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Posts posted by LTS

  1. Just now, #freejame said:

    I went into the army after high school, so by the time I was playing hockey in college I was at least five years older than most the guys, if not more. The difference in age was 100% completely inconsequential. As was the fact that I came from a significantly different background than the rest of the team. But I wore a letter and when I had something to say people listened, whether I yelled it or not.

    Some people command a room and demand respect and others don’t. I think our issue has been we don’t have anyone who has those things. You’re telling me if McDavid blows up on a 1-3 year player they won’t listen to him? I will agree that there’s a difference now between respect given and respect earned, but this isn’t the Eichel team anymore. 

    I'm not talking so much about age differential as I am era differential.

    I get your point, but my question is.. "Does McDavid blow up on a 1-3 year player?"  We have no evidence of that happening or him even being that kind of player. I'd like to agree with you, but... youth is different these days.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    The regulars here are like old drinking buddies (or whatever) in that we tell the same stories, reference the same facts/factoids.

    The one that comes to mind here is the story about how Drury took a virtual baseball bat to Brian Campbell's boom box. Turned the thing off and told him to keep it off. Then, looking around the locker room, told Campbell to get his ass into the weight room. If memory serves, this was after a game (or possibly a practice). Even at the time in hearing this, I remember reacting like "yowza - what a d1ck."

    Nate MacKinnon, anyone?

    I just want to hear about this happening on some NHL locker room today.  As much as it may pain some of us to say it, today's youth responds differently and I'm never certain if something like this would tune them in or out.  We can all say too bad, but we don't control the youth of today.

    Now, if we are seeing this kind of success in other locker rooms I think there is evidence that perhaps the approach could work.

    I know the arguments my son and I get into about this team often get to the point of a debate in this area. He often sides with the feel good and I'm more along the lines of how I would be smacking the ever loving crap out of some of the people on this team if I were in that locker room.

  3. 22 hours ago, bob_sauve28 said:

    Youngest team in the league won't be winning all the time. Granato and Adams should be allowed A LOT of leeway to try and figure this thing out. Losing sucks, but overreacting and firing everyone, trading away great young players and taking on some expensive vets is not the answer, IMO, Just sit back, say, "It is what it is" and get use to more losing for the time being and let this cake bake. 



    I think you are on a good track here.  Each fan will have their own expectations of what the team should do and what it should accomplish.  That is a level of subjectivity that I would not necessarily want to wade to deep into. As we see on here day in and day out, the expectations of the individual fans often lead to very real angst, irritation, and battles between posters.

    However, the team itself sets expectations each year. The amount of leeway I would provide them is based very much on the expectations they set each season. This year, they expected playoffs.  It does not matter what I or anyone else on here thought of the team, the people who run the organization and the players themselves all said it. They set the expectations and since they are the ones who have to achieve, there's no level of subjectivity.

    By all accounts, each and every person in the Sabres organization who has control over the product on the ice has failed to deliver on their expectation. I have no patience for that.

    As for the organization overall?  I have all the patience in the world. If they don't win it's not going to impact me negatively, I will find other things to do. I want them to win, but I'm not attaching my happiness to them. It's not worth the stress.


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  4. 15 hours ago, Taro T said:

    US didn't start their #1 either.

    Pretty sure Slovakia wouldn't have seen as many chances either if the kid from Michigan State were between the pipes.

    Wonder if both coaches agreed ahead of time to roll with the backups in that preliminary round matchup knowing that they both would likely be 1 and 2 coming out of the bracket?


    And agree that Savoie is a very possible trade piece when real trades actually start happening.

    Augustine was in net when I woke up and turned the game on.. isn't he the #1?  He wasn't playing earlier in the tournament because of illness.

  5. Well.. this game sucked.  And while I wanted to drink I ended up with some level of sinus headache that ruined my night even more.

    This team has no pride, they are defeated when they step on the ice. How do you let meathead Tkachuk pull a Paul Bunyan on Girgensons and not go after him?

    If I were inclined I'd go back and pull one perfect example from the game... I want to say it was Tuch who had a chance to hit someone in the offensive zone but decided not to. Then came back and figure he should hit a Senator in the defensive zone.. he had him lined up, then stopped, then hit him. I was all sorts of confused.

    Meh.. earlier threads asked if this team cares about winning and I said yes. I think the answer is still yes.. but they don't care enough.

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  6. 16 hours ago, Demoted said:

    You should have watched the game he looked good.

    I did. I'll look for all those explanations of how good he was in the missed throws... or his fumbles.. or.. it's not worth arguing over frankly. Josh Allen can run.. he can't throw the ball for a damn right now. The problem is a QB needs to do both..

    17 hours ago, CTJoe said:

    Cuz they win next week and get the 2 seed.  McDermott also has a weird-type success against Jackson.  Look around the league, a lot of "amusing" things going on to good teams.  PHI just lost to ARI at home. 

    F*ck - I'd hate to read your posts after a loss.  Ugly win but a WIN

    Yeah.. they get the 2 seed.. so what.  Success if winning a SB or even getting there for this team. No chance in hell they do it. PHI has lost a few games in a row because their defense or lack thereof has been exposed.

    A win is a win.. but I wouldn't look at today's game and bet on the game next week.  The team is not good.  You say it yourself, it's ugly. Why insist I put lipstick on the pig?  It was an ugly win that does not inspire confidence against better opponents who can execute. I don't need to post after a loss.. what's the point?  There are a lot of fans who seem insistent that this team is better than they play.. not sure how that works... but like I said after last years season when everyone was so high on this team... "You ain't won $!@#, until you in !@#$." 

    I'd figure every Buffalo fan would know that by now.

    13 hours ago, Taro T said:


    Just take care of business and they're the 2 seed and nothing else matters.  Was merely pointing out that should they screw the pooch, there are actually 3 other games that matter, not just 2 like multiple sites were claiming.

    Sure.. the 2 seed.. as I said above. They then do what? The Bills should have had 21 points in the first few minutes of the game. They are inept and a GOOD team will beat them.

    54 minutes ago, Quint said:

    I don't know why the Bills are the only team in the NFL that cannot successfully run a screen pass. It's so basic. 

    It is. They advertise the play and still can't set up the proper blocking.

  7. 21 hours ago, Sabres Fan in NS said:

    FYI ...

    For those that cared or even noticed, I have not been logged in for over a 24 hour marathon .. my internet went down yesterday afternoon at around 2 PM and I was not able to log off.

    If I pull an all-nighter it would not be with you yuks ... 😎

    Tom And Jerry Pain GIF by Boomerang Official

  8. I didn't watch the Cowboys game... but doesn't the referee announce who reported as eligible?  Shouldn't the Lions have listened for who they reported as eligible and corrected the official?

    But.. Bills game today.. gotta win.. I can only imagine the drunkfest this game will be.. only thing that could make this worse would be an 8pm game... best wishes to those trying to stay safe today...


  9. 3 hours ago, tom webster said:

    As was the Islander’s owner before him. Pat’s behavior was erratic, mood swings legendary. He’s just not cut out for the job.

    No matter who the boss is, how hands on they want to be, you have to at least pretend to listen and respect their opinions.

    Marv Levy once said the greatest advice he ever got was when Mary Wilson told him to just “talk to Ralph.” Once you earn their trust, you learn how much latitude you have.

    And one wonders if his concussion history played a significant part in those mood swings.  Another athlete whose career was seriously impacted by head injuries.

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  10. 14 hours ago, French Collection said:

    Jagger Firkus has been summoned from Canada, probably not a good sign.

    And what a name too...  I just hope they pronounce it Yagger and Jagger like Mick.

    Savoie is someone I could see the moving this summer.

    Interesting that Slovakia did not start their #1 tendy in the US game.  That dude has bailed that team out and would have made a significant difference in the game.  Might not have won, but I bet the US would not have been buzzing as much as they were.

  11. 3 hours ago, Big Guava said:

    What was the secrecy for where nobody would say? I mean they were treating it like an injury for Christ's sake.


    Congrats Tage! Maybe the Sabres could dial back the secret society a little next time?


    3 minutes ago, Big Guava said:

    Then why tell us after? That's my whole point. Plenty of times you hear about an athlete who is missing games for the birth of their child prior to the game and many times in the week or two leading up to it. No big deal.

    Because, sometimes, like Krebs' earlier situation, there are potential complications that could surround the event and they'd rather not call attention to it too early.

    Is this a situation that is so important to you that you need to comment on it?  If it is, perhaps spend a few moments to think things through. Plenty of times you also do NOT hear anything about what is going on until after the fact.

    You just want to complain and cast some kind of conspiracy BS into a thread where a couple are welcoming a child into the world. Perhaps focus on the good in the world for a bit.

    Congrats to Tage and family. I hope this provides him a boost!

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  12. 6 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    A Man Called Otto was awesome. It had me laughing and tearing up. Tom Hanks is a national treasure.

    My only problem with the movie was that I wished they added 15-30 minutes of extra footage to help build some of the characters and relationships more. It could have been that much more intense. I think that's a testament to how much you love the characters in the movie and just want that much more.

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