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Posts posted by 7+6=13

  1. I'd pay Stamkos 12mil per season.  We're instantly a playoff team and then Murray would only need to make a couple moves to make us a contender.  Stamkos isn't just a bonus - he immediately changes and accelerates the team to having a shot at contending.  Without Stamkos this team isn't a contender for several years - we're just too weak at the middle and bottom of the lineup.


    We're a young team so obviously there's another way to become a contender but it's just going to take longer.  Eichel will have to become an NHL star but that's probably 2 more seasons away. 


    Stamkos would allow us to do it now - waiting for Eichel is going to be a progression.  What's so incredible to think about is when Stamkos is slowing down a bit Eichel will be in his prime and this can go on for a very long time.  We'd be one of those playoff every year teams - that when it all clicks could win it any season for the next 10. 

  2. Believe whatever you want, but I don't like the trade. You can have your own opinion based on what you heard or read elsewhere. I'd rather rely on my own two eyes and I prefer Pysyk. 


    I understand and you're of course perfectly within your right as well. I think if we both admit it we don't know Kulikov's play on a game by game basis - so we read.  The Sabres see him doing some things they feel the team needs along with being LH.  I'm sure we'll miss Psyk's 11 points next year but don't you think it's wise to let Murray decide which is the better fit?

  3. Murray does it again. He overpays consistently in trades. He has traded away numerous #1 draft picks and to this point has very little to show for it. Kulikov is essentially a one year rental for Pysyk? I don't get it. 


    Just because you don't understand doesn't make it wrong.  Bylsma said they've been watching a lot of film on Kulikov the last 3 weeks.  You'll have to forgive me that I'll side with their assessment of him.

  4. Gotta agree. Yzerman probably said something to the effect of, come July 1, don't expect our original offer to still be on the table if you cycle back here.


    I doubt it.  I think he said - the offer stands and we hope you'll consider the team we have to offer around you.  If we're close,  would you at least give us last right of refusal?

  5. Right. I heard it, but now I don't get it.


    It was reported, for sure:




    Murray said he hasn’t talked to Eichel about Vesey this summer, meaning he could have spoken to him earlier this week. The Sabres own Vesey’s rights until Aug. 15. They can’t sign him until July 1.


    Sounds like they can talk to him whenever they like or whenever he will - but if an agreement is made can't put ink to paper until at least July 1.

  6. But that is the point.  Those teams can offer him a top six ala Panarin,while reducing payroll.  He isnt a top 6 because buffalo, he is a top six talent.  The days of veteran pieces are over.  The Ladd deal in Chicago would turn even a curmudgeon like Coach Q to the lightside.  It is a young man's game and they are better prepared to make the jump earlier.  Some will need AHL seasoning, but Vesey is 23.  He is either ready now or this is all just a big circle jerk.  Will there be adjustment?  Sure, but he is either ready or he probably never will be.  So if he goes to SJ Pitt, TB he will play top 6 or middle 6 minutes and be part of the plan.  I am hopeful the stars align but it makes sense for him to go the distance to ufa.



    I'm not saying I'm definitely right.  However, my lean towards the Sabres for him is he would have the opportunity to be more than just top 6 - which I agree it appears he's ready for.  Without breaking down each team you've mentioned (not qualified) but for example he can't be Panarin in Chicago because they have Panarin.  Not trying to be smart but I think he wants to be and thinks he can be a Panarin (second leading scorer and point producer).  I think his chances are better in Buffalo than those contenders to become that - then subsequently getting paid as such on the 2nd contract.  He's got to be thinking about those things.   I agree that going to UFA make sense for him.

  7. Having lived outside of Buffalo for so long I've come to know that the negative perception of Buffalo is very real and something that's going to be very difficult to overcome.  It's not just in talking to people in regard to sports either, many people are genuinely perplexed as to why anyone would chose to go to Buffalo if they have other options.  We all know Buffalo has made some changes and is turning things around in so many ways, but it's going to take more than 5 years for national opinions to be swayed.


    I don't buy into this anymore.  I live in Charlotte NC (19 years) and there's enough people from Buffalo here that we're better understood.  Most that I know say "Why do all you people from Buffalo love your hometown so much?"  That question originates from Buffalo is crap but they know there's something about the place that drew the people so close.  They know the weather and economics aren't great - but they most assuredly know the city is loved by those born there.


    Hockey is another matter.  Those in the circles know what Buffalo is about and they more importantly know what the Pegula's are doing.  The word is out, it's screaming and we're not yelling.  I see this as a nothing burger with respect to attracting hockey players.  Hockey players are unique athletes - they hang around each other more than most sports.  I wouldn't underestimate the importance to a player what that environment for them means.  I think it's possible that Vesey values that the best players on our team are also around his age.

  8. I think what's missing in this discussion is not what the Sabres have to offer, but what other teams have to offer.  If you are a capped strapped team, a max elc won't kill you.  Additionally, like Buffalo you will be protected in expansion. So teams like LA, Chicago, Anaheim, Pittsburgh NY  (both) are in play and offer great chances to win now, play in passionate hockey environments  (CA possible exception) and choose the lifestyle, at least from a geographic pov, that you want.  Vesey graduated from Harvard so he is not a dummy and has ideas on what is best for him from a hockey and post hockey career.  So going the distance to ufa makes sense.  I hope he signs but can see why he would choose someplace else.  50/50.  And I don't have a problem giving a 3, I think it was aggressive but also professional to Nashville.  GMTM is building a rep as a straight shooter that will serve the organization going forward.  I don't think it alters his plans as I think all along he knew it was a gamble but part of a larger strategy. 


    I would think teams like you mention have a chance but a very small one for a couple reasons.  Vesey, I'd imagine wants to have a chance at being one of the main cogs of a team.  While those teams offer win now there's a group of veterans that would not allow him that opportunity - or at least for a while.  Buffalo is one of the teams in that perfect spot where they're clearly on the rise but there's still ice time to be had.


    Second I think those teams - while always wanting to add young talent, are really looking for those veteran pieces because they need a player ready now to contribute and a vet would embrace the role.  Especially if they know he wants top 6 ice time.  They recognize that's not what they necessarily have to offer. 

  9. Don't know about Boston, his own dad advised him against joining the bruins, that is probably the reason of him doubting still.

    If I was in his position and I could choose the team I want to play for, I'd go to my hometown team, But I guess Eichel as a good friend might lure him to us as well.


    I get what you're saying about playing for your hometown team.  However, if as he and his agent have suggested they're dissecting each team - Boston is the least attractive of the teams reported from an on ice perspective, IMO.

  10. I think Boston, Toronto and Buffalo will all offer the same - the absolute max. Those are the only relevant teams, in my opinion.


    Yeah for obvious reasons Boston and Toronto. 


    Does an American player really want to go to Toronto if he can choose any team?  I'd say most likely not considering how American players fight so hard to differentiate themselves from Canadian players.  The next obvious question is does not going there hurt his Dad to the point he would go there?  I would think his Dad would advise him not to worry about that.


    Boston has a strong allure if you're from there - so it really comes down to does he see it as a bad fit?  They are in a situation where they either stay the course or start to overhaul.  He'd have to decide where he fits in that situation. 


    Forget about having his rights and the connection with Eichel - Buffalo has to be one of the most attractive fits.  While he most likely would be a top 6 on a lot of teams - it would seem that he has the best chance to be more than that in Buffalo.


    Interesting for sure.

  11. Today, the winner is Nashville because they literally got a 3rd round pick for nothing. Vesey wasn't going to sign for them. Good move by Poile.


    Tim Murray is gambling here. Maybe he figures a 3rd rounder is worth talking to Vesey before anyone else. He gains a few weeks to convince him otherwise why didn't he wait until Vesey was a free agent and sign him for NOTHING!


    If Vesey signs with Buffalo (which is an unknown) then the trade makes sense, otherwise Murray blew it.


    I'm hoping he signs, but gambling is risky especially when Vesey has said repeatedly he wants to test free agency and see what is out there. Why didn't Murray just wait?


    Your buddy:   I'm going to ask that girl out.


    You:  Don't, I heard she told all her friends she doesn't want a boyfriend right now.


    Your buddy:  So,  we don't have to get married, I just want to take her out and talk. 


    You:  So what if she does go out with you.  You'll waste your money on dinner with a girl that doesn't want a boyfriend.


    Your buddy:  Dinner will be worth it to see if I can convince her that sometimes when you're not looking for a boyfriend - that's when you find a nice one.


    You:  If she says no - you blew it.


    Your buddy:  At least I had the balls to ask you big pu$$.

  12. Not surprised at all. Vesey has maintained for months that he wants to be a UFA and chose his spot. 


    Makes sense.  Especially at age 23 you can see where he'd be in a different frame of mind than an 18-19 year old - that just thinks, I don't care I just want to play.


    This sounds a bit more genuine than just a negotiating ploy.  I do however think that all things being equal - we're a team he should be looking at anyway.

  13. This isn't about who knows more. It's about common sense. Placating me with nonsense about when free agency starts is either you being obtuse, disingenuous or just obnoxious.


    My stance in this thread has been a bit tongue in cheek but my opinion is founded in reality. GMTM has brought us some nice players in Bogo, Kane and O'Reilly. I have confidence he'll do more of the same this offseason. I just don't think many will come via free agency.


    C'mon man I get it.  We've gone through absolute torment as a fan base.  I'll apologize for taking you too seriously on your post.


    My take on free agency is that we're now a possible landing spot for the top one's going forward.  This year is particularly interesting because the anomaly of a player like Stamkos and even Okposo hitting free agency.  


    You know as well as I do that teams are built by the draft and then trades - so I'd agree that free agency is most likely not how our team will continue building, but we're going to take a run at some to accelerate the process.  I believe the reason is we're no longer the same organization that didn't/couldn't contend for them.

  14. It's pretty spot on though. It's not as if I spend countless hours on this site anticipating tram moves or listen to Buffalo and Rochester sports talk radio 6-12hours a day or inundate my self with everyything Buffalo sports every minute of my life. It's not like I have 20,000 posts that would Indicate my level of knowledge of local sports. I can understand why someone would address me in this fashion.


    It wasn't as if you gave a stat that can't be disputed.  You gave your opinion and I gave mine.  Isn't that kind of what the site is about? 


    I'm not sure why more posts makes you more qualified to talk about the team we both love - but I understand how defensive those with a lot of posts get on what they perceive as their territory.   I have more posts than you on TBD - does that mean I know more about the Bills?

  15. Talking elite level free agents. Not the wine and dine trading or draft picks.


    And technically Leino was the only high rated free agent the Sabres have been able to sign.


    So yes, we have not signed "ANYONE!"


    So given the clear change since Pegula - you think it's still appropriate to bathe in the past?  What purpose does that serve when things are heading in an obvious different direction?  Is the purpose just to say it for a wait and see attitude to be perpetuated? 

  16. Inkman made a good point. Name an elite free agent(s) the Sabres have been able to sign. Think of time before the tank. Man, go all the way back to 1970. Buffalo has had to pay more for a player than the big market teams. Until the Sabres land a free agent at Stamkos level, I'll be in complete agreement w/ Inkman. The Sabres don't get good things. 


    Of course I understand that's how it's been, but do you not think those days are coming to an end?  He's saying we haven't and won't.  It's the won't part I don't buy into.  Our owners willingness to spend, aggressiveness of our GM,  our facilities, the team we're building should change the way FA's feel about coming here.

    This is pretty obnoxious.


    I tried to make my point but don't think I was being offensive or unpleasant. 

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