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Posts posted by Tondas

  1. This is a telling time for GMTM. If he is serious about competing for a playoff spot and not tanking, he has to make a trade. Getting shut out twice in your building necessitates this. He's not going to fire TN. So who he trades will be interesting. He needs to hit the "core" (I know, bad phrase) to show he is serious. Someone like Stafford, Ennis or Myers. Anyone else and it's just a token "shake up" trade and shows he's into the tank.



    Nobody in their right mind could have wanted this. The league, players, coaches, and most importantly the fans. A professional sports franchise should not be allowed to operate like this. It is a complete embarrassment.


    Sorry but I have zero faith in Pegula. That goes for him owning the Bills as well. He may have all the money in the world but so far he is freaking clueless as an owner.


    A competitive owner who cant stand to lose at anything should not be able to tolerate this. Purposely building a team to suck for a few picks is for cowards. Terry Pegula you are a coward!!


    Is it just me, or does Terry Pegula sound dumber and dumber every time he opens his mouth. I love what's he's done for Buffalo, but he doesn't seem too bright. Certainly, not billionaire bright.

  3. I gave them last year. Bottom out, get the first (2nd) pick. I liked what TM did in the off season. We'll be competitive, hard working, and still be in line for a good choice. Now, I'm concerned that we'll be worse than last year. I'm concerned that we have any NHL players (except Girgs, Ennis, and Myers). Do we have to start all over? Are we more like 5-7 years off?

  4. Something is fishy with the whole Zadorov situation. How can he be "too big" for the OHL? I didn't know the OHL had a "you're to big to ride this ride" stipulation. If he's not in shape, send him down to get in shape. TN saying we trying to do the best for Zadorov is disingenuous. Something behind the scenes has to be in play.



    I respectfully disagree with pretty much all of this. Myers is now in his 6th full season, has played 300+ NHL games and in each successive season he has gotten statistically worse. Yet everyone keeps talking about "when he develops"... just when is that supposed to be? When he is 28? 30?


    I can't think of a single top defenseman who wasn't already dominant by game 300 and that includes Chara. Keith, Shea Weber, Doughty, Subban, Karlsson, Pietrangelo, Suter, OEL, Chara, etc. all were dominant at this point in their career.


    I think what we want Myers to be and what he is are two different things. IMHO, he is a good second pair defenseman on a top team. But, from what I've seen he isn't a guy who will carry a team on his back ala some of the others mentioned above.


    I'm with you on Myers, Potato. I kept hoping and hoping, but it's time to cut bait. Next time you see Goose, I'd be curious to see what his take on Myers is.

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