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Everything posted by Nitro60

  1. Tank Nation should be gleeful with the trades. Sabres were starting to win and that struck fear in the heart of the TN. They will have a stockpile of picks, some prospects and a lot of money under the cap. This last quarter is going to be a repeat of the first quarter. It will be interesting to hear Murray about the trades and the future.
  2. It is the totality of trades. Separate para is citing Murray for making moves at the dead line that Darcy was so reluctant to make. 2 different thoughts.
  3. To recap: Vanek, Moulson, McCormick, Ott, Miller, McNabb, Parker, Halak, 2014 2nd (LA), 2015 2nd (LA) for Stewart, Carrier, Deslauiers, Fashing, Mitchell, Neuvirth, 2014 1st (NYI), 2015 2nd (NYI), 2015 1st (StL), 2016 cond 3rd (StL), Minnesota draft picks TBA and Washington player/pick TBA. Murray is no Darcy Reigier.
  4. Moulsen and McCormick to Minn. Details to follow on NHL network. Vanek traded. Halak poss traded per Bob McKenzie.
  5. They are reporting it can take to 3:30 to get all trades filed with the league.
  6. NYI and Garth Snow might be stuck with Vanek. NHL network round table is saying that there sources indicate no one is making a trade for him. The asking price maybe too steep. Wait for him to become a free agent. Vanek screwed NYI because he has indicated he would not resign and Minn was his team of choice That might have scared off trade partners. Too bad.
  7. I am looking forward to see how the Sabres will look Wednesday at 3 p.m. Going out on a limb, Murray will do well and the Sabres future will become clearer.
  8. Great effort, too many mental mistakes, open net missed opportunities. Typical Sabres game from the past 3 seasons.
  9. Enroth is making a statement to the team and management with his play.
  10. Sabres need to reverse the play and pressure Dallas. Enroth will end up like the twitchy goalie in Slapshot by games end.
  11. Milbury just ripped PLF on NBCSN. Said basically no big loss and don't let the door hit him in the butt on the way out. He and Jones both think Nolan is on his way out. It is nice to get an out side perspective but does it have to be from Milbury and Jones? Dang
  12. I think Murray will wait for the best offers when the pressure is on Wednesday. That afternoon will be a flurry of activity. The Aud club will be very active and I am looking forward to it. Until then...Sabres will play the Stars and will win to once again irk Tank nation.
  13. Pat left when he heard the Bills were not going to tag Byrd. Nothing to do with Nolan or the Sabres.
  14. I am curious. Pat resigns to go back to the NHL job. 2nd time in a school year to up root his family? My wife would be all over me. Maybe Pat will have his own press conference or a one on one interview with a local sports guys. Forget anyone with the Buffalo News, they are hacks. Likeable hacks but hacks nonetheless. One thing that I would point out is Pat has had a history of concussions. The post concussion syndrome problems include headaches, cognitive difficulties, irritability and other issues. The stress and pressure of the job may have aggravated his condition. The NHL gig could be more to his liking. This is only a theory and supposition I wish Pat well and good luck. I don't want t reason be infighting, diva attitudes, and other crap. This just does not make sense to me until all parties are heard from.
  15. I am not into the conspiracy theories thrown about. A wait and see approach is logical. Let all parties have their say in the media. I saw pat as a bridge between the firing of Reigier and hiring of a new GM. The possibilities of what when wrong are countless and sorry to see Pat go but life goes no. HOPE Pegula has his staff and organization all on the same page.
  16. I look at the second draft pick. It is conditional. If Miller leads them to the Conference final it can be a 1st this year all the way down to a 3rd in 2016. I will be rooting for St Louis and Miller to do very well in the play offs.
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