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Everything posted by seer775

  1. Dealing Skinner without taking salary for any longer than a year would be a God-tier move. Manifest it swordsmen.
  2. I take back all the ***** I was talking, Byram for Mitts is a great trade for us. Byram's already a better player. Injuries are an issue. Let us all pray that he doesn't get another concussion. Still need a vet to teach Power. Take a UFA short-term in the offseason: OEL, Tanev, Gustaffson, or the like. I think RJ should be in Roch and Mule/Clifton play 3rd pair. Deal Joker, sign Bryson to a 2-way. Novikov and RJ battle it out for a shot in the Bigs.
  3. Just like Berglund, O'Reilly, Eichel, Reinhart, Ullmark, and Hall. Worked for all of them. Oh and ERod, Montour, Vesey, Sheary, Myers, Risto, Foligno, Satan, Briere, Drury, Deslauriers, Zadorov, Grigorenko, Armia, Lemieux, Byron, Johansson, Kane, Bogosian, Hasek... The list goes oonnn and onnnn.
  4. Not on concussion protocol. Big difference.
  5. Oh OK. Get a load of this specimen.
  6. Try again genius. Mitts = 0 concussions. Byram = 3+. Forget about Sidney Crosby since your decision to mention him was asinine to begin with.
  7. What? Do you know how biology works? Brain damage is much worse than no brain damage. Mitts has had no brain injuries. Byram has had three severe concussions. He's 22. Would you expect him to keep playing if he got another one? Also, you comparing Bowen Byram to one of the greatest hockey players of all time and trying to draw some parallel there is hilarious.
  8. I'd take Crosby after 6 concussions at age 40 over Byram at 22 with zero. Your comparison is nonsensical.
  9. I'd take Crosby after 6 concussions and at age 40 over Byram at 22 with zero. Your comparison is nonsensical.
  10. How dare you compare bowen byram to sid. And sid was 28 in 2017.
  11. Great. Which has 3 severe brain injuries?
  12. They weren't concussions. And not three of them.
  13. To quote Byram: “I don’t know how many concussions I’ve had now. Three or whatever." Or whatever. The kid is 22. He gets another one, which is common in the sport of hockey, he's most likely going to hang up the skates for good. And wouldn't you want him to?
  14. Mitts has been disappointing, until now. Now he's crucial. $7M AAV is reasonable. The cap will go up. North of that, sure. Deal him. Byram has had too many serious injuries in my opinion. We should've netted a second at the minimum for that trade.
  15. Ok. What's the bottom six now? Greenway - Krebs - uhh Umm - Uhh - ... -- The D is gonna be Dahlin - Joker Power - Bryson RJ - Clifton Mule and Byram are made of glass. Maybe we'll get a season out of both of them combined (if we're lucky). That's a recipe for 32nd if there ever was one.
  16. Skinner - TT - Tuch Quinn - Mitts - Cozens This is how it was supposed to go.
  17. Byram is averaging 37 games per season. He'd be a great hockey player if he, yknow, played hockey. But he doesn't. He's at the Doctor's office. Our top scorer was lost to a broken 3rd pair Defensman. Explain how that is good.
  18. KA has proven he has neither the brains nor the balls to get anyone of value from the UFA market. Why do we bother people. Seriously.
  19. Can someone name one thing this franchise has going for it? We're 32nd next year. So a premium pick. Awesome.
  20. How tf did he not get a pick back too? Mitts seemed like the last guy to want to leave. He was a for sure core player. What is KA smoking.
  21. The guy has been injured almost every single season in the NHL. We just gave our homegrown 2C away for a broken 3rd pair Dman. Unless Mitts was asking for $9M NMC (***** you Jeff Skinner), I cannot comprehend this trade. Our top scorer gone, for what? Time to watch bowling.
  22. UPL, Mitts, and JJP are the only reason this team is not 32nd. Mostly UPL. The number of immaculate saves he makes every night is significant. He needs a fat contract ASAP.
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