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Posts posted by Tondas

  1. I'm one of those Sabres' fans from out of town and it drives me crazy that for all the money I spend, my cable provider rarely ever puts the MSG/Sabres' feed on the CenterIce package. Is it just my provider or are other Sabres' fans outside Buffalo having the same problem?


    Same with me. Dish Network in Nebraska. Some games are not even in HD. I may get 2-3 games a year with the Sabres broadcast team.

  2. I'd prefer Makarov stay in Roch and get playing time rather then sit on bench in Buffalo. Get Marty Biron to fill in, he's already on the Pegula payroll at Harborcenter.




    Yes the rule is different for goalies. The league always wants two goalies dressed in case of injury. They had Irbe sign a pro contract between periods. He could have played.


    Cool. Thanks, Joe.



    Well if STHs bought tickets in the last few seasons expecting to win then they're probably the ones picking their nose on the kiss cam.


    Seriously, it's not fraud. It's a lot of things, good and bad, but definitely not fraud.


    OK Tank, I'm with you. I'm just frustrated that if this were a contrived effort to lose intentionally, I feel punked that I got in way too late.



    Where is the deception? Murray has never claimed this was a winning team. In fact, he has said on multiple occasions that it isn't.

    How is a higher draft pick unlawful or unfair gain? It's not even a little bit unlawful or unfair. By any stretch.


    The deception is by not saying to the STH that they would set the organization up to fail to get a high draft choice, and not get quality players in to win now. If the STH expected to win now and bought tickets on that premise, then it's fraud.





    I agree I have been saying this for awhile now. I think LaFontaine wanted to keep several veterans last season but I think the plan was already in play between Pegula,Murray, Devine, the scouts and Ted Black. I think they didn't want to change the plan and that's why LaFontaine decided to bail. Because he knew it would take this team to a new low with no guarntee of putting together a Stanley Cup contender.


    Then they must agree that Eichel is a "generational" talent because our chances of getting McDavid are 20%. What business banks on 20%?


    I think this "losing on purpose" came from multiple minds. Who all thought the same thing: this team ###### sucks and needs a star. Pretty sinple. Not fraud, that's just a ridiculous statement.


    Fraud is a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain (McDavid). Why is that a ridiculous statement?



    I definitely think this (losing on purpose) is a plan engineered by Terry Pegula. It'd certainly explain LaFontaine's leaving. It'd explain the weird "McDavid in Buffalo" game earlier this year.


    If it is, than it is fraud. I guess they could say that Sabres games are entertainment and therefore you get what you pay for. I can agree with that logic, but then just tell me. I'm from Buffalo, I can handle the truth.

  7. My wife asked me, "Why are they so bad"? I couldn't answer her rationally. They are are all professional hockey players. The only answer is talent. GMTM is in charge of that. He MUST be the tank leader and has TP's blessing. (For my money, and that's much less than TP's, TP can be talked into anything sports related, and has been). Something this bad must be created and contrived. Hopefully, when the time comes, GMTM can create a winning team. TN must be in on the tank and therefore was less than excited to sign his extension. He knows he will be gone once the cavalry arrives, and this was the impetus for PL's leaving also. This is no way to treat the STH population and is akin to fraud. Again, a team this bad does not happen by accident, and must be willful. I will continue to watch and pull for the Sabres because I'm from Buffalo, be this sucks from the start to finish.

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