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Posts posted by MattPie

  1. That's what I meant, but couldn't think of HD DVD. Have you ever seen a laser disc? Those things are the size of manhole covers and you need like 4 of them to hold a 2 hr movie.


    Yeah, I think they were the same physical size as a long play record. Just a little too early on the technology curve since they didn't have a good data density. I think Video CDs were worse though, 45 minutes of medium quality (as in looked only OK on a SDTV) video per disc.

  2. Today's complaint: people at work who complain about the amount of work they perceive someone else to be doing. I have someone here that goes around saying that I do nothing all day, and that they wish they could do what I do. news flash! you have no idea how much work I do or don't do in a day...lay off! I do plenty of work in a day thank you very much.

    People at work who are paid a fair salary, but feel they should make more because there are other higher paid employees doing less work(same department, completely different jobs and teams). Take the blinders off and open your eyes. What a dream world they live in!




    I have two Keurigs I'll be selling soon for the same reason. I bought this two weeks ago and I love it. Easy single cups of coffee that uses regular coffee (no pods) and almost as easy as the Keurig.


    I don't always drink coffee, but when I do I use a French Press. Stay thirsty my friends.


    Yeah, the press is kinda tough to clean up, but it was <$15 at IKEA. For cleaning up, this seems to work best: take a paper towel, put it in the sink. Add a little water to the spent grounds, swirl it around, and dump them into the paper towel.

  3. I am eighteen years old and I live in WNY, so I don't really drink. I've occasionally tried to enjoy different kinds of beers and liquors, but never with success. Next year, I'm going to be a college freshman and it looks like I'm going to McGill University (hopefully). The drinking age in Montreal is 18, so I want to start learning to enjoy alcohol the right way. I humbly ask advice on how to start drinking alcohol and enjoying it.


    This is going to sound like snobbery, but what is good is rarely popular and what is popular is rarely good. Try different things than the people around you; sometimes it'll go well, sometimes it won't, but at least you'll get to know what you like. This goes for many more things than alcohol.


    Rusty nail. Great cocktail. Also, if you're in a decent bar (which may be a non-intersecting set with college bars), ask the bartender for a recommendation. Sometimes you'll get something amazing.

  4. I'm planning on going back to school to get a degree in IT. I hear that it's really lucrative right now, but I also want to get into it and enjoy it.


    Once you get past entry-level PC support, it's a pretty good gig. Depending on your environment, the off-hours work can suck but probably a lot better than the hours for your current job. The only problem I run into are people working in IT that seem to hate doing IT work. Similar to Engineering, you tend to get a lot of people that see it as a lucrative career regardless of whether they're good at it or like doing it (not saying this is you AT ALL, just making a general observation). I wonder if doctors and lawyers experience the same thing?


    Complaint: tweaked something in the 'wedding tackle' yesterday, and I'm really uncomfortable today. I wasn't doing anything fun, even.

  5. Historical fiction might be something. I remember reading The Killer Angels in history class in High School and I really enjoyed it.


    Speaking of which, I read an excerpt of Papillon in HS and finally read the book a couple years ago. Great action/adventure book. In theory it's autobiographical, although some dispute that Charriere borrowed some of the events from other prisoners.



  6. In two weeks I have to fly to Japan for a week long business trip. What should I read? I'd like to see if anyone has a suggestion for a novel that may actually be able to keep my attention.


    Maybe you should try some historical fiction or alternative history. The first is fictional characters placed in fairly well researched historical situations, the second taking a single pivotal event in history and having it go the other way.


    Or just stick with non-fiction, there's no reason to force yourself to read something you're not really interested in.

  7. Anyone here ever read The Art of War?


    Parts, but it's a bit too dry. I think I have both a physical copy and one on my Nook. I also have George Washington's rules of etiquette on there.


    A couple more now that I've been thinking about it:

    Silent Night (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/silent-night-stanley-weintraub/), describing the Christmas truce on the Western Front in 1914. Fascinating read.


    Paradox of Choice (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/paradox-of-choice-barry-schwartz/), looking at the correlation of happiness and the abundance of choices in Western society. This one is mostly self help for me, I'm really bad at making decisions. There's also a TED talk by the author:


  8. You have no idea how appropriate this comment is right now. That trainwreck just got trainwreckier (what exactly would you call it when a trainwreck gets even worse?)


    Caption this photo and you have it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Train_wreck_at_Montparnasse_1895.jpg


    I love this shot, my ex actually bought me a framed copy that's in my house. It was on a poster in the Science and Engineering Library at UB (2nd floor near the elevators, I think) from an "Engineering Failure Analysis" conference years ago. Cracked me up every time I saw it.

  9. Last book I finished was Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig (1974). A study of the Metaphysics of Quality as framed around a cross country motorcycle trip with his son. A lot of focus on religion, the study of rhetoric, greek philosophy, and the way people think about machines and technology. I HIGHLY recommend it.


    Great book, I was thinking about re-reading it the other day.


    Current: Longitude, about solving the issues with determining your longitude (especially at sea) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/longitude-dava-sobel/1001953617?ean=9780802715296&itm=2&usri=longitude


    Started but lapsed: War and Peace. Too many names for too many characters. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2600


    Last finished: Three Musketeers (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1257) . I read Count of Monte Cristo (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1184) awhile back and liked it enough to try another Dumas novel. I got a Barnes and Noble Nook last year, so I pull free epubs off gutenberg.org to read on it. In the past I would have just bought copies, so eventually I'll save some money. I'll still buy real books for things I really enjoy. And I should really use the library more often.

  10. Those sound good. I'm interested in how that Southern Tier Czech Pils is, those are usually disappointing from a lot of micros. I have to hand it to Southern Tier though, they are very prolific in putting out so many different styles. The guy I usually brew with has been brewing a wit with american hops for years. He usually uses amarillo hops if I remember correctly, and it's a fantastic beer.


    I picked up a six the other day (at the Consumer Bev on Union near the 400) to try with pizza and wings (from Pasquale's in East Aurora)[0]. It's OK, but I was disappointed. I was hoping for something with a bit more hops, more like Sly Fox's Pikeland Pils or Victory's Prima Pils. I think I'm just not a fan of traditional pilsner styles. I still have a few in the fridge, I'll have to give it a second taste.


    [0] We expats get all excited when we can get the real deal. :)

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