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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Jeff Skinner caught a stray vote from me for this very reason
  2. He’s gotta be getting tired of it already, right?
  3. It’s my baby boy’s first birthday today!
  4. Yeah it’s a bit of a catch-22. If Tanev was willing to come here over a contender, he’d lose a large part of what we need in players which is that burning desire to win a cup. Maybe Dallas wins one this Spring and he signs in the off-season.
  5. And it’s never had any success. Anyway, I followed the rest of the conversation and agree this is largely JBott’s team. I think thats also an indictment of Botterill’s work.
  6. I’m sure many people here disagree but the tank has absolutely zero bearing whatsoever on this team. Every team in the league has made the playoffs since 2017 except for one. A second hot take, if Tim Murray was given five years he would have had us in the playoffs. More than anything the thing that has set us back so much was replacing Tim Murray and his hockey ideology with J-Botts who has an ideology on the opposite end of the spectrum. The fact that Bottrill was an awful GM is less impactful than that he wanted to completely rebuild the team in another direction.
  7. The market is way over-saturated, it’s a terrible time to get into the industry.
  8. I’ve seen this a lot and it’s recently got me thinking that maybe it isnt that he’s a great development coach, maybe that’s just where his tactics and approach have the most success. To me there’s a difference between a coach who develops players very effectively and gets more/see more in them than other coaches, and a coach who maybe is a great coach for the teenage level but can’t make the jump. I think that’s probably part of the reason he never had much of a shot before us at the top gig. I think we’re seeing the Peter Principle in real time and once again we were the suckers.
  9. What an embarrassing cupcake of an organization. Literally unbelievable.
  10. This has happened here as well. See Jame, who still remains un-free.
  11. There is nothing that tells me Pegula wants or would be in support of someone who plays the game like Tkachuk or even a Tom Wilson type of player. I think they repulse him and he would rather lose than employee people he doesn’t like.
  12. We don’t need someone who worst case bounces around the league. We need NHL caliber players with sticking power now.
  13. Okay, Carly Simon, just because they don't like your posts doesn't make them a bot. Sure, in this case it does, but not every time!
  14. I guess you just don’t understand the world of plus sized influencing
  15. People want big people to be physical because they are big, but that’s not the way the world works. Physical people get physical, regardless of their size.
  16. Red Bull has been great for “extreme” sports. I’ve never been disappointed by anything they’ve done. As far as their product is concerned, there’s a couple decent flavors but not really for me
  17. Benson seems to have a weird thing about him that’s causing a bunch of bogus calls. I still believe this team has dearly missed a “cagey” vet who can teach these kids the who, what, where, and when to act and get away with it. Seems like any instance of tomfoolery by Buffalo gets called. To me that’s mostly on the players to be better about. I wouldn’t discourage it, they’ve just gotta be smarter. Two slightly different issues that could both be resolved by our front office.
  18. I didn’t see this yet. That would be really dumb. If I had to guess (and this is true) I would guess someone is pulling strings to keep White.
  19. That’s correct. But how you handle adversity is a big factor in determining whether you are a good or a bad team. We handle adversity very poorly.
  20. Because on bad teams there’s countless reasons in-house to that take precedence over outsize factors. Why did our HC force us to kill a 5-3? Why was our top FA acquisition glued to the bench? Why is there still little pushback? Clean up your own issues and officiating is much less an issue. Good teams win in spite of officiating. Bad teams roll over and blame the stripes.
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