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Posts posted by PromoTheRobot



    But if a defense finishes #20 in scoring D, can a segment of that defense really be considered "elite?"


    I would say the pass rush was much improved and the 2ndary pass D was pretty good, but I just can't see using the word "elite" to describe any major component of a D that overall was mediocre (which itself was a step up from the terrible D displayed over the previous 5 years or so, but still nothing to write home about).




    Brandon has been with the team since 2006. Whaley since 2010.


    Were they "aggressive" about keeping Byrd?


    I'd rather be optimistic than pessimistic about the Bills, but I need also to be realistic.

    Being aggressive keeping Byrd would involve taking his family hostage. Sometimes people don't want stay. They signed Williams and moved on. Teams lose players, even good teams. They get over it.



    You find this amusing? Do you think the Bills are a well-run franchise? Do you think they are going to be good this year?


    Maybe the broken record keeps saying the same thing because the same thing continues to be true.

    Yes I do find it amusing, in fact. It's hilarious to me how the answer is always to fire everyone after every season. Maybe it's because every other regime failed after 3 years that we just want to flush it now and not give it any time.


    Do I think the Bills are well run? I do now. I think Whaley is a solid GM executing a well thought out plan. The current regime has nothing to do with the playoff drought. In fact they are being more aggressive than ever to end that drought. You would think fans would appreciate that.


    But some people would rather be depressed, I guess.

  3. if Pegula had a 3rd uniform with the red pepsi caps, fans would go bonkers. It's so much better than the Sabres uniforms.


    The 3rd jerseys before the current ones featured the "Buffalo" lifted right off the Pepsi cap logo.


    I suspect the reason there has never been a Bisons night is that the FNC is a venue that is contracted to pour only Coca Cola products.

  4. Same here. I learned to love hockey from the old wooden "greys" of the pre-expansion Aud watching the Bisons. I even own a red "Pepsi cap" Jersey. I have said for years, and even sent a suggestion to Ted Black, that the Sabres should honor the Bisons. I don't know why they never did. Although the prior 3rd jerseys are a small homage to the Bisons, borrowing the "Buffalo" font from the old Pepsi logo.

  5. Bummer. I know most folks were down on him, but I liked the guy. Yeah, he's slow and lumbering and won't play most nights, but he had a great attitude and even stepped in on D when injuries required it. (And he had fantastic eyebrows. And I wanted to see Ennis wearing his helmet.)


    And he was a great locker room presence.


  6. I finally listened to the presser. My takeaway was Murray gave the press a bit of the ol' finger for assuming the Sabres were a hellhole franchise no one wanted to play for. And you can hear whoever it was, incredulous that the Sabres did what they did, and you can hear Murray essentially say "that was your opinion, not my reality."

  7. Having its own thread is probably good, but the title is misleading. It isn't official yet.

    Sorry, I'll fix it, but it's not that misleading.


    Since this topic was raised, I want to say something about threads on SS.


    I appreciate the desire to maintain efficiency but it can go too far. Funneling new topics into existing threads makes SS look like a dead board.


    I'm sure the dozen or so of you who dominate this board would disagree but anyone who is a casual reader would think that nothing is happening here because the topics never change. I don't have the time or the desire read every thread before posting, nor should I have to.


    Take sister site TBD an example. There is a constant influx of new topics. Some may be similar to existing threads, and if they are too similar, a mod closes and/or merges it. Every time I come here it looks like nothing has changed in months. And I'm sure others feel the same way.


    So lighten up.

  8. http://www.wgr550.co...hanges/19302837


    The assumption is this is bad news for the Sabres. The only way that is true is if it's a given we are trying to tank again, which the NHL is obviously trying to discourage with this move.


    I think our #2 pick is a reminder that tanking doesn't guarantee anything. We'd be better served trying to actually win some games. At least we have two tickets (or three if playoff teams are included) in the lottery.



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