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Posts posted by SDS

  1. Don't take this the wrong way, as I'm fully aware that SDS has nothing to do with what is happening to me and I mean him or SabreSpace no disrespect but I CANT ###### STAND TYPING A 1000 WORD NOVEL FOR A POST ONLY TO HAVE IT SHOW UP COMPLETELY ###### UNREADABLE AND IMPOSSIBLE TO EDIT BACK TO NORMAL IN A TIMELY MANNER :censored: :censored: :censored: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:



    whew... i feel better now. :angel:


    Try something different. Is it your browser? Your computer?

  2. If Stafford ends up in Detroit or Vancouver, and scores an average of 30-35 goals and wins a Cup in the next 3 years.....what will people say?


    If Roy ends up on a team with some natural leaders and a coach who is respected, and puts up an 80 point pace the rest of the year and suddenly plays the puck hard.....what will people say?


    If this team sold off parts last deadline (Yeah Scott, many of us thought that was the smart play),



    What would I say? Shame on Stafford and Roy for their play here. They ultimately answer for their own efforts. However, it is reasonable to ask why they mailed it in here.


    And I know you advocated that. It is still my opinion that people always want more than they currently have, despite any past proclamations. As soon as the battle ends, a new one starts.

  3. Assuming he doesn't make an unforgettable trade, yes I would be okay with it. The Sabres have got as much as they can out of Roy. Remember those heart to heart talks with Lindy that were much publicized in the off-season two years ago? How did that work out?


    I bitched about Connolly and Campbell for years. Did you see me afterwards come back and complain the Sabres screwed up and are now sucking because of it? No you didn't. Please step away from your crystal ball and refrain from predicting what my future posts will look like. <_>


    PS Oh by the way, people are not allowed to ever change their view on anything once they post something. Like that doesn't occur here on a daily basis. :doh:




    ...and how am I different from the majority of regular posters on this board? Actually, the Sabres sucked so bad on Saturday, I stopped watching after the first period, and didn't post a single thing after the game.


    ...but feel free to pile on in this otherwise "everything is coming up roses" forum.


    My comment was directed towards the "missing the playoffs" part and being ok with that. If that is NOT what you meant, then my apologies.


    And yes, there is a lot to complain about... I just don't see you as one of the happy go luck crowd if the Sabres missed the playoffs. Thus, my comment - which may have been a response to something you weren't saying.

  4. I see. So now you are lumping in LabattBlue (the guy you actually responded to) with the chronic complainers. Nice. :rolleyes: Maybe you should stick to moderating if you are going to start throwing that stuff around.


    I would be shocked if he disagreed.

  5. There were a whole bunch of us advocating that very thing last season, even after Pegula took over. Believe it.


    If there is one certainty in life it is that constant complainers will constantly complain. It is in their DNA. There is no way we move Stafford and/or Roy, have the Sabres miss the playoffs by 2 points and not have 2 more whipping boys step up to LB's plate.


    When we won a ######-ton of games in 2006-2007 - do you know who the biggest complainer was around here? PA (shocking, I know). Why? We weren't winning "the right way"....


    When the team gets blown out - people just want to be competitive.

    When the team is competitive - people just want to win.

    When the team wins - people just want to make the playoffs

    When the team makes the playoffs - people just want to go deeper into the playoffs



    It never stops for most people.


    I am okay with it, I just don't know if Regier would do it, considering that a playoff miss might cost him his job.


    Are you trying to say that if this team makes that move and misses the playoffs you won't say a negative thing about it because you are "ok with it"? Please...

  7. This. You seem to go right to extreme, and then get upset when it isn't well recieved. The solution isn't to be "done". The solution is moderating the tone and tenor of your posts.




    We kind of argued about this previously. Although I presume the phrase "isn't well received" is open for interpretation. In my opinion, people need to be more introspective about the feedback they receive in general in life.

  8. Some fun facts about Drew's Hat Tricks last year. Here's the result of the Stafford hat trick games that IF they don't count:


    Dec. 15 - Vs Boston - 2-0 BOS (a -2 point swing)

    Jan. 1 - Vs Boston - 6-3 BOS (a -2 point swing)

    Feb. 8 - Vs Tampa Bay - 4-4 (a possible -2 point swing)

    Feb. 13 - Vs New York Isl. - 6-3 NYI (a 0 point swing as this was a loss anyway)


    Oh yeah and we missed the playoffs because his hat tricks didn't happen.


    I'm not defending Drew Stafford, but it is silly to ignore his goals.


    Well done! I was going to post the same thing, but was too lazy to look it up. I was going to suggest he added 8 points all by himself, but 6 is almost as good.

  9. What a load of crap this is. Have you ever been to Arizona? Do you know anyone who lives there? More importantly, do you not realize that you are doing to the 6.5MM people who live there exactly what you are accusing them of doing to the immigrants?


    If you like Buffalo, and don't want people to slur the city and its residents, then don't do the same thing to other people/places.


    I think Arizona should move their capital to WNY. Afterall, the residents there know what's best for them.

  10. He is right of course, but it still came as a bit of a shock to hear it.


    Good call. Just because you grew up in Buffalo, doesn't mean he identifies with it. Every kid should have the choice to identify with their own community... I have always told this to my kids.

  11. I got lit up Kaleta-style playing in a non-checking C2 hockey league last night. I think my team is tied for 2nd, and we were playing the last place team. They always get blown out and the majority of the guys are new to playing. It was 0-0 just 4 minutes in, and I picked up a loose puck down by the goal line, brought it up along the boards and sent a break out pass to my winger (I play defense). Well, this guy is chasing after me full speed and a good 3 seconds after I make the pass he just drills me from the side. It was right in front of the ref, so he called him for interference since I didn't have the puck anymore, but since it's a non-checking league he could have easily called the guy for checking or roughing or charging, as he skated right through me. The worst part was, after the play is blown dead, the guy starts flipping out, because he doesn't know why he got a penalty. I have no problem with physical play, lead my team in pealty minutes, and was 2nd in the league last season, but I just couldn't understand what this guy was thinking. He took a swing at me later after he hacked my goalie's glove after a save and I put my hand on his chest so he wouldn't come any closer to him. Later in the game I caught him with his head down had him lined up for a big open ice hit, but let him go. Today I'm regretting that more than the two point shots I ripped off the post last night.




    Last week, someone Kaleta'd me from behind I and went head first into the boards in a crumpled mess. After some choice words of warning about keeping his head up, I lit him up with a shoulder to breast bone check against the boards that de-skated him late in the 3rd. It was damn near orgasmic as he was plastered against the boards with his skates in the air.


    Scumbag or not, some guys need payback or they think they can play dirty without retribution. If some guy plays in a manner that could break my neck, I want him to know he has to worry about the same thing. Maybe he'll think twice next time and realize it is only beer league.

  12. My project got its FY13 money zeroed out - effectively killing the program. Now we need to scramble to see if someone else can use this telescope we are building... or else I'm on the hairy edge of looking for a rare job opening in my field.



  13. Normally there - I work in a research lab in the Cancer Institute. Haven't made it to the park yet this summer, but I'm planning to go in the next few weeks. You're right; this would have been a perfect day, weather-wise!


    I didn't realize you were so close to Baltimore. I thought you were out by Altoona for some reason. Do you get down this way ever?

  14. No, the Med Center. How crazy would that have been to be on a rollercoaster during an earthquake, though?? Probably better that than getting blood drawn or surgery. :sick:


    Well, it would have been a beautiful day in the park. Is that where you normally are or just visiting?

  15. Yeah we felt it here in Hershey, PA -- the whole building shook for a few seconds, kind of surprised nothing fell off the shelves. We thought it was construction at first (there's a new building going up behind us), but it was never that strong before. Pretty wild.


    you at the park?

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