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Posts posted by Eleven

  1. Lately, I keep going on dates which generally are going very well... until I run into a group of old friends who decide it would be a great idea to pull up chairs and hang out. And I'm obviously on a date, with a girl they've never met, and I've been single since January so I have legitimate work to do and they know this. These "friends" then steer the conversation into all sorts of wretched avenues (sharting, for example). Invariably, someone asks my date, "how long have you guys been dating?", which on a first date is about as awkward as a b0ner in sweatpants. And it's not just dudes doing this to me.


    This is what it's like living in a small city where everyone knows everyone. As much as I hate dating scenes in general, I think I miss the dating scene in Roc city even more than I miss garbage plates.


    I don't care if you live on Antarctica, there must be a place that you can go to that your buddies don't know about. Go there. Stop hanging out at your local with a new date. Problem solved.

  2. It's over 100 degrees here, with the heat index over 110. I thank the gods of weather that I purchased new heat pumps for my house in april, but I hate the fact that my door knob burns my hand when I open the door. I hate that I cannot breathe outside, and I really hate being confined to my house in the middle of the summertime. super hot weather sucks.


    I know of this awesome city with four seasons, great architecture, great restaurants, jobs (suddenly!), relatively inexpensive housing, family friendly, oh, and SABRES. You should consider it.

  3. No more original episodes of Law & Order. Then again, it wasn't the same after Jerry Orbach left (and subsequently passed away). :(


    It wasn't the same after Michael Moriarty left, but it still was decent for a few years.

  4. Oh I do have a complaint.


    WTF is up with LeBron crapping the bed for Cleveland?


    I am almost ready to give up being a sports fan altogether. None of my teams ever win anything.


    It's not a real sport if music and/or sound effects are permitted during play.


    Sorry, Bandits fans and NBA fans.

  5. I noticed, but I'm too embarrassed to mention it, because I have no idea who it is. I suspect it's a very young Colonel Sanders.


    Don't be embarrassed. He's an obscure fellow. His name was Subhash Chandra Bose, and he was Gandhi's greatest domestic political rival. Thought I'd make some light of all the fightin' we've been doing lately.

  6. No, no, and no. Stay in school for as long as you possibly can. You have the rest of your life to work and it sucks. If I could I would still be in school. Make it your life's project to have a .edu email address for as long as you possibly can.




    I took today off to get some alone time at home,.. and my kid is home sick. I'll guess I'll get some alone time when I'm dead.


    Some master's degrees have a present value of LESS THAN ZERO because the return on investment is outweighed by the cost of the program. Others have a present value in the low $100K range. Probably a little more than what one would earn in two years right out of school, but not a ###### of a lot more.



  7. Conundrums. Now graduated from college I find myself between finding a job (although I have offers) and staying in school for my Masters.


    My $0.02: Unless that master's is in business administration, it very likely will not have a huge impact upon your earnings over your lifetime. And you always can go back after a year or study part-time. If you have a decent job offer right out of college in this job market, take it!


    And congrats on graduation.

  8. Yeah, that's not a problem at all. It's definitely some muscle issue. It kicks in if I turn to the left or if I move my arm back beyond a certain point. It's more annoying than anything, especially since I have no idea what caused it.



    OK. Then ice, an anti-inflammatory (Aleve, Advil), and lots of water are your friends. Put off the tryout for the Rockettes for a couple of days if you can.

  9. I can't go to the game tomorrow. That alone sux. But I also hardly can walk because what the ###### happened to my back?!


    Dammit. I'm in my thirties and I'm walking like I'm in my eighties. (Not in THE eighties; it's not a moonwalk.)

  10. This is what I heard from two guys within earshot of me at last nights game...


    - F*** him up Roy


    - I don't care if you score a goal Mair, just f*** him up


    - You suck you idiot(every time a Sabre made a bad pass or shot the puck wide)


    - Hey Black Ice(Referring to Grier. I don't get it).


    - You suck <insert player name>! Get off the ice!


    - When a person a few rows away got up to leave with 1 minute to go...."Sit down ######!!!!"


    Repeat some variation of the above for 2-1/2 hours. Quite possibly the most annoying people I have ever encountered at a game.




    Where were you sitting? That would have pissed me off after a while.

  11. That's not answering the question.


    It may not be. But why are you carping about something that's 30 years old? Especially when it's the same organization that defends your right to give Eklund the finger when he's begging for food at a freeway exit?

  12. People using complaint Thursday to promote their crackpot left wing nutjob agendas.


    Either no politics at all, or respectful discussion only. Whichever way you lean, promoting kiddie porn has to be considered a nutjob agenda.


    The ACLU (which I have some problems with) was promoting kiddie porn? I'm a left-winger? Both are incorrect.

  13. My complaint? One of the major organizations to head this once great country toward becoming a train wreck: the ACLU. It is just completely mind-numbing that these crackpot leftist fundamentalists would support and defend the "right" of truly sin-sick and twisted individuals to possess and distribute child pornography.


    Then again, since one of its founders, Roger Baldwin, was a died-in-the-wool Communist, nothing should surprise me coming from that gang of "useful idiots".


    People using Complaint Thursdays to promote their crackpot rightwing nutjob agendas.

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