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Posts posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. 18 hours ago, inkman said:

    I'm well aware of the John Randle esque comparisons for Oliver as a penetrating havoc wreaking DT.  Do you think the Bills should have drafted a one technique DT like Star vs 91?  I kinda felt like DT wasn't adequately addressed at the incumbent has been underwhelming every minute in a Bills uni. 

    In a passing league, drafting a run stuffer at #9 overall seems like a glorious waste. The run defense being a liability wouldn't matter in the slightest if the offense could score more than 2 TDs in a game. 

    2 hours ago, That Aud Smell said:

    I'd be all in, tbh. The money/cap would probably be manageable. I'm not sure what the price would be. The player coming in would be a huge upgrade over what the Bills have.

    Sir, I say SIR. Do you think RB talent on this team is really a problem that we should spend assets on to address? Assets that could be used to upgrade the passing game? 

    1 hour ago, Eleven said:

    More to the point, if Daboll called more screens and runs, he might find that his current running backs are adequate or better.

    What, you think Singletary should get more designed runs than Josh Allen has designed QB sweeps? Heresy! 

    1 hour ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Maybe? I'm just talking about a high-end talent being available on terms that don't hurt the team. I'm always down for that.

    Otoh, the Bills might be better to look for discounted sale options at OL and/or DL.

    Stop it! WR or bust. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    Very cursory Google search says odds of making 4th and 10 are somewhat below 30%. Would the wind lessen that chance? The odds of making the field goal, even into the wind, would have to be higher than that (I think).

    We missed a similar length field goal with the wind, so yea, I don't think a 47 harder into it was a realistic option. Maybe if we had Justin Tucker. 

  3. 1 minute ago, darksabre said:

    I really don't think this has been a bad game from the Bills today. The Eagles have their holes as well. 

    I think I would call it pretty even?

    Agreed. We're losing, but it's not like we're getting outclassed. 

    Meanwhile, I'm stunned McDermott went for that. It was the right call, but still surprised. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    The Bills are getting worked by an NFC powerhouse.  Don’t let their record fool you.  The Bills have been winning close games against inferior opponents and a weak schedule.  We are clearly not a contender yet.  This is what happens when you face a real team.  Our defense is not as elite as we think.  

    I really don't think we're getting worked. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    Schefter really doubling down. I think if he breaks Manning's records this year he might just retire


    Well, he already has more yards and will possibly have more TDs after this year. Of course, he's also behind Brees in yards and will be in TDs if he retires. So he's not getting the records. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    Sanu is not worth a 2nd round pick

    Sure he is. He's good for 60 catches and 800 yards, which is more than you're getting out of a typical 2nd round WR. Also, the value of time. Brady is 42 and the Patriots have the best defense in the league, but their receiving weapons are mediocre. Getting a starting WR is absolutely worth a late 2nd.

  7. 5 minutes ago, PASabreFan said:

    I would die a happy man today if I heard rumors later on that Brady wants to come to Buffalo.

    Think you'd be happy about the rumors? Just wait until the inevitable "we don't need Brady, we have Allen" arguments. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    I can see Brady wanting to go somewhere else in order to stick it in Belichick's eye. It'd be consistent with his competitive nature - to show that he's the top dog. That said, I think it would probably be a mistake for him to do so.

    It would be a huge mistake unless he goes somewhere else that's really well-run (the Colts, for instance). I'm certainly not about to argue Brady is only great because of Belichick, but he definitely wouldn't have as many rings if he spent his career with even a merely good coach/GM. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    There have been rumblings of a power struggle between Brady, Belchick and Kraft over which one deserves credit for the team’s success. That could be playing into it. 

    Brady and Belchick are 1a and 1b. Kraft is like...30. 

    Anyway, there's no way he goes to another team. Retire, maybe. But he's not jumping ship. 

  10. 1 hour ago, PASabreFan said:

    On GR this morning Jeremy reported that some analytics site has final record predictions for NFL teams. The Bills are to finish 11-5. "It's math," Jeremy said, contrasting with Howard's 13-3 eye test.

    Can we at least agree that it's hogwash to say math can predict a football team's record? How many smart people have gone broke thinking that way?

    Do you think that bookies don't use math when setting lines, including for season-long bets? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 4 hours ago, nfreeman said:


    I've been thinking about this over the last couple of days.

    I like Ehlers, and would've said yes immediately over before the season started, but they are 7 and freaking 2, with a number of quality wins, and they look great, and Risto is a huge part of all that.  RK is leaning on him quite a bit.

    I think I'm at the point where it needs to be more than Ehlers and maybe needs to be such a good offer that no one would make the offer.

    And I'm definitely not trading Risto just to avoid healthy-scratching Scandy or sending down Joker, either of which would be only until someone else gets hurt.

    You've done a complete 180 (or, well, I guess a 150 or so) because of 9 games? Irrational exuberance alert! 

    6 hours ago, 3putt said:

    Barring a trade Joker gets sent down.  Yes he is playing well.  Yes he is better than others on the right side.  But he is still a young prospect with a bright future.  You want him playing top minutes in all situations as opposed to sitting in the press box.  Gilmore is well suited for that.  Injuries will happen and he will be back.  Marco is gone at the tdl no matter what as he is an expiring ufa with value.  Pilut keeps Joker company waiting for the call.  Not optimal, but better than selling low on players now just to alleviate the logjam. jmho.

    This is the correct answer, minus the Marco gone at the deadline part. If we're in a playoff spot, or have a real shot at making it, I don't see the value in depleting defensive depth for a 4th round pick. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    That is such hyperbole.  The team was not in danger of losing.  Geez.

    This is where I had to stop.  There's no way that's even autocorrect.

    We were losing by 5 to start the 4th quarter. For an offense that couldn't do anything and a defense that was notably weaker than we're used to this season, we had a very real chance of losing. I think we're making the playoffs fairly comfortably, but we have to want more out of the QB than eking one out against one of the two worst teams in the league. 

    Of course, you also think Trubisky is everything we want Allen to be, so I already know your bar for QB play is underground ??

  13. 1 hour ago, Eleven said:

    Wow.  Didn't expect some of these reactions.  

    Allen was fine.  He overthrew a couple, but he was right on the money with many more.  And no interceptions or fumbles, either.

    Phillips was fine, too.

    If Allen was fine, we need higher standards for QB play. Miami is one of the worst defenses in the league and they lost their best defensive player on the first drive. We were a heroic Tre White effort from losing. 

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