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Posts posted by FolignosJock

  1. Or it meant something to her girlfriend/wife.


    I think we are getting there.



    I think it does mean something because there are not that many people in the spotlight that are openly out. The percentages of gay people in american and gay people in the spotlight are very far off. So it is a big deal when people come out.

  2. I have a staff of 17 people working at my funeral homes. They range from funeral directors to office staff to interns and every single one of them donated their Christmas bonus to St Judes Childrens hospital i memeory of my sister.Great bunch of folks just great folks and I am not ashamed to say they made me cry this morning with their kind gesture.


    Great! Now I am crying



    FWIW: I think young Schenn has access to enough information that he can give informed consent to making a choice here that risks permanently compromising his brain.


    It's crazy what he's proposing to do.


    As a medical professional and as an organization you have a duty to the person to ensure that they are not injured. If he didnt undergo concussion testing the league should investigate the medical staff or the team should fire them. That is CRAZY that in this day and age with all of the lawsuits and stuides on head trauma that he didnt get tested. Hopefully someone in his family is able to sue for him when he cant remember their names when he is 40.

  4. If they're really bad this year, we have no reason to think they won't be next year when the draft is better.


    If they are going to keep the pick this year but then ask if we're willing to give them a first in order for them to not defer, then it'd be like giving up a first this year and in 2015 for a pick in this weak draft.




    Unfortunately, I don't think you could offer a team ten first rounders next year for McDavid. Teams don't trade a world class talent like that.


    Imagine the Isles keeping the pick this year and then we somehow end up with McDavid and Eichel next year? Oh my.


    Someone would do it. You just have to give them a bunch of picks. Someone traded the Great One for gosh sake.

  5. This year's? Is Reinhart really worth all that? Draisaitl is ahead of him is scoring in the WHL and is bigger. Dal Colle is lighting up the OHL. Now, in 2015, it would be worth that and more to get McDavid, but this year (assuming we don't win the lottery, which is certainly possible), I just don't know.


    No i am talking about next year

  6. We don't own it. We own their first round pick in 2014 OR 2015. If both Buffalo and them feel that this year is a fluke and next year the pick could be much lower then I can see both sides negotiating some sort of deal to sweeten the put for NYI NOT not to defer.


    I think PL F would go the route of rolling the dice that next year will be a high pick as well.



    Who cares if it is a high pick or not. Trade all of our picks in the top three rounds to the team with hte first overall. Hopefully that will be two firsts, two seconds and a third.

  7. “The NHL persists in this conduct to date by, among other things, refusing to ban

    fighting and body checking and by continuing to employ hockey players whose main function is

    to fight or violently body check players on the other team (“Enforcers”).”


    On twitter, Pierre LeBrun says it's Gary Leeman, Brad Aitken, Darren Banks, Curt Bennett, Richard Dunn, Warren Holmes, Bob Manno, Blair Stewart, Morris Titanic and Rick Vaive.


    Titanic with 19 career NHL games.....

  8. Me too. I'm not happy about this at all. Thought TSN has done an excellent job on NHL coverage right from their broadcasts through trade deadline day and coverage of free agency. I'm never impressed with Sportsnet. They better up their game big time. Friggen Rogers throwing their money around again....


    Hopefully TSN remains doing the Draft day and Trade deadline coverage because it was top notch.

  9. It will be interesting to see what Stafford brings at the deadline. I assume only a 2nd rounder. Or maybe a prospect and a 3rd. In college, he was a role player with good leadership and speed and size along the wall to get after pucks in the corners. For some reason, in the NHL, he never added much more to that basic platform. Even he admitted two years ago that he needed to learn some new tricks. NHL players are all pretty much the same. They all have size, skating, shooting, stick handling, etc. The difference in the standouts and the average ones is the aggressive style, emotion, passion, pride, grit and compete level that each develops as they grow into their bodies between the ages of 18 to 23. Even the smaller non-contact players who excel have this same determination and grit (see Doug Gilmour, M. St. Louis, Zetterberg, Sedins, Briere, etc.). These players, and those in their ilk all have a fire in their belly and it was honed and shaped during the early stages of their careers. Stafford developed bad habits and probably never had the killer instinct anyway. He is a nice player (above average) who should be allowed to float around on the 3rd or 4th lines on a contender. Having him the PP and first line is absurd. Ala Danny Paille, he will resurface to be an asset to a team that can hide him on the 3rd line and spring him come playoff time when he gets passionate about things b/c. I could see him being traded to the Kings or Anaheim.


    Absolutely no chance of Stafford going at the deadline for a 2nd. People dont add projects or give guys a change of scenery when gearing up for the playoffs.

  10. We'll agree to disagree. I found not baking the skates allowed me to break them in the natural way. Unless you're buying pro grade skates, baking them is unnecessary.


    How often do you play?


    Not baking skates is fine if you are going to skate or play a few times a week. I never baked skates growing up since I was usually in them three times a week but now I only skate a few times a year, if I didnt bake my skates it would take me years to break them in.

  11. I'll give you the advice I've gained over the years as someone who entered hockey as an adult and had no idea what skates were supposed to feel like.


    First, for someone with beginner level skating ability, you shouldn't need to spend over $200 on a pair of skates.


    I would start with anything in the Bauer Line. They have by far the widest user base. I wear a pair of Vapor 20 skates right now and I would say after about 4 years of pretty constant use they're just starting to wear out. If you don't like the fit of Bauers, try other skates. Try wide sizes if you have wide feet. I have wide, flat feet and a high instep, so Bauer is my brand.


    I advise anything with a thick tongue, it will really help prevent lace bite, but it's going to happen anyway.


    Here's my method for trying on and tying skates. Make sure you wear the same socks you will normally be skating in. Don't wear socks that are too thick! This will actually hurt the overall fit of your skates.


    Take the pair you're trying on and have it loosely laced. Put your foot in and kick the back of the blade holder on the floor to seat your heel. The fit of the heel cup is crucial to your stability and you should know right away whether that boot has a heel cup that fits right. Check your toes at the same time. They can be touching the toe cap, but it shouldn't be uncomfortable. The cap wont break in like a snug pair of shoes might, so don't buy them too small!


    Okay so your heel is snug and your toes aren't cramped. Begin lacing. The first three sets of eyelets are important. Snug these up pretty tight. The top three eyelets are just as important. Those will be tight too. The eyelets in between can be left a little looser so that you aren't hurting yourself. The way I make the skate fit best is to flex my foot towards and away from myself as I lace each set of eyelets. This allows you to get the boot tight but not too tight so that there isn't any flex in that in-between region.


    So you've got the skate on and it feels tight in the right spots. Now jog around the store. Yes, jog. A good pair of skates should give you the support you need to essentially run on ice, so if you're bending at the ankles, you're not getting enough support. Any pair of Bauers be it the Vapor or Supreme range should have a pretty stiff boot, so you shouldn't ankle bend too much. I can't speak to other brands. If you think you didn't tie them enough, snug them up a little more. Sit down, flex each foot back and forth. The skates shouldn't feel like they're a hindrance.


    If you find the right pair, the store is going to ask if you want them baked. This is a process of heating the skate, putting it on your foot and tying it, and allowing the skate materials to form to your foot while warm. Theoretically this speeds up the break in process. Personally, I think it's a waste of time and forgoe it. If I were you, I would decline having the skates baked.


    As far as stores in Buffalo, your options are Great Skate and Pure Hockey. I've heard wonderful things about Pure Hockey but I have yet to be there. I would check them out though as Great Skate tends to sell higher-end stuff.



    Please god do not follow this advice, with newer skates baking them is pretty much the only way to break them in properly. Especially if you arent playing a lot, you NEED to have those skates baked. Everything else he said is good though. Again I would recommend the Pro Shop at Leisure Rinks the manager has been there a LONG LONG time or at least he had when I left Buffalo 5 years ago. This guy had been managing there since my father was reffing when he was 13.



    Get them baked, wear them a few times, bake them again. It will help you immensely and aafter 2 ish months it will be like wearing slippers.

  12. Learning to play hockey has been on my bucket list for awhile. You have to start somewhere — I had the first of seven skating lessons the other night. I move about as well as Dave Andreychuk on meth, but at this point, whatever. I'm on my way.


    I skated in rental skates, and I don't want to do that again. Lord. So I need some down and dirty advice on buying skates, where to go, what to look for, how much to expect to spend and so on. I'm reasonably close to Buffalo.


    They are going to suck for a while, my advice would be to call around and find a place that will fit them for you. I know Leisure Rinks used to bake them for you, I dont know if thats still true.... if you call around to some of the pro shops you should be able to find a place that does.



    I would spend ~150 on a good pair of skates, it seems like a lot but skates can last you a long time especially if you only play a few times a month.


    I prefer Bauers overall but it really depends on how they feel on your foot.

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