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Posts posted by bg17

  1. 9 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    Israel used a very accelerated vaccine schedule which limited the efficacy. Easily found via google.

    The vaccines don’t work as well if they are administered with urgency? Haven’t heard that but will research. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, darksabre said:

    That's the whole point of the vaccine. Not getting back to normal is how you compound the tragedy of the pandemic by crippling the global economy again. A lot of pain and suffering was caused by the measures that were required to suppress the spread before the vaccine. The vaccine is supposed to prevent that from happening again, but it doesn't work if people don't use it.

    Getting back to normal is the goal. The alternative is more pain and suffering.

    They used the vaccine to a very great degree in Israel. It’s not going well. In Palestine, very limited vax. Their numbers are currently pretty good (unlikely to stay that way imo). No links. Easily found via google Looks like there is no magic bullet. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    Remember when a bunch of people here were sure Florida’s covid books were cooked but for some reason trusted NY’s numbers?

    NY has now revised its death count upward by 28%.






    Did they? Probably too soon to say. 

  4. Just now, JujuFish said:

    It absolutely matters, because if you're not willing to vaccinate, then you're not commenting in good faith.  Why is the WHO's recommendation not to vaccinate children acceptable but not their recommendation for adults to vaccinate?  And if you're not commenting in good faith, you're thread-crapping/trolling.


    I didn’t comment. I shared information that you appear to be unhappy with. That’s on you. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, JujuFish said:

    Are you vaccinated? It's a simple yes or no question.

    Why do you care? It’s an irrelevant question as it doesn’t relate to the view of the WHO re: vaccinating children. All I did was share a link. Many folks believe it’s black and white to vaccinate everyone. The WHO sees it differently at the moment. More information is better than less, isn’t it? 

    Not every vaccinated person feels the need to advertise their status. Folks such as yourself and doohickie may find that telling or suspicious but that’s just how it is. 

  6. 7 hours ago, JujuFish said:

    Are you vaccinated?

    Do you take issue with the World Health Organization’s current recommendation that children not be vaccinated? 

  7. 1 hour ago, That Aud Smell said:

    I never got the sense that MSM treated it as an outrageous theory - just one that wasn't substantiated by the science and facts.

    That said, there may be people within the federal government (maybe Fauci among them? I have no idea) who have some serious 'splaining to do.

    Do a search on “debunked conspiracy theory” if you want a sense of how the MSM treated it. 

  8. Volunteering other people’s healthy teenagers to be exposed to a small risk of vaccine-related myocarditis seems like such an easy decision to make. Who knew?

  9. 7 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    Yes they should get vaccinated because they are still a vector for mutation and spread. 

    Marco Rossi, an extremely healthy athlete, got covid and ended up with inflamed heart muscles and could have died so... that or the crazy small risk of whatever this USA today article is trying to cobble together. 


    It’s not so much something USA today is trying to cobble together. It’s something the CDC is investigating. Parents of teens have every right to question if the vaccine is right for their kids.

  10. 8 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Whatever, IMO. I'm all for anything that gets us to ~70% vaccinated, up to and including $100 Walmart gift cards.


    In order to get to that 70% do you think parents and grandparents should have their perfectly healthy teenagers vaccinated? Those teenagers are at extremely low risk for Covid complications. Looks like low risk for vaccine complications as well but who is to tell this demographic to ignore the risk?


  11. 9 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    I didn't quite follow this, and, tbh, I'm not aware of what you've posted elsewhere on the topic. 

    As for the piece above, I agree that whether people wear a mask is up to them. I'll add that, if a person is not vaccinated, I expect them to mask and maintain social-distance, and I also expect that they be excluded from things like schools and sporting events/concerts (or, at least as to the latter, if they are admitted, that they be required to attend masked and sit in a designated section).

    Any leeway for those that have natural immunity? If not, why not?

  12. 31 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    A reasonable position is that A. The pandemic is not over. New daily cases are at first-wave peak levels, when there was great concern, and about 600 people a day are still dying. B. Long-term protection from the vaccine is an unknown, and the first people vaccinated are coming up on five months since getting jabbed. C. There's still a lot we don't know about vaccinated people transmitting the virus. D. We haven't reached national vaccination levels necessary for herd immunity. And even if we do, don't local levels mean more? I live in a county with far too many people who won't get the vaccine. E. 95% isn't 100%.

    For maybe a little while longer, keep masking up and do the other easy, common sense things.

    It does feel a little like the victory formation in football. There's always Joe Pisarcik to think about.

    The experts at the CDC have given the ok. As one who believes the vaccine to be effective, I’m going to follow the science and pursue the elusive return to normalcy. Those that feel safer masking should do so without suggesting everyone else now ignore the experts/science because not everything is a known. That will never be the case. 

  13. 8 hours ago, PASabreFan said:


    For all our lives isn’t being maskless the natural state? I prefer the natural state to having something strapped to my face. It’s also nice to see the faces and smiles of fellow human beings out and about. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 4 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    I hardly see an argument here, if the government decrees vaccinations mandatory, and roughly 30 to 50 million adult citizens with children refuse to comply, what do you see as the likely outcome given the urgency of the situation, considering a mandatory scenario? Do you honestly believe they are all going to do so willingly, peaceably? And if they don't, then what?

    Some here might be too young to know Elian Gonzalez. 

  15. 1 hour ago, LGR4GM said:

    Deaths per 100k

    US: 93.97

    Germany: 29.27


    I am literally not allowed on this forum to tell you what should have happened. 

    Belgium 160

    Italy 110

    Spain 104

    UK 98

    It’s not a uniquely US problem. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    We're at 3600 deaths a day now. Over 300,000 dead Americans currently. If only something could have been done in... march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, or november to flatten the curve. 

    Good news is another vaccine should be approved shortly. 

    Yes. We would have flattened the curve. Like Germany.   https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-17/german-coronavirus-cases-jump-by-most-since-start-of-pandemic?utm_source=url_link
    Or all these other countries that are struggling. 


  17. 17 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    He can live, but if at 14 you don't know that bullying someone with a developmental disability is bad and that mentally torturing them and forcing them to eat a urinal and pee sucker is abhorrent, I don't need to give you the opportunity to play hockey for my team. Very thankful he's not in the Sabres organization. 

    Repellent behavior but maybe it was learned behavior. Maybe he was bullied by some sick person himself. Maybe he uses the future stage to draw awareness. I would rather not be so quick to write a teenager’s final chapter. 

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