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Posts posted by Weave

  1. I <3 this from Roy today:


    "I want to be an elite player in this league," Roy said. "I don't want to cruise through my career and just get 60, 70 points or whatever. I think that's a part of being a human being and growing up. Whatever you do in life, you want to be skilled at it. You want to be the best. I'm trying to approach it that way every day."


    He gets it eh? finally?


    It's about freaking time that underachieving little punk finally grew up and realized that alot of folks have alot of money invested in seeing him perform and he finally feels obligated to try his best.


    Whatever drugs they fed Roy and Vanek, they need to double the dose for Connolly.

  2. Other than that spill behind the net in the 1st I thought Myers played OK. Montador and McCormick had great games I thought. McCormick and Vanek really distracted the Washington goalie tonight. We should've had someone parked in front of the net all night. It really seemed to bother that goalie. I thought Pommer played well also. And Connolly was useless as usual. I cringed every time he handled the puck on the blue line in OT.


    Vanek always seems to get overshadowed by the league superstars. Especially Ovie. It was nice to see Vanek show Ovie how it's done for a change.

  3. I am looking forward to seeing the Leafs play tonight.


    Just anther interesting tidbit from this morning's standings, the Islanders have played 13 games, are on a six games losing skid and still are ahead of the Sabres with a game in hand.


    The Leafs? currently four points ahead of the Sabres with two games in hand.


    The Bruins are six points ahead of the Sabres with four games in hand.


    It may be early but that hole the Sabres have dug is pretty deep.







    Playoffs are rapidly becoming a pipedream. At this point I don't know if I want them in the playoffs. It would only legitimize the line of crap Darcy has been feeding us.

  4. I'll tell ya, I'm not missing my MSG broadcasts at all right now. I was rather angry at the start of the season when I heard that MSG and Dish Network were having a pissing match. But right now I just don't care. I am pefectly content to have a stream running in a minimized window.

  5. I want this team to respond every time. Until it becomes automatic with the entire roster.



    I'm with you. I want to see this sort of emotional display. Even if it means more PK work. The team as a whole seems to play better when they are playing with a little edge.


    (hopefully next time I'll actually see it)




    Sunofab!tch. Tied again.

  6. Deluca I honestly feel Gaustad's biggest adversary is Lindy. If he was a Flyer, Duck or Bruin; he'd be much more like the player we want him to be. Lindy has him thinking he's Vanek light, when in reality he's Lucic light.


    Speaking of Lucic, Gaustad doesn't have nearly the wheels, hands and awareness Milan does. Don't get me wrong, I think Goose could wreck fools out there but Lindy preaches staying out o the box and not taking feel good penalties.





    My opinion; Lindy saw Gaustad as some sort of two-way center ala Joken Hecht and has been trying to convert him. If you recall, 2-3 years ago Goose made a big deal out of loosing a bunch of weight and working on getting alot quicker. It was about that time the Gaustad's game changed. He hasn't been the same player since.


    Had Gaustad bulked up instead of trimming down he could have been a Bobby Holik or Joel Otto. Instead we have what he's become, a non-physical 4th liner that camps in the crease during powerplays and swats ineffectively at rebounds.

  7. The disappointing seasons usually were 1st round playoff losses.


    ...during an era where 4/5 of the league made the playoffs.


    There were some really lousy Sabres teams in the 80's. They made the playoffs most years because the top 4 teams in each division all made the playoffs. 10 years of 1st round losses was very telling. Other than the post-lockout season, the latest 10 years of Sabres hockey smells an awful lot like the Sabres teams of the 80's.

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