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Taro T

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Posts posted by Taro T

  1. Of the 6 teams that have made the conference finals, 5 have won Cup Championships within the last 9 seasons. Including the last four straight Cup Champions. You're trying to argue parity in the game today by using all-time percentages. That logic fails you since it has no relevance to state of the league today. The Stars winning the Cup in 1999 and the five total Cups that Edmonton won mean nothing to this conversation. I will assume you understand the concept of parity. The NHL is not in a state of parity. You look at recent Cup winners, look at the conference finalists in recent years and you will see the same teams to be favored to playing for the Cup this year even with the re-alignment. Teams like Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago are built for long term success. These teams will be, along with the Kings and Detroit the same teams we'll see come May/June in 2014 and going forward. Occasionally a lessor team will get hot at the right time or a team will come out of nowhere, that's not parity.


    Seriously, how many teams have a legitimate chance at a Cup in 2014? 5? 10? Is that parity?

    So, now only 6 teams made the Conference Finals? :huh:


    You had a fluke occurence, the past 4 SC winners all making the CF's, this past season. Your argument against parity was stronger when you were only arguing a single data point.


    This past season, the 4 teams in the final 4 were Chicago, LA, Baaah-ston, and Pittsburgh. Year before that, it was LA, Phoenix, Joisey, and NYR. The season before that it was Vancouver, SJ, Baaaah-ston, and TB. The year before that it was Chicago, SJ, Filthy, and Moe-ray-all. The year before that, you had Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and the Canes. Even with this past year's fluke, in only 5 years, you had 14 different teams making the Conference Finals - out of 20 slots.


    The year the Kings won, they didn't slump and barely make the playoffs, they had to go on a tear to just make them, and they made them by the skin of their teeth. The Phlyers only made the playoffs on the last day of the season via a tiebreaker the year they lost to Chicago. Chicago went to Game 7 in the 2nd round, and the B's don't even get past the 1st round (against a team that hadn't won a playoff series, much less been in the playoffs in forever) without a couple of convenient non-calls in game 7.


    And again, if it's so easy to pick the team that's going to be there in the show when all is said and done, why did Iginla tell the B's to suck rocks?


    (Fun discussion. Not sure that I'll be able to respond again for a couple of days as I have some major deadlines that must get met. So I guess you'll get the last word (at least for now).)

  2. New Jersey was a 6th seed with 102 points and the Kings were far from being a traditional 8th seed, not many 8th seeds have that level of talent. The Kings were a good team that fell to 8th.


    So 2011-12 had two teams that had previously won Stanley Cups. Which makes 6 of the last eight teams to make the Final Four had previously won Stanley Cups? Yeah, that's a sign of parity.

    Shocking! 75% of the teams in the conference championships have won SC's in the past. :o


    You do realize that 19 (of 30) teams have previously won (or at least been awarded) Stanley Cups, right? If we discount the past 4 expansion teams, that's 19 of 26. Which, is 73%. So, a completely random sample of teams other than those from the latest round of expansion would result in 73% of the competitors having won a SC in the past. 75% is as close to 73% as we can get choosing 8 teams. That is what statistically is expected.


    Clearly, that 6 out of 8 is PROOF that parity doesn't exist. <_<


    And, 24 of 30 (80% of all) teams have previously been in the SCF's. If we throw out the most recent version of expansion teams again, EVERYBODY but Phoenix Arizona and San Jose have been in the finals before. AKA, 92% of all teams not counting the most recent expansion. We had 7 out of 8 teams (88%) in the CF's that had been to a SC before. Again, it is what would statistically be expected.


    And, along those previous lines, clearly, that 7 out of 8 is PROOF that parity doesn't exist. <_<



  3. If you try to do too much as a defenseman, it gets complicated really fast.


    Myers simplified his game and he got a lot better towards the end of the season because of it. He was as low as -9 after 11 games, but then in the next 26 games he was +5 (I don't like +/- either, but it illustrates the story). As such, he was rewarded with consistently more ice time.


    The way he improved last season shows me he could come out and have a great season this year. I hope he does, but it's another line on this team's long laundry list.


    The funny thing is, if he comes to camp in shape (and I don't see why he wouldn't, he knows when camp will begin this year), he's already way past where he was last year and improvement would be expected. Improvement would also be expected from playing in Rolston's likely simplified system the full season. But any improvements will be credited to 'he's playing w/ Hank again.'

  4. How close is the parity in this league when the final four teams this season just happened to be he last four Cup Champions.


    The Sabres are in as bad a position as any team in the NHL. They are prospect heavy with not much on the actual NHL roster. Reasonable expectations are that the influx of youth won't yield results for at 2-3 years down the road. Your looking at another couple of seasons for that youth to mature.

    How far is parity when the season before, the final 4 teams had 2 that had never won a Stanley Cup (one of which had never been beyond the 2nd round in its entire history) and 2 others than had gone nearly a decade and nearly 2 decades respectively since their last Stanley Cups? And btw, the 2 teams in the finals that year were a 6 and an 8 seed. Nope, no signs of parity there. <_<

  5. You have to weigh all of that against a chance of winning a Stanley Cup. Ott is a true competitor, giving up a chance of ever winning a Stanley Cup to stay in and Buffalo to be a mentor may be too much to ask. Ott must know he'll draw attention from contenders next off-season.

    How did that "I only want to play for a contender" work out for Iginla last year?


    Why'd Ott be "giving up a chance to ever win a Stanley Cup to stay in Buffalo?"


    The league is a lot closer parity-wise than it has ever been.


    Exactly 1 of 30 teams wins the Stanley Cup each season. Detroit has been in the preseason favorites every year, if not THE favorite each year, since the '05 lockout ended to win it and they haven't been back to the finals in the past 4 years and I'd be surprised if they're there this coming season (especially w/ the addition of Alfie). That's more or less a full career for most guys and nearly 1/2 a lifetime for the guys that end up full time regular NHLers.


    LA came amazingly close to missing the playoffs altogether the year they won it all. Filthy got in on the last day via tiebreakers and had to come back from 3-0 in games and then again in game 7 to eventually get to the point where they lost to the Hawks. You're beloved Devils were nearly knocked out in the 1st round by the lowly (let's call a spade a spade) Panthers in the year they went to Finals.


    For all the $'s and panache that is the Strangers, they haven't sniffed a SC since Messier willed them to 1 back in '94.


    Going to a "competitor" doesn't give a guy a lock on getting his name engraved. (Ask Mr. Iginla about that one.) And, though we are all thoroughly exhausted by this team, they AREN'T in the no way in H-E-double hockeysticks can they win in the next 2-4 years category that some teams are in.


    I've stated my reasons why I expect that he'll re-up with the Sabres. (I still stand by them, though I saw just checking capgeek that he turns UFA this year, not next, so I don't consider it the lock it'd've been had his contract been up in '15.)

  6. Unfortunately, it will take a lot more than one or two players to set an example for someone like Stafford. You need an established team mentality like the Bruins built before a player like that (e.g., Horton) sees the light. You can have one or two guys who need the example to be set, but they need to be the exception, not the rule. Ott has exactly the blue-color, hardest working team in hockey mentality that this team needs more of. I want him setting the example for years to come, but I also want more of his type brought in. It sounds like Girgensons is that type of player, so that's a start.

    I think Ott is worth something crazy like 5 years 4.5 to 5 million. I like if we can get him for the money you suggested but i can not see it. Maybe 8 years at 3.5-4 million is possible but i am not sure we want this.

    I agree. On the open market I think he gets close to the Clarkson contract.

    I fully expect Regier to make a legitimate offer to Ott when the time comes and expect him to come to a deal on it. It's painfully obvious to those of us that watch the Sabres that there is a major leadership / heart void on this team and it has been there since 7/1/7. I can't believe that DR doesn't see that as well. And long in tooth vets that have been brought in since that time have been attempts to correct that (Grier, Rivet, Regehr, Niedermayer). Ott is the only vet that isn't past his prime that has substantially stepped into and partially filled that void.


    While I expect that DR is trying to re-sign RM and TV, I fully expect that he WILL re-sign Ott even if that means giving him a Clarksonesqe contract. (I don't expect it will take quite that to get him re-signed, though I fully expect there to be shouts of 'overpaid' when a deal does get worked out with him.)


    Why would Ott re-sign here, especially if they're rebuilding? 3 reasons:


    1. on paper, they have some seriously skilled youth that should be coming into their own before he's too long in the tooth to be of use; being an obvious choice to captain a group that (again, on paper) is upcoming could be intriguing to someone of character;


    2. money talks - TP has a lot of it and they'll be able to fit him in under the cap; and


    3. his 'brother' Mike Weber is a Sabre and likely will be for a long time.

  7. We miss some sort of jazz festival by one day, which is unfortunate.

    There is pretty much some sort of festival going on year round, so you'll still be able to catch something cool.


    In addition to the normal tourist traps down there, I'd recommend hitting the Louisiana School of Cooking (they have cooking classes there, and even if you don't feel up to that, there is a great spice / sauce store as a part of it) and Copeland's (a nice Cajun restaurant over near St. Charles owned by the guy that started Popeyes) which gives a chance to get away from the French Quarter for a bit.


    While you're down there down an Abita Amber (or 2 or 3), or maybe a Turbo Dog.


    Congrats on the wedding. Hope the day goes as planned and your F-i-L to be has a great time.

  8. I'm probably one of the most firmly entrenched people you'll ever find in the "Let's Run Drew Stafford Out of Town" camp, but the Sabres simply have to be the worst passing pro hockey team I ever saw.


    I have *never* in my life seen a pro team, botch so many completely simple passes like the Sabres do. If it were me, I'd be outraged too at some point and stop reaching for one crap pass after another.


    What we as fans often fail to understand, is that in this league, reaching for a bad pass can put you directly in the crosshairs of any cheapshort artist, wishing to put you in the stands for a few months nursing a concussion.


    Doubt this is the case with Stafford, just thought I'd throw it in there. You never know.

    If Stafford were consistently close to an opposing player this comment might have merit. I've seen FAR too many non-controlled passes when he was by himself to believe self preservation has anything to do with it.

  9. I didn't say I expect it, just that it would be a huge addition if it did happen.


    By the way, no reason for you to believe me but I said it before. Those close to situation will tell you, it's not being lazy or not caring. In fact, they will tell you he cares too much and is too effected by outside opinions.

    They will also tell you it may never change so it still may be best to move him.

    I have no doubt that he's a good person and can believe that he 'cares' deeply about being a better player. But IMHO his biggest issue is that he has absolutely no interest in partaking in any of the physicality that comes with the game unless it is to defend a smaller teammate that has been bullied by someone bigger than him. I'd be shocked if he wasn't significantly bigger than the other kids growing up and was brought up to not be a bully.


    I can see where 'caring' too much about the game can have him screw up a pass or not have his shot go where it needs to go. The old 'gripping the stick too tight' syndrome. His 1st 5 years in the league he had a very good shooting percentage 4 of the 5 seasons; as the fan ire has built up his shooting percentage has fallen off the face of the earth. But that doesn't explain not being able to pick up a pass that isn't exactly on his stick nor does it explain his playing the sort of game that Satan played.


    For his sake, the Sabres' sake, and ours; he has to go somewhere else.

  10. I've encountered a new kind of stupid driver this week. I got stuck behind a woman who was turning left this week. Usually you can just go around on the right, but this one decided to loop out to the right so she could make a ridiculously wide turn. Doing this completely blocked off that side of the road.


    And I've seen a couple people on facebook today praising the Patriots for cutting Hernandez, saying that they're so much better than other teams for doing that right away. Call me crazy, but the whole "well at least we cut our murderer" stance seems like a pretty weak one to be taking right now. They're not suddenly on some moral high ground for making this no brain decision. They just have a huge black eye from this thing and it isn't going away any time soon.


    Yeah, the 40-whiners should have cut theirs before letting him retire as well. ;)


    Cheatriot fans are just being Cheatriot fans.



    (Sorry, don't look at this thread too often and just saw this post.)

  11. Kovalchuk announces his retirement from the NHL?!?! :o


    Tom Gulitti@TGfireandice 3m

    Ilya Kovalchuk has announced his retirement. This is not a fake.


    Retweeted by Greg Wyshynski

    Kovalchuk announces his retirement from the NHL?!?! :o


    Tom Gulitti@TGfireandice 3m

    Ilya Kovalchuk has announced his retirement. This is not a fake.


    Retweeted by Greg Wyshynski


    Sorry for your loss DeLuca. Though it may look bleak now, things will get better.

  12. Andreychuck is one of the top 30 point scorers and top 15 goal scorers of all time. Career Power Play goals leader, and played over 1600 games. That's good enough for me.


    Mogilny, what can I say, should have been the first from his line (Bure, Fedorov, Mogilny) to go into the Hall, but alas. The time will come. As far as I know there are only one player who has been inducted into the Hall of Fame as a Sabre. When Mogilny and Andreychuk finally gets their day it will be 4. Also, how come #39 is not retired in Buffalo yet?


    Never selected to 1st or 2nd AS teams; only played in 2 AS games. If not for captaining TB to the SC, I don't expect that he'd ever get in. As it is, he's going to wait a few more years. And, as stated before, I wouldn't put him in the NHL HoF. That should be reserved for great players, not those that were good for a long time. I've got no issues with him being in the Sabres HoF.

  13. Can't argue with Chelios and Niedermyer going in on the first ballot, but it's stupid that Andreychuk is not in the Hall of Fame yet. I would also like to note that Alaxander Mogilny also should have been in the HoF a long time ago.

    I'm fine w/ the 3 male players that were selected this year. Don't pay close enough attention to the women's game to say whether Heaney should have gone in now or waited. Kind of torn on Shero getting in. Won the only 2 SC's that expansion teams won until the Isles broke through ending the Original 6's stranglehold on the SC, but did it via thuggery and 1 of the best goalies of his era. The league would have been headed, IMHO, to a dark place had he won 3 in a row. But he definitely was a successful coach. MAYBE if his teams weren't thugs he wouldn't have waited more than 2 decades longer than Bowman to get in.


    As for Andreychuk, I expect he will eventually get in and I believe he belongs in the Sabres HoF, but I just don't believe that being a good player for a long time warrants HoF inclusion. Andy was never a SPECIAL player. Unless you count being the 1st player ever to play for 2 different teams in a year he broke 50 goals, which is actually a kind of special in a notorious way, again IMHO. He only broke 40 3 times and his skating left a LOT to be desired.


    I fully expect Mogilny to end up in the HoF after a few more Russians get there.

  14. Galchenyuk is American.


    Personally I think 25-48 games is too little to start including or excluding players from being a number one centre. This next full season, with a training week, exhibition games and that bit more time for the youngest player in the NHL to mature and we should get a better idea

    Not having any of that definitely hurt him last year as did Leino going down. When Leino got injured it definitely looked like there were no line combos that LR felt comfortable playing a VERY young kid on.


    I wasn't happy w/ his play last year, but it's tough to fault an offensive player for not producing when he's only playing 6 minutes a game w/ John Scott and whomever else is rounding out the 4th line. I thought he showed some glimpses of what he can do; this year will be interesting.

  15. Admittedly I only know what I read in the past few minutes.... so I don't know the exact deals of the trade other than McBain and sekera got swapped. Is sekera our 2nd best d man? And I don't know much about McBain. I guess I was just hoping for at least one of the two "big" players traded. I guess there's still time for that, but I'm glad I went out with the family today instead of watching the draft, great fireworks tonight

    Nuuut anymuuuiiir.

  16. It's like trick-or-treating in the ghetto and trading away your 2nd best piece of candy at the end of the night. A dumb-dumb pop only fetches so much.......

    But you can usually find some schmuck that'll give you something for a Clark Bar ...

  17. Been out all day, decided to just check in and see what was going on. I'm a little shocked we didn't make any significant trades. I can't say I'm too pleased with this draft, not too happy with Darcy right now, but then again who really is.

    You don't consider trading away the 2nd best D-man for a 2nd rounder to be significant?

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