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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Here’s an example I pulled out of my ass… Proper positioning has to come before checking. If he’s unhappy with the general play, I can see a developmental coach telling people to lay off the checking to get their general positioning right. i.e., don’t be Ristolainen and skate 30 feet out of your way to throw a body check.
  2. I think they throw enough checks that it’s clear that it’s not forbidden. Whatever was said, had to be a special case.
  3. I’m not sure if you listened, but apparently there were some fans behind the Vegas bench that brutalized him all game.
  4. Rivet is very specific in his comments about jack’s lack of emotional maturity to handle even mild adversity in his life. He specifically mentioned that the team lost that night.
  5. Long story short, a bunch of nine or 10-year-olds with Junior Sabres jerseys on were in Long Island for an event. The Sabres played the Islanders that game, and the kids/parents had tickets. A group of about 35 watched the team lose, but the kids still all wanted to see Jack. Rivet escorted the group down by the locker room area for them to meet Jack and when he came out he looked at everyone, rolled his eyes, turned around and walked back through the curtain and into the locker room. There he stayed. Instead, Kyle Okposo came out and stayed for 20 minutes and signed every jersey and every piece of paper he was handed.
  6. We would have known what kind of person he really was, but the meddling owners got in the way.
  7. An absolutely brutal first hand account from Craig Rivet regarding Jack five years ago.
  8. He might be bad in that spot because he is bad in that spot and he’s being put there to be better in the future.
  9. This is the perfect photo to remember this incident by.
  10. Eakin is the guy who came up with the photo shoot costume. He’s not a nobody. Half the guys on the team our talking about a brotherhood. I’m not sure everyone’s reading/listening to their comments.
  11. Senator Chuck Schumer in Buffalo today, mentioning that money from the latest federal spending bill will be used to directly connect KeyBank Center with the DL&W Terminal via some sort of tunnel. Off the train and into the arena without going outside.
  12. I’m not really sure how valid fancy stats are to this specific team. DG hasn’t been looking to maximize player usage all year. he’s trying to improve everyone’s weaknesses, not just leverage their current strengths. For example, he recently just commented about various centers playing wing. He said he is specifically playing certain natural centers at wing not because they would be better there, but so that they will be better centers/wings ***next year***. what nobody knows is what DG told #10 to work on prior these past games. He may have done exactly what DG asked him to do, but was not rewarded with a rise in fancy stats.
  13. There are a lot of takes in here that don’t have the benefit of hindsight.
  14. I locked it because it wasn’t supposed to be a generic topic about who we should and should not trade. It was supposed to be a topic about what happens to a close team where there may be 50% turnover in one or two years. I don’t know where I went wrong in the phrasing.
  15. Coaches get hired and fail all the time. JB was looking for his Granato, and he came up with Krueger instead. He was on the right track, but his selection didn’t work out. It started out pretty good, it just didn’t end well.
  16. I guess I was not able to articulate what I was hoping for in this topic. I tried several times to talk about what may happen to a tight team once you start replacing the players… i’m guessing this was just a poor topic.
  17. It looks like I asked this question poorly. I probably shouldn’t have alluded to specific people. My whole point is that while people are commenting on how tight this team is becoming, this team is going to be demolished in short order. Perhaps quicker than you can assimilate the pieces.
  18. Really? I don’t see that happening even a little bit.
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