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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. Agree with the Dahlin/BOGO pairing for as long as it can last. This year we have finally seen more of maybe what GMTM thought BOGO could bring...but looking at 2019-2020 I wonder if he can stay healthy and whether his contract status makes him trade bait at next year's deadline. Given what we have on paper, I'd prefer to see Montour with McCabe. This leaves Risto + ???? I've been pretty critical of Scandella this year, but I'd like to think maybe he is just jinxed this year and can maybe get back to form. If he plays more with a stay at home mentality, then maybe this can work with Risto.....but maybe wishful thinking. He too may be gone at the deadline. Injuries of course will cause all kinds of ripples and reconfigured pairings.
  2. Yes, would have been nice though if we could have gotten Vaive 5 years sooner that we did! This does cause me to also think that we get some (not all) of these players past their prime and it is still worth it? If we're thinking old school, how about Hawerchuk, Fuhr, Gilles, Paiement, etc. I like trade situations like ROR (yes), Montour and possibly Skinner where they're still in their prime vs. tail end.
  3. TT and Mittelstadt need to spend the summer with Risto. He'll make a man out of them. TT's game today brings back memories of Taylor Pyatt to me.
  4. Sheary can't shoot like Skinner. He can't stay on his feet either. Last he is not much for agitating. Yes, he can occupy Skinner's position on a line as a substitute, but I have no delusions that he will have nearly the impact.
  5. I would like to be wrong, but Mitts will only be marginally better next year. Skilled? Yes, but way out of his depth playing against men right now. I think he's 2 to 3 years out, which means may mean his next contract should not be the budget buster. A legit 2C for next year is not on the roster today and so this will mean GMJB has to make a deal. Moving Sheary along with prospects is something I wonder about. Sheary may not be the worst of the Sabres problems, but he is not helping much either and may still fetch something in return. Erod has been a decent "tweener" for the price and deserves a few more bones on his next deal, but not worth overpaying for. If there was only some way to shed ourselves of the true dead weight (KO, Sobotka, Scandella, Hunwick, etc.)
  6. I feel like GMJB wants to create a Buffalo version of the Pittsburgh Penguins, which suggests to me that HCPH is his choice for #2 above. The question is how long will #3 take and will sustained and consistent winning overcome some of the issues the fan base has (ex. not enough grit). I think he has one more full season to show that his plan is actually walking-the-walk.
  7. I would add having Shea Weber (before Subban) was a pretty good anchor as well. Different type of game, but clearly a player who can be a foundation for a strong D-corp. I am referring back to the years when Housley was still there....not today.
  8. We can debate the physical or not approach all season. I for one think we need more players who finish their checks and can knock opposing players off the puck and create turnovers. I would also like to see our D-men use their bodies more to keep the front of our net clear for our goalies. I could be wrong, but most of us who advocate more grit and toughness are saying it's about adding 2 or 3 players of that style, not an entire roster turnover. I don't think it is unreasonable to believe that adding more hitting will help create opportunities for our finesse skill guys. Perhaps we can all see how the Leafs fare in the playoffs. Highly skilled, but softer team as well....will that style work in the playoffs or will another team shut them down. TBD.
  9. Yes, that's what I mean. Let's have a little of the bickering Bills to stir the pot!
  10. I'll take an angry anything....Swede, Canadian, American, Martian, Blind Squirrel, whatever. Somebody please show that it's OK to be pissed off.
  11. On this team? That's like asking Robert Kraft to be a generous tipper at the massage parlors.
  12. It's important to have this to make the playoffs. IMHO it is absolutely critical to have this to then succeed in the playoffs.
  13. Let's hope he can infect the rest of the Sabres vs. the other way around.
  14. Yes, it would help if somebody besides Jack attempted any shots too!
  15. Hartman has been a "force" for the dark side in the first period.
  16. Hutton is not the problem....he is keeping us in the game....Sabres outshoot 19-6
  17. Montour looks decisive with the puck to me.....like what I see in his first few shifts.
  18. Doesn't look like Philly misses Simmons....meaning that the Sabres are playing that poorly!
  19. Does Brandon Montour look a little like Adam Sandler? Happy Gilmore!
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