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Everything posted by Trettioåtta

  1. At worst we picked the number 12 guy at position 8. This isn't really all that much of a reach. Other teams passed on them too (notably Detroit and NJ)
  2. It can be a valid criticism. If someone lives the perfect hockey player lifestyle such that there is nothing they could do to improve their fitness, lifestyle, practicing, gym routine, eating etc. etc. then the only way they improve is through ageing and experience. I'm not saying you dont pick them because they're near their potential, but they could be seen as a safe pick. They'll probably play in the NHL because of it, but maybe they'll top out as an average 2nd line centre because they dont quite have that x factor. In comparison Quinn basically never went to the gym until like last year. Also worth remembering Adam's comment about dreaming on players and imagining where they could be not just where they are
  3. There was a concern that Rossi is too polished - like he is much closer to his max than other players are because he is such a professional
  4. I would have gone with Perfetti personally
  5. Yeah they said if he was 4 days older he would probably be a 3rd /4th round pick
  6. His rise has been meteoric recently. Let's hope that trend continues
  7. They've been linked to the two d-men in most mocks. NJ the wild card
  8. They sent all 31 jerseys to the top 50 prospects or so I believe
  9. I was meaning the final 16 😉 One more game / a few more hours and we probably make the play-in
  10. Do I think the Sabres make the playoffs with Staal rather than Johnasson this year? No I don't. Therefore it isn't all that different. Maybe you think Staal is the thing that tips us over the edge, in which case let's agree to disagree. 10 points, C vs W and a similar level of experience isnt the difference to me
  11. It was a joke. However, that move is only useful if there are 3-5 more trades to bolster it. Otherwise it isnt all that different to signing Marcus Johnasson in terms of shake up
  12. The Buffalo way. Miss the playoffs. Tweak the roster and bring in a new third line player. ??? Miss the playoffs.
  13. There is almost always a rogue choice within the first 7 picks that is a surprise
  14. Darn. Two players of interest are off the table
  15. Danault came 7th in Selke voting. He isn’t playing 4th line minutes. He apparently wants out of Montreal because he wants top 6 minutes.
  16. Not a bad pay day when the average salary is about $100,000 in the league!
  17. Personally I think i'd rather trade the pick for a top 6 RW or top 4 LD or top 2 RD. We need to win this season to keep Eichel around.
  18. Dahlin - ??? ??? - Risto McCabe - Joker I think Risto brings something to the party that Montour and Miller dont. Obviously there is a top RD on the market this year. However, I think Mountour might be good enough - such that we end up with 1 top D-man and 5 top four d-men. Maata would have been great, if we could have got a trade for Miller
  19. I hope the convo went like this: Jack: I hear you want an internal cap. Are you looking to rebuild? Pegula mouth piece: No we are not looking to rebuild Jack: If the team still sucks and you didn't maximise every available resource, including money, to fix it, I am out. Pegula mouth piece: Yes fam. We will spend to the cap
  20. Eichel probably doesnt want to rebuild. Who would? Teams called about McDavid a few years ago too. This isn't news. But hopefully, it is enough to make the Pegula's open their purse strings and take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity to kickstart a successful team
  21. If Edmonton offered McDavid and Drai and their first and agreed to retain 50% of their salaries for Eichel, would you do it? Obviously you would. So there is no point making great claims about how untradeable someone is. A GM should listen for EVERY player. No one is untouchable, they just have an extortionate price. If you offered #8, Eichel and Dahlin for Crosby, do you think they say no? Even though he is the face of the NHL, has brought them 3 cups etc.
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