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Posts posted by Eleven

  1. Here, also, is where the franchise is:


    The arena started emptying out with a couple of minutes to go. There were huge areas of blue seats in the empty bowl with the Sabres "pressing" to tie in the final minute.


    Now Swamp and Eleven can tell me I'm seeing things, too. Yeah, Eleven, that joint was really jumpin' in the third. lol


    No "huge" areas of blue seats (unless you mean the upper corners, which did not sell), but definitely, people started streaming out with about 1:30 left to play. Jackasses, if you ask me. The big exodus came after Ottawa scored the empty net goal, which is normal and acceptable.


    There was noise in the third. Towards the end, when everyone was tense and hoping for a goal, it was quieter.

  2. Yeah as usual HSBC will be as quiet as a mouse...until the boo birds come out. What is wrong with that place? It has to be one of the least intimidating places to play in (outside of Arizona and the south). I feel their is too much of "a family atmosphere" there. Maybe they should start offering bowling ball shots in the parking-lot:)


    It was quiet when the Sabs were sucking wind in the first, and that's ALL. There wasn't exactly a whole lot to make noise about on four shots. Seriously, can you blame us? What am I supposed to do, get nuts over an offsides faceoff? All of the action was in the Sabres' end until Connolly screwed in a fluky one. It was loud in the second period, when the Sabs were actually doing something, and when Connolly ripped a freaking highlight-reel slapper off of Elliott (Elliot?) and into the net. Great shot from a guy that I don't praise often. It was loud during the third. Don't blame a crowd for crappy first-period hockey. And it's "there," not "their," ffs. That's just freaking basic.


    In happier news, the Yankees are eliminated. That brighten up the night somewhat. :D


    This is awesome, even though I wish Texas had stayed with Mexico. It's still awesome. (No, I am not a Boston fan, either.)


    Like you Dudley, I was out tonight as well, but I surely expected a W tonight over OTT at home....


    I just don't get this, but I totally understand why you wrote it. How, at this point of the season and 0 home wins, can the emotion NOT be there? How? I just can't understand it after a strong game the other night that it doesn't carry in to tonight.


    Man, I would take Lindy over just about any coach, and I think he deserves so much better based solely on the way he played the game, but is this really what we have come to? And who is going to come in here and whip Connolly, Stafford, etc, in to shape anyway?


    Stafford is beyond repair. The best you can hope is that the Sabres foist him onto some team for a draft pick or something. That guy won't do a damned thing unless he has the puck, and when he does have it, he's not exactly Gretzky. Connolly scored twice tonight, it was the one game out of two where he shows up. And he did--he really played well. Ship him out too, though, AFAIC.


    The entire D--I noted mistakes by each and every of them, and every one of them gave effort (unlike the forwards), but I noted good plays by all of them except Myers and Rivet. Tyler gets a pass. A Calder will do that. (I do think that a benching might help him look at the game a different way; I don't mean a benching for discipline, I mean an opportunity to look at how other D-men play in the National.) Rivet doesn't get a pass. Ruff is no stranger to the concept of a captain being benched. Time to do it.


    Hecht, nice assist. Good to see that you're still on the team, because I hadn't heard your name this season until that assist.


    What the hell do Gaustad and Kaleta add, anymore? Goose isn't stationed in front of the net, and every team is onto, and ignores, Kaleta's antics. The effort, but not skill, is there from those two. (So they're like the Bills.)

  3. People are who, things are that. And prudence is the better part of valor.


    Discretion is the better part of valor. I think Prudence was a schoolteacher on Little House on the Prairie or something.


    (EDIT: Henry IV, Part I. Falstaff is all over it. I don't know the exact episode of Little House, though.)

  4. I think the Sabres think that:


    1. Weber would likely not clear waivers.

    2. they have a lot invested in Weber at this point.

    3. Rivet is definitely gone after this year and Montador is at least 50/50 to be gone.

    4. It's quite likely that they would want Weber to be their #6 or #7 guy next year.

    5. It's also quite possible that Sekera or Butler (or both) falls off the table, or that one of them does and someone else gets hurt.

    6. At $550K, they'd rather pay Weber an NHL salary and keep him on the bench this year in order to have the ability to use him next year (or this year if #5 happens) than waive him.


    The more I think about #1, the more I think you're right. The Sabres probably don't see him clearing waivers, and frankly, neither do I. He could easily replace Hainsey in Atlanta, who made a bunch of mistakes last night, for example.

  5. Sure he would. He hasn't shown anything that is going to make a team guarantee him an NHL roster spot.




    And yet, clearly Ruff wants to play them over Weber. I don't know how that point could reasonably be debated. He's necessary now since we only have 7 active d-men, but once they're back to 8, there's no point.


    I see what you're saying; I just hope he gets some time before being sent down.

  6. And Weber needs to be waived and sent to Portland. There's no point in keeping him around in the press box.


    There are enough people who are unconvinced by Sekera (not necessarily me) and Rivet (I am not loving his play this year) that it might be a good idea to keep Weber around.


    Butler was STOUT night. Breaking up odd man rushes, saved a possible goal and played with physicality.



    Yep. He had a great game. When Morissonn returns, I don't necessarily want Butler to go back to the press box.


    Since you and 11 mentioned it, I've noticed a few indications of a less-than-stellar hockey IQ from Stafford, but that was a really nice pass.




    Credit where credit is due; yes it was.

  8. Vancouver? Are you sure? This seems to say they had 3 playoff WINS (not series wins -- that was zero -- but games won) in their 1st 11 years, but they still made the playoffs in 5 of those seasons. Am I missing something?


    Also, the tickets were a heckuva lot cheaper in the 1970s than they are now.


    Also, Ottawa, which made the playoffs last year, is having a hard time selling tickets this year.


    I guess I think good hockey is such a good spectator sport that it really can work just about anywhere -- but it has to be good hockey. I will certainly admit that good hockey will work better in some markets than others, but I think Dallas, Tampa, etc. show that it will work well in the sun belt if the product is good.



    I meant wins and incorrectly wrote games. Vancouver was not a successful team until 1982. I think geography has more to do with Atlanta's failure to attract fans than does the team's lack of success. Put that team in a hockey city, and it will succeed.


    So sorry to hear about Ottawa...

  9. Its a business and I understand that, but Its wrong to take a team away from its fans/City and I think there should be some kind of revenue sharing from the teams that are doing well to help the teams out that are struggling to maintain themselves through the bad times. I realize you can't expect the whole league to completely make up for poor management, but struggling financially normally goes hand in hand with losing and without the losing teams the league doesn't survive because someone has to lose.



    Great game tonight :thumbsup:


    I'll bet that most of the teams didn't want Bettman to try an Atlanta experiment a second time. So why should they pay for it? Why isn't that team in Winnipeg? Hell, why not freaking Spokane? At least there's some sort of hockey there.

  10. [1.] Vanek does love garbage time against the SE, innit?



    [2.] No matter where you took your team, if they had won zero playoff GAMES in the 11 years of their existence, and only made it to the playoffs once, they would have lousy attendance.



    [3.] Go Sabres.


    1. Yes, but who cares, he popped his 2010 cherry and now the goals will come.


    2. Awfully close to a certain franchise in British Columbia. Not dead on, but really close. (3 playoff games, GAMES, in 11 seasons. And it was easier to make it in, then.) They have and have had no attendance problems. The problem with the Thrashers is that the team is in Atlanta. Not everything is for every place.


    3. Yep.

  11. I think those types showing up at the game has more to do with the push to revitalize Buffalo, which I do support as a West Side resident. The problem is a lot of people think they can turn this place into the Village in NY, hence the attitude they bring around. They forget that this was a blue collar, working class city. Buffalo never claimed to be the class act of NYS. I understand we do have a budding art scene and some respected education institutions but you don't see that type of person showing up at Knick games and Ranger games in NYC. So why think you can turn a Sabres game into some sort of social event. It's not suppose to be.


    Do they like men in pink vest / swimsuit combos and the words "MASTER CYLINDER" in giant typefaces?

  12. That's good advice. No one will ever convince me that building has any energy whatsoever, just like the team and the burnout behind the bench.


    And I'm certainly not going to be swayed by someone who doesn't recognize the history of hockey fans in Chicago.

    One of the best buildings in the league may have included Chicago Stadium, but it never will include the United Center, PA. Has nothing to do with history; has everything to do with lack of fans in a new building. Which is what you were discussing. But go on, go on...

  13. It's not a load of crap. I do audio for TV. I've even done audio for hockey (Islanders). I'm not saying that the building may not be quieter than others, but I know for a fact that the producers/director want more ice sound for some reason. I personally like more crowd in my mix. Unless you have CI and go back and forth between the home and away broadcasts and tell me that you don't hear a difference, then you, good sir, are the one who is full of crap.


    My advice, Swamp: save yourself the trouble (but you are right).


    And Chicago--one of the best buildings in the league? They didn't have any atmosphere at all until 2008. I was two blocks from the arena an hour before Game 2 last year, and you would have had no idea that the city had a team, much less that Game 2 of the Finals was an hour and two blocks away.


    It was quiet at HSBC for the NJD game, though. For good reason: there was little to cheer.


    I did not DVR the Chicago game so I won't be able to see for myself what happened when I get home...anyone care to sum it up?

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