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Posts posted by BuffalOhio

  1. I don't hate him. In fact, I really like where the team is going. I just don't like it when people lie. There is no way that 30th wasn't the goal and there is no way that he thought this team could have been better that 30th. If you have to lie about it when talking about it then don't talk about it at all.


    I love the guy.  He's a straight shooter and is emotionless when it comes to doing what's right for the future of our team.  Darcy was too emotionally attached to his players.  GMTM sees them as assets and nothing more.  That's how it should be.


    As for his lying about 30th, I can live with it because he's not allowed to just come out and say, "We're gonna suck for the entire year because we want 30th" without penalty from the league and extreme backlash publicly.


    He does what he has to do and does it well.  


    Listen to his interviews with Schopp and Bulldog - he's a good dude who knows what he's doing.

    I've been thinking about this. Isn't getting McEichel like eating that first marshmallow? I mean, why take the time to, through smart drafting and trades, create a team over a couple of seasons, getting better each one, that can win it all, when I can just epically suck for one season and get a great player immediately?

    Who are the real children here?


    They've sucked for more than one season, but they've also drafted well in Girgensons, Grigorenko (who's starting to show something), Ristolainen, Zadorov, Pysyk, McEichel, and Reinhart.  They've traded for Bogosian (love his violence), Kane, and Larson.  Add that to Ennis, Moulson, Gionta and jettison Hodgson, and this team is close to done rebuilding and will have 3 solid lines and a great young defense corps.  I like Lindback's game, too.  Now they have to mature and jell while adding pieces to the mix via free agency.  The future is amazingly bright - I don't know how people can over look that fact.

  2. you really think pro athletes who have been playing a game their whole lives at the top level want to lose because some young kid might get drafted and make them better? You think ennis is sitting at home thinking "man, if mceichel, a young kid comes here with zero NHL experience, he is going to make me such a better player....."

    yeah, cause that wouldn't cause an uproar from the NHL players association, management putting healthy players on IR to give the team a better chance at losing

    If you were Ennis, Moulson, Gionta (insert other veteran who is staying here), would you say to yourself, "I sure would like to play with Sidney Crosby."  


    Sure you would.  


    Here is their chance.  All they have to do is whatever it takes to stay in 30th place and they get to play with the Next One.  


    Who ever heard of Pascal Dupuis until he played with Crosby?


    It's human nature to want to win, but it's also human nature to want to play with someone of that ilk.  It's right in front of them, they just have to go get it.

  3. Our best players (cough cough) who will surely be on the team next year should be the ones loafing the most.  They gain nothing at all by trying so hard to win.  Could you imagine Moulson and Ennis with Eichel in the middle as a second line?  Do you not think each of them has thought about that?  They should WANT to lose so they get the opportunity to play with one of those two studs.



  4. Have we not suffered enough?  Anything less than McEichel is a complete waste of these last 2-3 years.  They MUST obtain one of those players, at any cost.


    Hackett must play 7 games in order to stop him from becoming a free agent (I could care less if he stays, but that is a great excuse to pull Lindback, who I really like).



  5. I've played against a lot of former pros, mostly AHL or Euro-league guys.  I've also played against Richie Dunn and Rob Ray a few times back in the mid-90's.  They are so strong with the puck that it just amazes you.  I also play regularly with guys my age that played at Miami, Yale, and Canadian University Hockey.  In their mid-50's and still terrific.


    With the new skate technology, you shouldn't have a problem with your ankles.  New skates are amazingly (painfully?) stiff.

  6. I'm not sure which Grigorenko you guys are watching, but I respectfully disagree on both counts.


    He has value, no matter what anyone thinks.


    He just needs the right coaching and teammates, as most any athlete does.

  7. Patrick Roy was his coach in junior.  Patrick Roy knows what Grigorenko can do and how to use his talent correctly.  A coach like Nolan who emphasizes hard work and safe hockey is afraid to let Grigorenko do what he does.  


    He's an awful skater and terrible defensively, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any value at some point.

  8. The plot twists and turns that Gilligan comes up with are amazing.  Everything is intertwined and you almost never see where things are going.  So far this show is really great.  Haven't seen 4 yet.  Probably tonight if I can stay awake.  WTF am I still doing up????  

  9. Haven't used a gilette in years. I steal my wife's disposable lady razor to shave my balls in the shower, but other than that I use a straight razor or beard trimmer if I am going that route. I read up on straight razors and got proficient a few years ago but it is more of a hobby than a way to save money. I've been wanting to try a safety razor but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. I will say I used to like the single blade bic metals for a cheap, comfortable shave that will work in an airline carry on, but I think they stopped making them.


    Almost passed out from laughing so hard.  I do the same thing BTW, HAHAHAHA!


    Holy mackerel I was laughing uncontrollably there for a minute.


    As I just said.


    I looked into DSC a couple years back and found a review that says they buy their blades from this place: http://dorcousa.com/.


    I buy them there about every 6 months.  Free shipping if you spend enough.  I use a blade for a week, skip Fridays and sometimes skip Saturdays.


    I like 'em and they're not ridiculously priced.  For the ladies, they also have blades for you all.


    They also sent me a small tube of Cremo Creme for shaving.  It's now available at Wal-Mart, and it's the bomb.



  10. But that was at center, Hodgson might be way better High along the wall in the de-zone. Not as much skating for him there.


    Yes, I overlooked that he was at wing. I recall that helped him last year. At center, he was defensively brutal. Too much responsibility. and that's why I hated that position myself!

  11. That second line looks like a smart opposing coach's wet dream. I don't know how much matching and specialization Nolan plans on doing, but that second line needs heavily protected minutes.


    I agree. Hodgson is a mess in the D zone and Grigorenko hasn't show to be a defensive stalwart, either. Until they learn that part of the game, those two need to be separated or they'll both be minus 40.

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