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Everything posted by Doohickie

  1. I want to like that but in the current PC climate I can't imagine the team getting behind that, considering what people say about the tomahawk chop and stuff. It's been kicked around, but I like the idea of a rousing rendition of The Erie Canal: From Albany to BUFFALO.
  2. If I had to put my finger on it, Granato fosters an environment where encouraging the success of others on the team is encouraged. He does it, frequently saying how he just "gets out of the way" but the leaders on the team do it too. Tuch is the last guy to take credit for things; he most frequently names the contributors in the team's accomplishments. I wonder if Granato pulled some of the key guys- Okie, Girgs, Skinner, Tuch- aside and told them to encourage this as a team building technique.
  3. Yes, I was aware they were kind of a fusion jam group prior to Steve Perry but I didn't hear of them until they hit pop gold with "Feeling That Way/Anytime" from Infinity which were almost always played back-to-back on the album rock stations and even some pop stations. And then from Evolution there was the same thing with "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin/City of the Angels"
  4. I've never been to a game there. In fact I haven't been to a Sabres home game since the 1970s. I've seen the Sabres several times in Dallas. This is a common problem in many sports venues.
  5. I tend to think Granato was recommended to Krueger/JBot by Sabres staff (including the Director of the Habor Center Academy of Hockey... some guy named Kevyn). Granato was the inside source that helped bring down the JBott-Krueger administration, helping Adams stage his coup. He was biding his time as part of the Sabres Deep State.
  6. I saw them live at Saratoga Performing Arts Center. Because Mrs. Doohickie (well we weren't married yet, but yeah, her) liked them. I liked their early stuff but they rode the pop gravy train too much for my liking.
  7. There is no such physical place as South Detroit. But really I came here to post this: I can't find the lie.
  8. Oh I can totally see it. You haven't been on the forum in a while and you have a notification you've been tagged. And you follow it through and see someone slamming you (again), and it's only human nature to comment on it. It's not like he dug down into the bowels of the forum to find it; he had a notification right at the top of the page. We all know John is not a wilting violet; nothing surprising here.
  9. This is correct. But why spoil the roll the person's on. I apologize. (I'm the one who tagged you.)
  10. When talking about rewarding moments during the season: "Jokiharju becoming a leader and grabbing Owen Power and wanting to partner up with him." I think this says something about how everyone in the room feels like they are valued, like they have something to contribute, and are not afraid to step forward. It would have been easy to pair Power with Pysyk as the fatherly vet, but instead Donny gives that assignment to a guy who's often thought of as being in the shadow of Dahlin and even Muel. He gave Joki a stretch goal and it not only helped Power, it also helped Joki grow as a player and leader. Krueger was supposed to be some kind of great motivator but I see Granato doing subtle things like that to challenge his players in a good way.
  11. Shoot. That's what happens right before a coach gets fired! 😮
  12. And even if I did, it's not your place to patrol the thread and make sure people say things you like.
  13. But you quoted me and I didn't say anything like that. And you admonished me for something I didn't say.
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