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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. Does Bill know she was married to Rod Blagojevich?
  2. For Sanders supporters I would suggest a Christmas gift of Vermont cheese which would go nicely with their whine. " It's Hillary's fault Bernie isn't winning. It's the DNC's fault Bernie isn't winning." No, actually it's simply that Bernie doesn't appeal to the majority of Democrats by a wide margin.
  3. What is it that you think you'd hear from 20 more debates that you don't already know? The candidates who are behind always want more debates. The Repubs have more because they have so many candidates which reduces each's time to speak. And they get better ratings because it's more entertaining to see who will say the craziest things next, as opposed to the Dems that are less entertaining because they are more serious. Dancing with the Stars vs PBS. Bernie's numbers did not go up after America saw him compared to Hillary, and in fact have gone down since terrorism has become the hot topic. With the increase in social media in recent years, debates as a means of getting out their message have become less relevant. It's more a show of temperament and control under pressure, and as national polls show, Hillary has been more convincing than Bernie. I'm sorry that your guy has peaked, but you know I'm right, and more of the same won't move the numbers. And those are the numbers of registered Democrats, not the Democrat Party.
  4. Given the small number of candidates, it's fine. The first couple of debates allowed them to present and differentiate their positions. I don't know what else additional debates will provide. Anybody who's paying attention are familiar with the candidates. I understand why Bernie supporters want more in hope he could turn the contest around, but his national poll numbers actually went down and Hillary's up after the debates. I expect that trend to continue.
  5. What'cha gonna do, when Islamaphobia runs wild on you?! http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/18/us/virginia-school-shut-islam-homework/index.html
  6. Privacy concerns about sharing info with gov't and who decides what will be scrubbed out.
  7. It allows the sharing of Internet traffic information between the US gov't and technology and manufacturing companies. Intended to identify cyber security threats.
  8. Let him free if he agrees to spend his time restarting the Empire Sports Network.
  9. Lots of talk about doing more than Obama but not specifying what they would do different. They want ISIS bombed wherever they are but won't acknowledge that they're willing to kill civilians. And I'm shocked to learn our military has been devastated even though we spend more on defense than the next ten countries combined.
  10. The debate opening statements and Rubio says people that are called bigots are just keeping traditional values. And we're off...
  11. Leave it for the kids. You can wear team jerseys, just don't get the players name on it. I have about 10 jerseys I've bought over the years that I use when I play, none with names on them.
  12. Wearing jerseys is fine, just don't nerd out and wear the names of players half your age.
  13. There's an unwritten rule that once you're over thirty, the only players whose jerseys you should wear are your kids or retired players, otherwise your own name or leave it blank.
  14. Except for the same people in some states who are trying to make it harder for some Americans to vote.
  15. Mexicans, Black lives matter, Muslims. Predominantly white supporters. There does seem to be a pattern.
  16. Because all Muslims aren't equal in their eyes. It breaks down to tribal and religious factions. Sunnis and Shites are all Muslim, and they're constantly fighting.
  17. It's been fine until recently when all the state gerrymandering has resulted in less moderate representatives unwilling to compromise. I still prefer it to the chaos that occurs in countries like Italy and Greece.
  18. Remember that Eichel only played two games on the weekends in college. The kid is still learning how to adjust and pace himself. Look at how Reinhart has improved since last year. And having some good, consistant linemates would help.
  19. The D is missing Pysyk's steady game and breakout passing.
  20. "Vrbada's got a pair tonight". That struck me as funny.
  21. Another loss by the Amerks. They've scored 1 goal over the last 2 games. I really thought they would be good this year, given the signing of AHL veterans and some new young talent, and a veteran coach. Why can't they get their act together?
  22. Yes. Maliki, the leader of a Shiite political party, promised to run a more inclusive government—to bring more Sunnis into the ministries, to bring more Sunnis from the Sons of Iraq militia into the national army, to settle property disputes in Kirkuk, to negotiate a formula on sharing oil revenue with Sunni districts. Maliki backpedaled on all of these commitments and pursued policies designed to strengthen Shiites and marginalize Sunnis. That led to the resurgence of sectarian violence. The Sunnis, found themselves excluded from the political process, and took up arms as the route to power. In the process, they formed alliances with Sunni jihadist groups—such as ISIS, which seized much of northern Iraq—on the principle that the enemy of their enemy is their friend.
  23. Probably want an extra forward for the western trip in case of injury. Maybe put him in for Larsson.
  24. I have a friend who is in his 50s. We coached our sons together and we still play on the weekends. A few years ago he became certified as a referee. The hardest part was trying to get scheduled for games. The guys in charge had their friends and favorites, and after a couple years of getting only a couple games, he gave it up. So the physical part isn't the issue, it's can you break into your local scheduling "club" and actually get games.
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