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Taro T

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Posts posted by Taro T

  1. I'm wondering if he's waiting to see what kind of offers he gets for Miller this week before committing. He might be giving him an opportunity to have a shot to play in the NHL somewhere else IF Miller stays. He might be saying to be patient in that he could sign Leggio to backup Enroth next year if he can trade Miller. I think we'll have a lot better idea what the hell's going on in a couple of weeks. After what's happened today, Darcy has to have something in mind.

    One would hope.

  2. There were lots of dominos before the draft, there were lots of dominos during the draft (unprecedented availability of players and talks), there are still lots of dominos. I think these dominos might stay where they are.


    The NHL needs to do something about FA, every year it becomes worse. The only team that actively releases its star players into it are the Sabres

    I thought Lecavalier wore B&W, not B&G.

  3. Has to be since the odds of a Miller trade are probably reduced a bit.


    Are you going to be happy with that tandem? Hackett playing 60 games. Not sure Hackett will be happy about being stuck in the AHL.

    Good. I don't want him happy being there. When Miller or Enroth suffer the nearly inevitable injury, have him play well in his couple of games and force the team to make some decisions.

  4. No, but there's top-4 D prospects to flip for that.....in theory.

    Theoretically, it should be easier to improve the F's via trade than the D, but ottomh I can't think of a loaded D team that dropped some of that depth to significantly improve their attack.

  5. How do you come to that conclusion on Ruhwedel? IMO he was our best defensemen since the day he joined the team. Hard to imagine he doesn't push for a spot in camp, looked much better than Pysyk to me.

    Wouldn't speak for Weave, but I'd expect that to be the case because a lot of times a D-man (or even a forward - see Foligno) comes up late in the season after having been in a groove at a lower level and manages to keep it going through the end of that season. Doesn't mean he'll be able to do it in a full role for a full season. MAGs would be the most recent example of this.


    (Looks like once again TB beat me to the punch.)

  6. our D sucked last year and we also drafted forwards last year . Not surprising picks.

    And, if you go on the '1/2 (at least) of picks don't pan out' then they've probably gotten at least 1 good big, nasty D-man. Yes, they still need C's, but grabbing 2 of the top D; isn't necessarily a bad thing.

  7. I can't picture Miller garnering much more than a 2nd round pick at the deadline. How many buyers will be in need of a #1 goaltender?

    There'll be a few. But at THIS point, he's not getting much more than a 2nd for him either. ;)

  8. So with that trade what does that say about MIllers value?

    It says to me what I expected. The Sabres won't get what he's worth to them now in return value. I expect him to be traded at the deadline, though I'd prefer they find a way to get him extended.

  9. Let's just ask X. what Ted did to him.


    I don't know about anyone else, but I had to put on my nipple covers. This is the best day of the year! Deadline day is second! Last day of the season for the Sabres is third!

    You're a fan of the Ides of March? (Or is it the Ides of December?)

  10. It's been forever since I looked at a post on this board. Too bad for me.


    But I'm engaged. And that's awesome. And she's awesome.


    No Schlitz! Cool. Congratulations! :beer:


    Congratulations. Mine is less than 2 months away now, so it's time to really sit down and hammer out those final details.


    And here's something I saw this morning that was bizarrely awesome. Driving into work, I noticed a guy wearing some sort of colonial costume riding a motorcycle. It's not as funny as the guy I saw about a month ago fixing a flat tire while wearing a Buzz Lightyear mascot costume, but it was still very funny.


    Good luck to you too. :beer:


    Congrats! I'm getting married in two weeks.


    And you as well. Congrats! :beer:


    And to any I've missed. Cheers! :beer:

  11. Thanks.


    Jake was very handsome (everyone said so ... he would walk around our neighbourhood like a dog ... on his leash and harness) and he knew it.


    He was a cross between a silver point Siamese (native to Thailand, ya know ... ;) ) and a grey tabby. Extremely affectionate and vocal. Blue eyes that were crossed.





    Sorry to learn of your cat passing away. Losing pets always rots. Cool that you're viewing the memories as awesome. They are. Regards.

  12. okay, seriously? cuz i had an interview this morning too. small company, i'm way over-qualified but willing to take the pay cut to at least stay employed ... and this position has the added benefit of working from home. i can live with that!


    good luck, man. hope everything pans out well for you.

    Cool. Hope it works out for you as well.

  13. Not fantastic, but promising. Interview this morning was weird but ended well. Small company. Position I am overqualified for. First two interviewers talked so much I couldn't get a chance to sell myself. Had to take a skills test. Hadn't had to do that in ages. But it went fine. As the interview was ending my interviewer stepped out to see if anyone else was interested in speaking to me. The owner stepped in, reviewed my resume, and took the interview down a whole new path. He wants to consider me for a different postion, one that isn't officiaily open yet and is a much better match for my skillset. He ended the interview by telling my to contact his secretary on Monday or Tuesday to make sure I am on his schedule for late next week some time.


    It isn't a job off, but it sounds promising.

    Cool. Good luck w/ it.

  14. i thought about this too, but i don't think the team will carry 3 QBs (especially with brad smith on the roster). the plan appears to be to have kolb be the presumptive starter (unless manuel wows them (perhaps unlikely)). if they were to draft another qb--where would they put him? practice squad? and then have someone sign him away?




    I fully expect the team to carry 3 QB's + Smith. Whether the 3rd is Jackson or a 4th rounder doesn't make a lot of difference to me. The lost roster spot can be made up by carrying an extra OL or CB on the practice squad. Considering I'm expecting this team to come in at ~6-10 this year, I don't see where carrying an extra QB (or 2 even) torpedoes this year. Start Kolb this year, if he's not the answer early in the season then try Jackson, if Kolb's not the answer late in the season try Manuel. Use this season to figure out if they think Kolb, Manuel, or other can be THE franchise guy they need. If they don't think 1 will grow into that role and there is a guy that looks like a franchise QB at their slot next year - grab him and jettison Manuel &/or other pick from this year for picks. It seems that (at least early in their careers before they've had the opportunity to show the rest of the league they can't be THAT guy) highly drafted QBs retain their value.



    They should stay right where they are. They need the picks. I'd like to see them pull a DC and pick up another quarterback, maybe early Saturday.

    I would definitely like to see another QB grabbed in the 3rd or 4th.

  16. Listen. I still like the trade. We got the better player. But have any of you really watched hodgson in the defensive zone ? His shortcomings can't be brushed aside simply because he's been annointed our # 1 centre. Hopefully he grows into that side of the game. He's only 22 so there's that but if he doesn't improve on the defensive side of the puck terms like lazy will fit.


    And as I say this he's made a couple of nice plays in the Sabres zone. One where he lifted a stick in the crease and saved a goal. I guess he's growing into it. :P



    It's FAR easier to teach a player how to play hockey in the defensive zone than to teach hockey sense / a passing &/or scoring touch. Hodgson has some natural tools. He's typically a disaster in his own end now, but that definitely be worked on.


    Will he figure that part of the game out? It's too soon to tell, but I'd say it's better than 50/50 that he will.

  17. Proposal 1: No blend. Stop at the liquor store or wherever one buys wine down there and get a decent (we're talking $15, not $60) bottle made from one grape. How does the committee vote?

    Would agree to stay away from blends. Would also recommend staying towards the sweeter end if he doesn't already know her taste in wines.

  18. As much as I hate to say it, I'd like to see Stafford stay. His trade value has dwindled to nothing and now cap space isn't an issue. If this team goes through a rebuild there will be holes to fill in the lineup for a year or two. There are going to be a few FA signings that will be far from groundbreaking.

    I absolutely do not want Stafford 'leading' the young kids on this team. The only trait of his that I'd like to see instilled in more of the team is the 'you just ####ed one of our smaller guys, why don't you try that with me' attitude. Unfortunately, he only displays it when someone gets seriously ####ed and his 'I will make less body contact than Pomms did' actions and attitude are more contagious than the 'we'll stand up for each other under EXTREME duress' actions are. Ott and Scott bring the 'don't #### with our little guys' attitude far better than Stafford ever will; and that is the ONLY thing he brings now.


    He seemed to actually like playing with Ennis last year, that's gone now. He's a big kid that should be a power forward, but he just doesn't have the attitude to do it.


    They traded away the captain to change the 'leadership' (or more accurately lack thereof) on this squad. They have to keep that movement going. Take the 'A' away from Vanek and trade Stafford this off-season.

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