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Posts posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Guns and violent media.  That's it, really?  This is an old saw, in different forms, that has existed since the dawn of western civilization.   We need to seriously think outside the box on these matters, not fall back into the tired old patterns that clearly have no effect the issues at hand.


    My suggestions are, first of all, that people absolutely need to dispose of the idea that Utopia is a realistic objective.  It will never, ever be, because it is against nature.  Which leads me to my second suggestion: adopt a respect for nature and the lessons it teaches.  There is no equality in nature, but there is balance.  There isn't equality among the species that exist at the top of the food chain, and there are always battles amongst individuals seeking power and territory within those species.  We are no different in a sense, but have the capability to rationalize an artificial balance - but taking that concept too far leads to Utopianism which, clearly, is unrealistic and leads to imbalance.


    We also need to stop the perpetual philosophical assassination of God.  While assassinating God may make a great sport for some on paper, it does not account for the reality that people experience "things" that others don't understand or respect but are still REAL to them and that's good enough.  "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy" could be, perhaps, the most important phrase ever written by the Bard and, yet, which is so maligned and under-studied.  The whole concept of God and things we don't understand yet needs to be seriously re-evaluated as a culture.


    I suggest the latter not because I want to proselytize, that's not my thing, but rather as a means to re-establishing respect between multiple levels of peoples.  God-fearing folk of any religion are, frankly, upset by the lack of humility of those who think they know better.  That's enough to cause tensions and problems.  Is it so hard to re-visit philosophies and social memes that belittle metaphysics - apply modern logic and modern knowledge to these concepts, rather than default to a 50+ year old narrative where the cool, self-proclaimed smart people mock those whose lives have shown them that Shakespeare was right?


    My final suggestion is for everyone to adopt a healthy skepticism towards government of all levels regardless of how enamored you may be of the words spewing from a politician's mouths. Have we not learned that ALL government and ALL politicians are filthy liars that over-promise and under-deliver?  Indeed, lately, have we not seen that regardless of the politics espoused by government, they are acting on the government's behalf and not the peoples'?


    A shift in the intellectual approach to this problem is in order.


    Re-quoting this to bring it back around.


    It's not about "offensive" or even "right" or "wrong". It's about 7 Billion humans trying to make sense of the world in there own way, and everyone being a little bit more respectful of that. 


    It's not about the memes. Its the philosophical trend toward some sort of enlightened oneness.

  2. I don't know if I agree. I'm an atheist and religion doesn't really bother me. I recognize that many of the morals I was raised with, in an atheist household, are still derived from religion, particularly Christianity. Now, I could try to argue that some morals are human nature, but surely many more stem from man's interpretation of religious text. I can't pretend that some of the things I abide aren't religious in background. 


    What I would like, however, is an acknowledgement from those who feel that Christianity is under attack (it's not, stop it), that one's moral code does not inherently overrule things that are in the best interest of public health. The major case in point being the conflict between religious morals surrounding birth control, abortion, etc., and the importance of these things to public health, re: the greater good. 


    The "right" thing doesn't always have to be the "moral" thing. This is a distinction that needs to be recognized. It is important when recognizing things like religious freedom, separation of Church and State, regulation of religious practices that cause harm, etc.  


    Have you read Mill's "On Liberty" yet?

  3. The state is bringing the charges. People may file charges at a district justice, but when an officer does it, they are representing the commonwealth. A little further information on this - it is actually the call that inspired this thread. When I recently had this call, I arrested the wife (had too, by law), but the law does not specify what charge needs to be filed. She was arrested for harassment (it is under the assault section in the crimes code) . It is a fine of up to $300 and is a summary offense (ticket). She does not have to be booked, or held for the charge. He was not charged (attempting to DUI is not a crime and the only charge that might have been appropriate was a noise complaint since the neighbors called (but then she would have had to get another citation as well). It was strongly suggested that he stay somewhere else for the night (I provided the ride to his sister's). I did have to clear the charge with the DA's office, but they seldom question the call.  The wife was livid that she got a ticket. The husband was extremely upset (he would end up paying the fine since she was a stay at home mom) and the sister was upset that she was woken up to have her brother stay the night. My question to my wife when I got home was "what were they expecting me to do?" so... the topic. 


    Wait. The neighbors called? So If I see my neighbor's wife slip while they're carrying the christmas tree in from the car and bruise her shoulder, all I have to do is call in a suspected disturbance to the cops and you'll have absolutely no choice but to arrest him?

  4. Words matter, though, and using terms like "war" and "assassination" when trying to describe a "condescending sneer" is exactly the type of rhetoric that might push someone who is already cracked to act out those very things. It's unnecessarily inflammatory.

    Oh, great. That just proves what I already know. Everyone is nuckin futs and we're all doomed.


    I was not referring to the sneers and dinosaur jesu and the pasta god. I'm referring to the intellectual atheism that declares faith a burden and danger to the world, that it holds the world back and ought to be eliminated. The cartoon characters are just a pop version of the Richard Dawkinses. 

  5. I know people who are down right defiant toward police. I just SMH and don't discuss it with them. There is no hope for anyone who as soon as you mention police their reaction is "###### them I'm minding my own business".


    Which I think is code for "I'm breaking the law but I don't think I'm doing anything wrong."


    Have you ever been arrested without committing anything even resembling a crime?

  6. Despite thinking Sizzle's post was great, I agree with this. There is absolutely people who are sick of God(s), but they're mainly sick of the misapplication of Their teachings and the use of them as a means of hatred. Not the appropriate application of God(s) and their teachings.


    I disagree, God and Religion are consistently ridiculed by a sizable and loud segment of the population and pop culture. I find that in discussions about religion I find my self splitting my time arguing with orthodox conservatives and militant atheists. I feel my moderate position is far more respected by the Orthodox Hardliners.

  7. Freeman- I'm wondering if an inevitable diaspora of islamic reactionaries would result from such an occupation in the ME. Would the war expand to places we can not effectively go (Pakistan, Indonesia, Iran, etc.) for an extended occupation? The sparsely populated ME would be a military breeze compared to some of these places.



    Guns and violent media.  That's it, really?  This is an old saw, in different forms, that has existed since the dawn of western civilization.   We need to seriously think outside the box on these matters, not fall back into the tired old patterns that clearly have no effect the issues at hand.


    My suggestions are, first of all, that people absolutely need to dispose of the idea that Utopia is a realistic objective.  It will never, ever be, because it is against nature.  Which leads me to my second suggestion: adopt a respect for nature and the lessons it teaches.  There is no equality in nature, but there is balance.  There isn't equality among the species that exist at the top of the food chain, and there are always battles amongst individuals seeking power and territory within those species.  We are no different in a sense, but have the capability to rationalize an artificial balance - but taking that concept too far leads to Utopianism which, clearly, is unrealistic and leads to imbalance.


    We also need to stop the perpetual philosophical assassination of God.  While assassinating God may make a great sport for some on paper, it does not account for the reality that people experience "things" that others don't understand or respect but are still REAL to them and that's good enough.  "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy" could be, perhaps, the most important phrase ever written by the Bard and, yet, which is so maligned and under-studied.  The whole concept of God and things we don't understand yet needs to be seriously re-evaluated as a culture.


    I suggest the latter not because I want to proselytize, that's not my thing, but rather as a means to re-establishing respect between multiple levels of peoples.  God-fearing folk of any religion are, frankly, upset by the lack of humility of those who think they know better.  That's enough to cause tensions and problems.  Is it so hard to re-visit philosophies and social memes that belittle metaphysics - apply modern logic and modern knowledge to these concepts, rather than default to a 50+ year old narrative where the cool, self-proclaimed smart people mock those whose lives have shown them that Shakespeare was right?


    My final suggestion is for everyone to adopt a healthy skepticism towards government of all levels regardless of how enamored you may be of the words spewing from a politician's mouths. Have we not learned that ALL government and ALL politicians are filthy liars that over-promise and under-deliver?  Indeed, lately, have we not seen that regardless of the politics espoused by government, they are acting on the government's behalf and not the peoples'?


    A shift in the intellectual approach to this problem is in order.


    This is the best post I've read on this topic in any forum for the past several weeks.

  8. So how long are we going to pretend that this wasn't a Muslim terrorist attack?


    Point goes to We've, on both sides.


    No, they aren't.  The rhetoric is different.  My observation is simply that the most impassioned responses to scenes like this come from the left, and the most impassioned responses to brown skinned acts of violence tend to come from the right.

  9. Touched- I can second we've's motion that the 4 roses small batch is really good and more consistent. This is my go to Whiskey.




    My Uncle in Law brought some Jack Daniels over for thanksgiving. I hadn't had a sip of Jack in a long time. Tried some straight with a couple drops of water, as I usually take my whiskey. Remembered why I hadn't had Jack in so long, went into the kitchen to get a lemon and my squeeze bottle of simple syrup. Enjoyed a nice thanksgiving sour.

  10. Photoshop in Adobe Creative Cloud is $9.99/mo, If you can't afford that (and I totally understand that $120/yr can be a burden) look at Gimp. It took me a couple of months to learn, but it can do everything a basic user would need out of PS, and it's open source and free.

  11. Thanks bio!


    Yeah, I'm gettin' pretty scared now... Given the pain I'm in and they haven't even cut me open/screwed metal in there yet... I've had so many surgeries, including heart, and none of those scared me, and I find myself getting the heebie jeebies over this. Sigh. I'm stupid.

    Remember our deal for Thursday. I'll want photo confirmation of stuffing and mashed potatoes.

  12. To my thinking, the reward of x more seconds of a timeout doesn't outweigh the risk of being without that timeout the rest of the way. I also don't like the idea of visiting another psychological blow on the team when they hear they lost the challenge on top of everything else.


    I think Bylsma would have taken the time out at that exact moment anyway, to break up the flow, like a basketball coach might. He easily could have told the team, "it's a good goal, I just wanted an extra minute for you guys to get it back together, we're not out of this."

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