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Posts posted by MattPie

  1. Splitting time between 1981-1983 Honda GL500 Silverwing Service Manual, 2004 BMW R1150R Service Manual, Larry's Guide to Rebuilding CX/GL Carburetors, and Mark Twain's "Conversation, as it was the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors" (aka "1601"). I'm having a tough time keeping up with the Twain, the others are page-turners.

  2. This is more in the neighborhood of the literal awesome, as in creating a sense of awe.


    So on Saturday, my gf and I were watching a lightning storm out of the back of my house. After a couple reasonably close strikes, lightning hits the pole in my back-neighbor's yard. Shower of sparks and whatnot, power goes out. Holy crap. A few moments later, the power comes back on and you can see arcing at the top of the pole, it looks like the ceramic insulator was fried. Power goes back out after a minute. Second time the power comes back on, more arcing, some smoke, then fire, then the box on the pole pops in a much bigger shower of sparks. (It wasn't a transformer, too small) I had tried to call the electric company previously, this time I called 911 to get the process moving.


    Figuring the power was out for awhile, we went out for a fantastic dinner and some craft beer (pea and mint risotto, SlyFox O'Rielly stout on cask for her, and a nice IPA or 3 for me). When we got back, the clocks were reading 12:21, so the power had only been on for 20 minutes. Awesome!

  3. 1) We had no internet or phones at work on Tuesday. I got absolutely nothing accomplished, and basically wasted the day with TheChive on my phone, and hanging and words with friends.


    You didn't have internet at work and your productivity went *down*???


    I carry salty snacks when I run long distance. Sweat removes a ridiculous amount of critical sodium from your body and needs to be replenished (with a consummate amount of water) on a regular basis. Gatorade/Powerade are actually very high in sodium.


    Yep, you sweat out a lot of sodium, which you need to replace. The technical term is hyponatremia, but it's commonly known as water intoxication or poisioning.



    Complaint: back to the office for the first time since June 21st, I could have used more time.

  4. Actually, if I am not mistaken, the Dutch "purchased" (from the Seneca "Indians" ... I don't like that term ----- First Nations) the area that is now Buffalo, NY around 1800. Someone started calling it New Amsterdam, but it seems like he was the only person to do so and the name didn't stick.


    Looks like you're mostly correct on both parts, the purchase is kind of correct:



    And the name appears to be correct:



    I knew about the land company part, but I never caught the name. I guess the Dutch are lucky we let them keep Amsterdam, NY as-is.

  5. Someday I'm going to have a motorcycle that I can trust to make a trip like that. What are you riding for this jaunt?


    My BMW R1150R. It just keeps going (knock on wood), 54k on it right now. The Honda is still in progress, I haven't gotten much time to work on it.


    Also, it finally stopped being hot as hell out. F'N fantastic!


    You're telling me, riding all day in the 90s isn't a great time.

  6. moral of the story: if you have a hobby that's kind of artsy-fartsy crafty, you *might* consider posting somewhere and asking if anyone will buy your crap. you just never know ...




    That is fantastic. On that same note, if anyone wants me to ride their motorcycle(s) around for them, I'm sure we can work out payment options. I'll supply my own gear.


    Fantastic: 10-day bike trip starts tomorrow. In rough order of states: MD, VA, NC, TN, maybe GA and AL, KY WV, OH, NY. Riding the mountains.

  7. It's coming up to mid-day here in Halifax and only one complaint from me so far. After some perfect weather the heat and humidity have been building for the last few days, with today expected to be the worst. Not so much of a complaint for myself, but this weather really exacerbates my wife's health issues.


    Not for nothing, but I just looked and it claims 73 F for Halifax right now. That sounds pretty perfect for me. :) It was 80 F at 8am today, with the high in the mid-90s (F, again). And I'm not even in the south.

  8. I thought that was what I heard the English huligans singing, while waving the Saint George's Cross, at English matches at the European Championship.


    Yep. There's youtubers videos out there with the original words. Anyways, I never thought of it as a loss, since it was reasonable that the UK could have taken the colonies back. I suppose that's the best definition of a tie, both sides feel they won. Except here, where everyone thinks a tie is a loss. :-)

  9. oops. Had this in the wrong thread before.


    I'm not a NASCAR guy, but a friend of mine convinced me to go this weekend. Got the camper and the cooler all packed and am heading out to Pocono tomorrow morning. I really like camping and beer. F'N Fantastic.


    I was wondering about that. :) Camping: good. Beer: good! 10's of thousands of people with you: not as good. After camping at the BMW rally last year in a field in the sun with 10,000 other people, I'm questioning the benefits of large scale camping.

  10. Now, if only our duly elected politicians would actually have the balls to stand up to a possible 1% of the American population that wants uber-rights to throw their perverse deviancy in everyone's faces. As it is, I am a firm believer that the long-since dead citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah aggressively advocated "gay rights." Look at where it got them. #justsayin'


    I think you're mistaking the 1% (or whatever the real number is) of gay people with the fairly large portion of the population that support gay rights but aren't gay. For me it's more or less a belief system. We're in trouble if we start discriminating on belief systems (with the usual caveats about directly harming others, etc.).

  11. Best line in any movie ever ...



    (at 1:19)


    I have to drop a very significant amount of money next week. The item and reason are material for the friday thread (which I won't be sharing), but the new monthly bill is going to be frustrated for a while.

    My hope is for you and your bride to enjoy many years of wedded bliss.


    I'm confused as to how these two statements fit together. :)

  12. servers went down for updates and what not at 3...just chillin at my desk and walking out the door at 4! F'N Fantastic... :D


    Really? That's the last time I'd do updates. If something goes wrong I'm stuck here Friday night, or all weekend if it goes really pear-shaped.



    Heh. A friend the other weekend found a small snake in his car, dangling from the mirror. At 75 MPH. After dropping to the floor it did the 'cobra' thing where it coiled and pulled it's head back.

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