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First game AP (Anno Pegula)


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Just came in from my shop for a lunch break. Was flipping through the DVR and found the game vs. Atlanta last February that was Pegula's first. I watched the opening ceremony with the video of 7,11, and 14 in the alumni room. Then when they skated out to greet Pegs. I have to be honest, I got surprisingly emotional. Largely I think because Rico isn't here anymore but also because like many of you and TP himself, I've loved this team since my childhood (I'm 42 now). So literally wiping tears from my eyes I decided to post on here how excited and thankful I am for this new era. Even if for some reason this season doesn't pan out, the future is so bright.

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Thank you for that post.


Definately even more meaningful now that Rico is gone, but was still memorable and emotional even without his passing.


The quest for a championship in western NY means alot to many of us, and that's why TPegs ownership has had such a resounding effect.


We now believe that we will win, with no wide rights or no

goals stopping us.

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