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Posts posted by SDS

  1. Google released a standalone Maps app on the iPhone to combat Apple's awful Apple Maps, and it is above and beyond Apple Maps in functionality.


    I was thisclose to abandoning my iPhone but I suppose I won't have to now. Awesome.


    I've used TomTom for nav, but I used google for just getting a map. I haven't had any issues with Apple's map app. I guess I'm just lucky.


    Does this mean parents to the rescue on the house sale? I hope so...


    This poster. ^^^^^

  2. Yup. Unless I can pull $2500 out of my ass in the next 24 hours, the closing is going to fall through and my bank will revoke the short sale approval, putting me back at square one.


    never ever ever ever buy a house unless you are 100% certain you are going to die in that house. Real Estate is terrible, Banks are terrible, and The State of Ohio is especially terrible.


    Two words: Stunt Butt.

  3. Finally going home today. We were supposed to fly from Miami to Philly Monday night, but obviously that was canceled so we've been stuck in the Miami airport the last two nights. Anxious to see how my house fared in the storm... seems like power never went out, but I'm guessing the stuff from my porch is all over the place and hoping my fence didn't take too much of a beating. Here's hoping the rest of you SabreSpacers fared well.


    Stuck in Miami? Well, at least you had an ample supply of coke and hookers.

  4. And I see a bunch of people not willing to put the work into understanding the true dynamics behind anything that may tarnish their lollipop view of those they adore.


    You guys really deserve this franchise. You truly do.


    In the span of 24 hours we have:


    1) Confirmation from players that Lindy Ruff's system is based on overthinking and not instinct


    2) Hodgson caused more problems than the entire Vancouver team


    3) Ruff ruined Kalinin with his overbearing tactics according to Paul Hamilton's sources.



    You kids keep it real. I've made 2 posts in 3 weeks, yet when browsing the board see some of the lollipop gang telling others.....I quote..."Shut the F### Up!"


    Take your little clique.....and your franchise full of pussies...........and shove it up your collective ######.


    C'mon now, that hardly moved the absurdity needle. You need to spice it up a little.

  5. Isn't it cute when someone does some real due dilligence?


    Red flag came out at deadline time with articles about how Hodgson's dad was involved with micromanaging his kid and it pissed off the Canucks. Looked into his dad. I tried to point out nicely at the trade what the deal was...but nobody seems to want to follow breadcrumbs around here.


    All I see is a caricature of someone who once tried to make valid points.


    That was the plan anyway. I don't think a 1st round upset was their plan lol. Kass is mainly there to protect the star players, and from what I can tell his doing a really good job.








    That was sarcasm.


    Well, no one has come out of the crowd and beat Henrik with a shoe on the bench, so he has that covered.

  7. I'm still hoping we can settle on not using those stupid names at all.


    I agree and have almost posted this sentiment many, many times. Not only are they incredibly juvenile, but they aren't even relevant today. Is there a single person out there that thinks this team doesn't have major issues?


    A certain faction of people wanted to wait and see what would happen to the team dynamics under Pegula, by only changing one piece at a time - the other faction didn't want to wait and wanted to fire the owner, the partner, the GM, the coach, and the players all at the same time.


    Regardless, I see little evidence that anyone thinks the team that takes the ice now is set for success.

  8. Pretty entertaining thread..


    Sure beats the what are you watching, reading, eating, drinking, smoking, beating tripe that has been on here lately.


    It's unfortunate that you think people having friendly conversation outside of the hockey discussion is such a drag on your life. Try not to kick your dog too hard today.

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