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Taro T

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Posts posted by Taro T

  1. An update on Kassian -- he's been dropped down to the Canucks' 3rd line, has 1 point (an assist) in his last 6 games and had 11 minutes of ice time last night.


    I wish the kid well and do not post the above in the spirit of knocking him because he's no longer a Sabre. Just pointing out that after a hot start, he's cooled off and hasn't yet become another Cam Neely. Perhaps DR wasn't an idiot for swapping him for Hodgson -- who continues to play very well on the Sabres' top line.


    The jury will be out for a while on this one.

    As it should be. When they both look back in 3 years, at where they are and what their needs were at the time, I expect they'll both think they made a good trade. As IIRC, 11 pointed out, they needed Hodgson (or someone similar) on the roster to make the Ott trade.


    I expect the Sabres will be happy w/ Cody for Zach when all is said and done. When it gets looked at as Zach, MAG, and DR for Cody, Alkaseltzer, and SO; I'm not sure how I see them not happy with that personnel shuffle. And Kassian brings something to the mix that the Nucks needed as well; and as long as there's Sedin and Kessler ahead of him, well, we've seen what Cody brings in his own end at this point in his career and it is NOT prototypical 3rd line center material. Hodgson's too good to be sitting and not a good fit for the 3rd/4th line. Good trade all around at this point. I expect both'll still see it that way in '16.

  2. Shrader, so sorry to hear about your fiancee's father. Prayers to him, and best of luck to you and her with the wedding planning.


    Taro, I don't work on viruses. :P And I'm sorry to hear about your dog... been there and it's definitely not an easy thing to do.


    My (now very lame) complaint: too much freakin work the last several weeks has me exhausted. I thought my to-do list was going to get shortened today, but instead there were tasks added. I can't keep doing 10-12 hour days and 6-7 day work weeks like this.

    Well, you should. :P


    It can't add more than 2-4 hours / day to your alreadly light schedule. ;)

  3. Wow, I don't think I've ever heard a number that high for a dog. I thought our last one would make it that long since she was ridiculously healthy, but out of nowhere she died at around 12 years.

    Yep, he was born around the time the '94-'95 lockout ended. Quite a coincidence for a dog named after a Sabres' defenseman.

  4. My gripe. The average life expectancy of dogs.......

    That's what my other complaint was going to be. Trying to pick the right day to pay that 'final visit' to the vet's office. Will probably happen in the next week or 2. He's over 18 and the bad days are starting to get too numerous to make the good ones worth it. :(

  5. Fine. I spilled an entire cup of coffee on my desk, effectively destroying a bunch of notes, attendance sheets, and scantrons (luckily, already graded) which I now need to completely copy to new paper. I love spending half the day re-doing things I've already done. Oh, and a few exam copy textbooks for the summer course I'll be teaching, and my laptop bag now reeks of old coffee. Not to mention, I really wanted that F'n coffee. I guess I should take this as a lesson to clean off my desk more frequently.





    Bummer. I s'pose it could've been worse and you could have spilled one of the random spiced whatever flavor coffees onto your computer bag. You'd've had to throw it away then as that smell would get old REAL quick.

  6. Yes it is. Complain away

    Fine, my complaint is that Bio and her cohorts can come up w/ a flu vaccine each year but have yet to come up w/ a rhinovirus vaccine. :censored:


    After suffering through my 2nd major sinus infection of the new year I realize I've lost the equivalent of about 1 full week of productivity to having ###### headcolds. Yeah, a sinus infection won't kill you, but it has cost me a LOT this season. :censored: And when you're coughing crud out of your throat for ~1 hour you lose a lot of productivity. (And that was on the 'good' day.) :censored:

  7. I had to put my cat down Tuesday. :unsure:



    Very sorry for your loss. Your cat looks a lot like the one my wife had that passed ~2 years ago. Darn shame, gray cats are about the only ones worth a darn and usually have great (for a cat ;)) personalities.

    Father in Law passed away Sunday. Funeral yesterday. I've helped carry more caskets than I ever wanted...

    Very sorry to read that. My condolences go out to you, your wife, and your family. Hope your wife is holding up ok.



    Her father. We're still in that stage of shock since we just found out monday. None of us have any clue where to go with all the planning now. Do you postpone, do you move it up, do you not change a thing? I don't think there is a right answer here, but the whole thing is just going to be very difficult with that cloud hovering over us.


    And in terms of this board, I have no clue what is going on in the NHL. I love the game, but at this point I don't have the time or the energy to keep up with whatever the "let's argue about this" topic of the day is.


    Shrader, sorry to you as well.


    My unsolicited advice is take a couple of weeks/a month to decide how/whether to alter your planned wedding date. Having your stb FiL giving your bride away is something they'll both treasure. It's possible that the anticipation of the wedding is something he'll 'fight' to make it to see and it could actually help with his treatment; it's also possible that it's too overwhelming and the date does need to advance. Taking a little time now may help out in the long run. Whatever your situation's circumstances dictate, I hope for the best for you and your stb family.


    Very sad news all around. :(

  8. The glorification of an individual, who at the very least, was involved in the cover-up of a double murder?

    Which is why I don't particularly want the Ravens to win. (Though I desperately wanted them to beat the Cheatriots.)


    I like to think of it this way. 5 teams have perfect records in the Superbowl:


    San Francisco 5-0

    Baltimore 1-0

    New York 1-0

    Tampa Bay 1-0

    New Orleans 1-0


    One of these things is not like the others. We're about to lose one of those teams and I'd rather not see the best all time record in the Superbowl be 2-0.

    I'm good w/ Frisco going to 5-1, and if they have to go back again in the future (repeatedly) eventually getting to something like 5-97.


    Though I really dislike Ray Lewis, I'm probably hoping for him to blow out his ACL around Tuesday and then having the Modell-less Ravens beat the 40-whiners. If Modell were still running the show, I'd probably plug my nose and cheer against the AFC champs. (I CAN'T cheer for the NFC champs unless they play their home games in Na'Orlins. And after Greggggggo's fun and games, I might not be able to root for them either.)

  9. Everyone should get the shot. Other than having an egg allergy or a few other rare medical conditions or circumstances, there is no good reason not to get vaccinated every year.

    Got flu shot this year and though I've been dealing w/ a sinus cold for pretty much all of January, I've felt a lot better this winter than in the past as I haven't had the flu (yet).

  10. Labatt's Rick Jeanneret bottle openers. :thumbsup:


    Mine says "Are you ready Legion of Dorks (ok, it says 'Doom,' but dorks is more fitting) Here Come the Buffalo Sabres," "May Day, May Day, May Day, May Day," and "These Guys are Good, Scary Good!" :beer:


    There's 2 others with 3 other phrases. I'm sure 2 of the phrases are "Top Shelf Where Momma Hides the Cookies," and "Oh, now do you believe." And I'd almost be willing to wager another is "La-la-la-la-la-la-la Fontaine."


    Thoughts on the other 3? Wowwee Wimpley (sorry, Housley) is probably one unfortunately. Jooooohhhhhnnnn Vaaaaannnnnnnn Boooooxxxxxmeeeeeeeeeeeeeer is probably from too far into the past to make the list. I'd guess another one would be what he said about heading to Carolina (can't remember the exact quote right now :doh:). Would the last one have something to do w/ the French Connection and either Dom or Miller? Or maybe just "Shhoooooottttttt."


    Pretty sweet. :worthy:

  11. Baseball writers did the wrong thing today by failing to put Tim Raines and Jack Morris in there where they belong.

    Screw that. Until Davey Concepcion gets in, nobody else should get in.


    Though, yeah, I agree that Raines and Morris are deserving of entry into Cooperstown. Putting 1 or both in (or Dave for that matter - unless he's only eligible through the veterans committee, in which case those guys need to get cracking), would have given a bit more of a stick in the eye to the Roids Warriors than not putting ANYBODY in.

  12. ...


    I meant my loser baseball club that hasn't done a damn thing since 1993 ... :angel: ... ;) .

    What do you mean they hadn't done anything since '93? :o They pulled off the VERY rare feat of being 3 time defending champs after only winning 2 times. (Thanks Don.) Of course since '94, they've been about as special as the Expos. ;)

  13. Haha yeah I'm taking up that role.


    On a related note, this is the first weekend in two months that I don't have to work a Sunday. F'N fantastic!


    Also related, I had an interview yesterday for a position with Pictometry doing geospatial image processing. It's already tremendous that they brought me in for an interview. It would be quite a life changer if they offer me the position. Growing high profile local company, walking distance from my apartment, better pay, much more cerebral, and a potential career path. Fingers crossed.

    Good luck w/ the Pictometry gig.


    That's been a very good company. And it seems to still be going strong after Dick Kaplan left.

  14. Not sure if this fits in the 'awesome' thread or the compliant Thursday thread, but it looks like the Mayans oopsed this one. (That or the Spaniards massacring them had something to do with them not putting together the next calendar. :doh:) Yeah, I know it still could have been predicted on the west coast of Meh-e-co rather than the east coast, but we're into the 21st in the central timezone now; and that's close enough for me.


    To all those that have gotten job offers / leads :thumbsup:.

  15. You just gotta laugh.....


    The Karma wheel always comes around. Sometimes it's better to get your ass kicked all at the same time because it makes the rest of life sweeter along the way.


    Praying the baby is fine...which it sounds like isn't a problem. Everything else is trivial......you already said.


    Hang in there.....almost done!

    Dude is setting himself up for a great '13, ain't he?


    I can't wait for '13 to show up. It's gonna be a good one (relative to '12).

  16. I keep telling myself, the baby is healthy, the doctors think my wife will be ok, and the rest is just money.

    Not only that, but with the baby (presumably) showing up in December, you'll get the full year's tax break.


    The downside to all those interviews I posted about in the Awesome thread is a. stress. Gatdam, selling yourself over and over is stressful. and b. disappointment. I love what I am doing right now. It is the most personally fulfilling job I've ever held and the working conditions are awesome. 4 of the 6 interviews are for positions I wouldn't have considered in other circumstances. And post-interview thoughts aren't making those positions any better. The one today was the least desirable. And what do I come home to? An offer from them to negotiate. I'm hoping I can use it to negotiate a better deal somewhere else as I am not sure I want the job.


    I have to remind myself that I am fortunate I am getting these opportunites. Lots of co-workers aren't getting interviews at all. I feel a bit guilty fielding this particular complaint.

    Hopefully one of the other ones come through as well, but just make sure you land this one. You can always upgrade later and, as you know, it's a lot easier to land a new one when you already have one.

  17. My complaint - dealing with incessant politics in volunteer organizations. I'm not getting paid to do this ####; stop ####ing with me.


    I literally am about to collapse from anxiety:

    • My 39.5 weeks pregnant wife can't keep food or water down. Zofran isn't working, so the OB says she's just going to have to deal with it until the baby comes. (Actual quote from a doctor to a pregnant woman: "even if you can't eat for a couple of days, the baby will be fine.")
    • Finally supposed to close on the short-sale of my house in Cincinnati Friday (which, despite this thread being open, is NOT tomorrow) and just about every little thing that could come up to potential derail it has happened in the last week.
    • Every one of my 30 bosses at work has asked informed me that they need a major project finished before the end of the year.
    • As a result of all this, I can't sleep, which has made me tired and on edge, and required massive coffee, which has, in turn, made me more tired and edgy.

    By next week, all of this will be over, I will be free of the mortgage on a house I can't live in, I will be holding my newest son, and done with work for the year. If I can live that long...

    Wow. A lot of crud going on. Good luck w/ it.


    If only there were some sort of chart with the days of the week on it!


    PS: I think Chz should be required to keep the thread open through tomorrow.


    The roommate from hell may have sent her keys to a friend with the intention of that girl getting in to take a bookshelf while we are both out of town for Christmas-New Years. Yeah, not cool. Time to change the locks.

    ALWAYS change the locks immediately when someone that had access to the house/apartment no longer needs the access. Even if you're in an apartment the landlord should do that for you. It may not be his entertainment center that gets stolen but it might be his fridge or other appliance.

  18. If their are any first responders still working on rescue efforts, this is a terrible decision by Bloomberg.

    It isn't quite up there w/ some of Ray Nagin's finest ones, but I can't see any good from shutting down several miles of NYC roads during the storm recovery.

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