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Posts posted by LastPommerFan

  1. I'm still waiting for someone to explain how having the 8th highest scoring team in the league in spite of not once playing with all 11 starters is the result of Whaley screwing up

    If the pass interference call isn't made and the Bills are 4 and 3 going into the bye we aren't even having this conversation.

    Do you honestly not see the vulnerablity of this team? They're 25th in yards per game. The offense is scoring for now, but it will stop. They can't move the ball.

  2. Missing '99, no data on when your boys get it back again. Kind of like when Moe-ray-all broke that 7 year seal in '00. They haven't particularily sniffed it since.


    Personally, my take is, a Catholic school hiring the minion of Satan (Weis) kept stuff from getting back on track.


    I still have the image of the game winning field goal going through the uprights vs BC in '93 burned into my head. I didn't even really buy in in '12. 


    Completely agree on Weis, Alum or not, we were playing with dark forces we did not fully understand.


    We may have to wait for the next prophet to arrive and vanquish the arch-demon Belichick.

  3. And see this is where it gets confusing.


    I'm pretty sure that ink's not old enough to have a son (Mike) that Whiskey went to high school with. Unless Mike is ink's Dad and Cody's Grandpa. That would explain some things around here, namely why whiskey is so codger-ish. :ph34r:


    Little Brother.

    And am I really a codger?

  4. So, FYI... as a societal manners sort of thing - this discussion is akin to attending a party and discussing in front of the host the various ways you plan to haul food out of their house and tools out of their garage.


    It costs me $3000/yr (down from $5500/year) to pay for a server that can withstand heavy traffic spikes and provide the performance people enjoy. I'm curious how I should cover those bills if you choose not to participate in the free content/advertiser model?


    If your position is that service/content providers on the web should foot the entire bill for your internet browsing pleasures then that is a rather disappointing and unsustainable world view.


    Is that the TBD + SS server, or just us?


    Either way, open a paypal account or similar, I'll build you a donations page, or you can build it yourself, and we'll do a user supported model. Let us donate to keep the board open.

  5. And that's why I like watching Notre Dame.  Every season is in "hard mode."



    My dad got 2 National Titles, Rudy, and Joe Montana while he was a student. 


    I got 4 Head coaches and what was the worst combined record of any graduating class since the 50s.


    I'd like to seem them flip it to "easy mode" every 3-4 years or so. Just to give my heart a rest.

  6. Ok so when Whaley is gone we can stop bitching about it right?



    I imagine the bitching will stop when we have a god damned quarterback.


    Can I disagree with your classification of WRs as a luxury position without re-hashing the Watkins trade itself? Because I would like to do that.


    You can choose to be wrong in whichever way you see fit. :nana:  I have no interest in the Bills winning fantasy football games, I would like to watch them win playoff games.

  7. Sammy Watkins, 2014 and 2015 first round pick, was out.

    EJ Manuel, 2013 first round pick, was terrible.

    Stephon Gilmore, 2012 first round pick, is awesome and part of the loan bright spot for this team.

    Well, that doesn't bode well.

  8. That is exactly what I foresee


    I think the guy who fills that role on a champion is more than a "nice player". He's gotta be the third best center on the team. Super Bonus Points if he can slide up in the event of an injury to ROR or Jack.


    I'd also like to point out that these were his first regular season games since his injury.



  9. I like Gus but his legend far out grew his performance. He's a nice player. On a good team he anchors the 3rd line in a shutdown role. As for what DB is doing wit him,god only knows.


    Could he fill this role on a champion in the future?

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