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ska-T Chitown

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Everything posted by ska-T Chitown

  1. Do the troll twins have a bedtime or do they just not like when the Sabres win?
  2. Whenever someone uses "obtuse" I think of that scene in Shawshank when Andy says it to the warden and gets locked up in solitary, lol. "Obtuse ... is it deliberate?"
  3. Decent point - but if they came out and said "we are not gonna do the stick salute because it is silly and when we looked into it, there is no real basis for the tradition" - that would be fine. But, stopping it as a way to "punish" the fans for expression their displeasure at an oft times subpar product is childish. To be clear - I am very meh on the whole thing; salute, don't salute ... just win, baby!
  4. My impression of the discussion isn't so much that those that are complaining are doing so because they so desperately need to see the stick salute; but rather the Sabres' reason for stopping it is childish. I forget who mentioned it up-thread, but I also recall that it was a PR move by the league after the lockout. As for the players. who do they expect the fans to yell to get fired? The chant would be incredibly long and hard to coordinate if the fans listed out all the underperforming players on any given night, lol.
  5. ooof - could not even get the puck into the zone on that last bit. gross.
  6. Doesn't OP's contract kick in next year? So, while the contract was handed out too early, we certainly can't say he has not earned the $7M next season any more than we can say he has earned it.
  7. The only problem is games like this trigger my inner reptile brain or whatever to think "this is it. this is the game that starts the run." When every other ounce of my person knows this is just not the case ...
  8. I am far from a professional athlete, but it blows my mind how they can have THIS MUCH JUMP in their step in one game ... and you know, then play the way they do in all the others. Makes no sense.
  9. At least it wasn't just endlessly looking for a Tage one-timer?
  10. I am too lazy to look it up, but I would make some sort of friendly wager than less than 20% of 1OA picks spend any significant time in "the A" (lol, in the A). Are there any good 1OA picks that spent any time in the AHL?
  11. Did anyone tell them the AS break is over?
  12. Fair point and a reasonable explanation, even if I overall disagree. I think we have reached a logical stopping point for our discussion. Although I did disagree, I am always interested in what other people think.
  13. You may have said exaggeration earlier and I suppose there might be multiple ways to interpret this, but you said: So, yes - you said "don't believe actually happened". I stand by my statement that not believing women when they come forward to report abuse (of any kind) is a problem.
  14. So, your actual defense is that you don't believe the woman who is writing about her experience at all? That is actually worse. No, you are absolutely right ... believing a person's story is the worst thing we can do. The combined IQ-lowering effect of these statements is staggering. I will say I am not accusing either of you of this directly, but these types of attitudes are exactly why women are afraid to come forward with claims of abuse - because they are afraid no one will believe them. Do better.
  15. "she must have done something to deserve [X,Y,Z}" Boo, I say to you! Boo. That is hot garbage.
  16. And yet, from the article - she was not. It is THAT simple.
  17. I don't know why, but I am still shocked at the idiocy of our society. A person that likely possess as skill set comparable to those around them (possibly better, but certainly adequate to participate in the event) is then the target of not only a play that breaks the rules (checking in any adult league in the US is a no-no, no matter what some former HS JV standout tells themselves, so i have no clue why any discussion about female size or toughness is needed), and to top it off is then mocked for their gender (a totally and completely irrelevant and uncontrollable physical trait) and made to feel like they don't belong. BY ADULTS. Then, some a$$hat has the nerve to post it online like "gee, I dunno, I kinda think they brought it on themselves?" If your precious ego and tiny peepee can't handle the remote possibility that woman could be better than you at something, I know all I will ever need to know about you. Gross.
  18. At this point, is there really all that much to lose? I still feel like there is something in the tenacity he sometimes displays that means there could be more to him?
  19. Not directed at you, but I saw the bold and got 'triggered' as the kids say ... I agree we are too young, and it seems like a lot of folks 'round these parts do, too. BUT, if you lurk in pretty much any thread there are far too many "let Girgs/EJ/KO* walk and replace them with [insert 21 yr old barely cutting it ROC guy]" ... which is not going to move the age/experience needle in the correct direction. *Disclaimer: Those three might be the "swap depth for the correct depth" that @dudacek pointed out Van did. But, letting the three oldest guys walk without quality veteran replacements is not going to make anything better.
  20. I can't even read that single paragraph word vomit / AI non-sense. The whole time I picture a small child in front of an audience reading a loud and monotone book report or some other thing. Ick.
  21. Didn't Quinn and JJP have the advantage of having Peca on the coaching staff? I sorta feel like having him coach the Big Club for one day would make a difference, lol.
  22. I would agree and add that when I think of injury prone, it is a player that gets hurt in a situation when a lot of others might not. My knee/leg/ankle almost sympathy broke just watching what happened to Quinn. I think a majority of players end up on IR if they were Quinn right then.
  23. I, too, have had a week by Wednesday. 🍻 And the beer league team I was supposed to sub for tonight said another regular signed in 😥 I have actually seen quite a few witty posts today across various threads and I appreciate them all just a little bit more than perhaps yesterday.
  24. I do tend to over-generalize, so I hope people don't read too much into it, but I also would not blame them if they did.
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