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Posts posted by LastPommerFan

  1. This used to be user-configurable but the option was removed by the developer at some point. There has to be a balance between desktop and mobile users. I'm actually leaning towards the needs of mobile users and will probably change both forums to be the same at either 20 or 30 per page.


    Yeah! Screw User Input!  :P



    (i kid, i kid, you be you.)

  2. Excuse you, but this kind of post is disgusting.  So you decided to come in here and shame people based on positions you are clearly misrepresenting. 


    You like stats and data?  Provide some data yourself: who is victim shaming in this thread?  And what is your evidence?


    Who is "crowing over their 'victory'" in this thread?  State your evidence.


    If you want to be the moral bully, at least have the courage to call people out directly.


    And here's a question that's sure to make you apoplectic: how do they know 68 in 100 rapes go unreported if they are, in fact, unreported? 


    I agree with the thrust of the non-bolded statements. 


    To the bolded, the measure is of sexual assaults "reported to police" To compile the numbers for unreported crimes, the Justice Department does statistical surveys, and then compares them to police records. I'm sure there is some noise in the data, but in general that some fraction, less than half, of all rapes are reported to police is probably a reasonable assumption.

  3. About 3 weeks ago an approximately 8-month-old kitten followed my wife and children home from the YMCA. She stayed on our porch for 3 nights without us feeding her or letting her inside, hoping she would return to her family. Finally, we took her to a local vet to check for a microchip, none found. We had the local Humane Society post her picture on their page, and after a week, they said she was ours. We had officially been adopted by a kitten.

    I was hesitant at first, worried about how she'd do around the kids, especially Ollie. She was perfect. They were so gentle and kind, and she was very playful with them. 


    I finally started warming up to the idea of having a cat again, and went out and bought all the needed supplies. Just a great cat. She spent the second week she was with us sleeping nicely near me, serenading me with he purr. In the mornings she started following our oldest son out to the bus stop to see him off to school. I am absolutely in love with this little interloper.


    On Monday she followed him out, and she hasn't been back since.

  4. These guys are human, too. Well, some of them. Gus is no longer fresh meat. He's kind of old news and he's certainly no longer the best player on the team. Ted's gone and the new coach might not be so fawning and might have a different concept of how he fits in. The hockey reasons Taro mentioned and the injury factor are more tangible, but maybe Girgensons just has to wrap his head around a new reality for himself.

    reality wraps around Lord Zemgus, never the other way around.

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