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Stormin Norman

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Everything posted by Stormin Norman

  1. This is the product Darcy has built. Lindy, Rolston, nor the Wizard of Oz could make this broken mess a contender. Of course, Darcy doesn't see the need to "blow it up" because that would concede utter failure. This season and particularly this game is a coup de grace to a decade and a half of mostly mediocrity. I'd argue he had two good years (with Briere and Drury)... the 1999 Cup run was still Muckler's team and we had god (Hasek) in net. Darcy, do the honorable thing: Resign. You can't possibly feel empowered or entitled to continue this sad joke any longer. Thank you for your services, now step aside.
  2. For those excited about our little "win" streak and the (potential) promise it has for a late surge: pause for a reality check. The Toronto game was arguably the most exciting of the year, sandwiched between two Montreal dominations... except for the scoreboard. The two Canadiens games required Dominick Hasek like efforts from our goaltenders. The ice was tilted for most of both games... toward our zone. I want the Sabres to win, of course, but anything that preserves Darcy or furthers the illusion of this being a competitive roster will be detrimental to our chances of winning a Cup. So, if we must lose in order to secure future success, I'm all for it. Every once in a while a forest has to burn so new trees can take root.
  3. You may be surprised to know that I fundamentally agree with you. Keep in mind, Nolan was given one legitimate shot in the NHL since Buffalo ... with the Islanders, and it didn't go as well. (Although his first year with the Isles resulted in the same points as his best year in Buffalo - 92, and the Islanders got to the playoffs for the first time in three seasons). My view is more about back when it happened. It was truly a mess, with Muckler being fired and Quinn let go not too long thereafter. Sabres management fired Muckler, just recently having been named Exectutive of the Year, but decided to keep Nolan on board...recently recognized himself as Coach of the Year. (Yes, only in Buffalo could the Executive of the Year and Coach of the Year create a toxic environment for the team). Regier was in a tough spot. But surely the offer of a one year contract could not have been viewed as anything other than an appeasing snub. He didn't offer Nolan a contract commensurate with his performance and results (totally opposite of the situation Darcy has enjoyed for 14 years). It would have been more professional and honorable to let Nolan walk and accept the wrath of Sabres fans who supported the coach than to pull the charade of a one year offer. That's the part that doesn't sit well with me. I don't like that I used the term "weasel," but I couldn't come up with something else which describes the self-survivalist, teflon dodger of responsibility that Darcy has come to personify.
  4. At least get your history right as you prepare your snarky response. Darcy could not possibly have botched Drury-Briere-Vanek-Roy any worse. Not signing either Drury or Briere - if it was impossible to sign both - was an atrocity. To compound matters, Darcy leaves Vanek exposed to an offer sheet. In his arrogance, Darcy sat on his hands but was shocked and angry when Edmonton forced his hand. So we paid at least double the market value for Vanek because Darcy knew fans would burn the arena down if he allowed Drury, Briere, AND Vanek to walk. Sounds weasely. Not to leave any lousy rock unturned, he allows Roy to be paid more via arbitration than he could have secured in good faith negotiations. And wasn't this all in one off-season? The Sabres were left with Pomminstein-Vanek-Connolly as the new leadership core (aside from Miller). How'd that work out? None of them were ready or perhaps even willing to fill the leadership void. Darcy should have offered Nolan a three year contract or simply have the stones to let him walk. Instead, he offers up an insult, what, to appease the fans? Sounds weasley to me. He knew Nolan wouldn't accept such a slap in the face, and if anyone thinks otherwise, you're head's in the sand. It was a clever orchestration that didn't sit well with me then and still doesn't. (And I love Lindy...mostly because he is a TRUE Sabre). The Cup finals in 1999 featured John Muckler's core team, not Darcy's, and the god-like goaltender Muckler traded for.
  5. I have this feeling in my gut that Darcy is a weasel. Maybe you think I'm in left field, but there are a few things banging around in my head that just don't help me think otherwise. Such as: - Building the current lineup and selling the "expectation of making the playoffs." As the reality of what he's assembled now is revealed, Ruff becomes the sacrificial lamb at the expense of Darcy's heartless, mentally fragile roster. - Giving Ruff mediocrity to work with year after year and holding onto "his" guys beyond their useful life. And adjusting way late to the size and toughness required come playoff time. - Dismantling the leadership core of this team (Drury, Briere, McKee), then pouring salt on the wound by botching Vanek (leaving him exposed to an offer sheet) and Roy (allowing him to go to arbitration to ultimately be overpaid). All the while, we're lead to believe he didn't have "the resources" (i.e., ownership with deep pockets) to prevent it. - Offering Ted Nolan the one year contract when he became the GM. Say what you will about Nolan, but he had the balz to tell Darcy where to put that embarrassment of a contract offer. I can't help but think what a mess he's created now, and yet he remains unscathed.
  6. Chz... nice touch on the video. I heard the press conference today. I got choked up hearing how many times he used the word, "We." And he meant it. In his core. A class act. If someone told me I could never enjoy the glory of winning the Cup, I'd wish I'd have more guys like Lindy trying.
  7. Very close! Perreault scored the OT winner on an accidental deflection when he attempted a centering pass in front of the Campbell Conference net. Buffalo fans were incensed and booed lustily when Smith won the car. Eddie Shack was a personal favorite as a kid. "Clear the track! Here comes Shack!"
  8. Quick quiz: Who scored the game winning goal in Buffalo during the All-Star Game? And who was awarded the car for Most Valuable Player of that game? Which very entertaining player joined the Sabres after playing for the California Golden Seals?
  9. Been through it since day one with so many vivid memories, particularly of the early years. (Go onto YouTube and watch Jim Schoenfeld take Wayne Cashman through the boards and onto the concrete where the Zamboni came out. I was there and it's like yesterday). Like others, some middle years get blurry. But I must admit, I LOVED the "hardest working team in hockey" under Ted Nolan. We may not have had the most talented team, but they worked like hell every night and were fun to watch! It helped to have god, er, I mean, Hasek in net. I still believe Lindy's only finals appearance was on the coattails of Ted Nolan's coaching.
  10. Thought I would start a post about my appreciation and thanks to Lindy Ruff. While I lament -- as much for him as for me and Sabres fans everywhere -- that he didn't get Buffalo to a Cup, it is undeniable that he bleeds Sabres blue and was always the consistent, competitive soldier we needed through all kinds of tumult and uncertainty. This list is very incomplete, so please help build the content of this "Thank You, Lindy" card. I hope he reads it someday. Thank you, Lindy, for: - Loudly proclaiming, "No Goal!" with conviction and an unshakable resolve to be back to the FInals - Going toe to toe (verbally) with Ken Hitchcock when we wanted you to pound him - Being a rock through the dark Regis/NHL ownership transition - Being so accessible to fans and the media during good and bad times - Consistently being such a positive advocate for the City of Buffalo, the region, and our Fans - Matching the competitive spirit of Sabres fans everywhere - Being a worthy successor Captain to Gilbert Perreault I wish you nothing but happiness and success going forward. As a true Sabres fan, I fully expect you to win Cups in every other city you decide to coach in!
  11. I would love to think the Sabres could find a place for Lindy in the organization, even if it's in the future. I wanted this move so bad, but it had nothing to do with Lindy personally. He's a Buffalo Sabre through and through. But it's time for this organization to take a different direction in the hockey department.... and I include Darcy in that line of thinking!
  12. I am two extremes in my thinking regarding the Sabres. I want them to win so bad and get into the playoff hunt. The game against Boston seemed like a jumping off point for a pretty good run, so I was beyond excited. Then we play the Canadiens and I'm thinking, "If they look like they have so far (sans Boston) for the rest of the year, we aren't going to get into the playoffs and changes will have to be made. But it won't matter because they just extended Darcy and he's not going to do anything with Ruff. How do I stop my head from exploding?
  13. I was able to see the game from the time we tied it at 3. After the fight, did any Bruins player challenge a Sabres player? Did any Boston guy "defend the honor" of their woozy comrade after Scott did the rag doll thing?? Seemed to me no one looked interested in tangling with any of our guys. I can't say I saw any significant cheap shots from Boston either.
  14. Not to be lost in all this is some great play by Miller. He had excellent goal support tonight, but the momentum from the third period on never shifted to Boston because he came up big when we needed him to be big. Can't say that enough, unfortunately.
  15. NESN just called Vanek a "certifiable Bruins killer." Then they talked about his terrific stats against Boston.
  16. A beautiful time-out call. It simply prolongs my feeling of euphoria tonight.
  17. Maybe the best, most fun game I have seen since Drury-Briere were riding our last winning wave. I firmly declare that I expected them to fall short and become a team in utter disarray. THANK YOU SABRES!! Can't wait to go back to work tomorrow and dole out the cheap shots to my Bruin-loving co-workers.
  18. My glass is way less than half full right now. But Sekera looked very good tonight. High confidence skating and carrying the puck. Seeking positives so as not to go out of my mind.
  19. Two brutal errors. That it was Leopold is no surprise. One of the more soft, gutless players on this team. Miller being Miller. Grafton knew exactly where to go with it (as do all of us, unfortunately).
  20. How refreshing it is to have a guy play hard every shift, finish every check, crash the net fearlessly, and model some grit and toughness for his teammates. Perhaps Stafford fed off Ott's leadership when he gallantly defended his linemate. To see good stuff from the number 9 jersey made it even better!
  21. Listened to it again this morning. He does a great job on the crescendo and then doesn't overdo the, "He scores!" But there's real energy behind the calls and it sounds very genuine. Hamilton would be my number one backup in RJ's absence, for sure. I wonder what Rick's status will be for tonight. It's on the road but only Toronto. And I hope it's not more serious than the speculation it's the flu. RJ is up there in age now. Get well and HURRY BACK, Rick!
  22. This fight is a BIG WIN for the SABRES. Stafford made a statement by defending a teammate and taking on a bigger dude. The Sabres bench really responded to it as did I. I just can't watch another season of Buffalo players turning turtle when the going gets tough, so today was cool!
  23. What teams did he do play-by-play for prior to the NHL? College games?
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