and a widget.

  9. I can't say I'm concerned with GM TM's FO resembling the Ott'wa FO. It's inevitable that it would be so. Either Tim can do better than his uncle (sorry, d4rk), or he can't. I'm willing to trust and believe that he can.


    I'm not too concerned either. I think we all have bosses in our chosen fields that we respect, but whose professional opinions differ than ours. Still, they're in charge now and we can do things differently when we are the boss. I'm sure TM never had the final say in Otawa, but he is a professional, so I trust him to make the best decisions for our team now.

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