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Posts posted by millbank

  1. Nobody is that good.




    Tough to be in McPhee's shoes that's for sure.


    Really think Hunter had the secret to how to use OV , glue his behind to bench use him in power plays . OV his problem as a team concept he selfish in overstaying his shifts, putting the rest of team out of synch. For the goals he scores , his me attitude negates his skills. A team would be crazy to trade top picks for he. OV needs a Hunter , Pat Burns type that would rip his heart out if he did not do what he was told.

  2. I actually want to thank the Leafs for helping me out this weekend. I was in Toronto in an area I'm not totally familiar with and my navigator and I got completely turned around downtown. I knew if I could find the Air Canada (Rogers? whatever) Centre I'd find the Gardiner and be fine. I also knew my home team (Wings) were in town playing the Leafs around this time. I followed the people in mostly Maple Leaf jerseys headed to the game, and thus got out of Toronto! So thank you, Toronto and Detroit fans :)


    how was driving in Toronto as compared to your home area. I find Toronto traffic scary as the devil

  3. I simply chalk it up to them playing like every late-season Loaf team. Had they played a full season last year they'd've found a way to be golfing 2 weeks earlier than they did.


    no love lost for Leafs here for sure. That they swirling the drain now perhaps it a matter of things evening out, as they a team giving up 40+ per game, goalies holding them in most games. The simply were not a good as record indicated. Having said that it is not they getting blown out , they losing in this run mostly close games, it is inexplicable but sometimes in goes bad and there is seemingly not a way to right it, the harder you try, the worst it gets. They pressing their sticks, sucks if you follow the team, a otherwise if not spectacular, decent season, if not down the drain, in the vortex, the plug on floor, the Leafs with soapy hands and cannot pick it up.


    (Taro.... everybody over the boards at you for calling God's team the Loafs. omg the horror, the travesty, )


    by the way, they not out of it, a win tonight the right back in picture and as cold as they have been, they can also get hot.

  4. Tavares being a young face of franchise player, of character, by all reports, teams would need offer in return similar sort of player or shot at getting one via high draft pick. The Sabre would need offer not one first round pick but multiple ones and likely at least one good young roster player. Leafs back in the day traded with Bruins getting Kessel for drafts picks 1, 2 one year 1 the next. With Connor McDavid on the horizon think supporters would burn down Sabre offices at such a trade. (regarding Kessel trade , at first blush Boston reaped immediate gains, it appeared they had fleeced the Leafs, these days Kessel has emerged as a top player worthy of first round picks arguably. The easy argument is with Tavares you have a known player playing well projected to get better, Sabres a handful of high picks, phenom in the mix, risk and reward, risk and get kicked in the behind.

  5. I'm hoping for the best for you, NS.


    I've griped about him before, but I have to again...my co-worker WILL NOT SHUT UP. He's a combo of a dork who tries to make everything into a joke, a lazy worker who doesn't take the time to learn stuff on his own so he constantly asks me, and Cliff Claven - the guy who likes to spew out trivial facts because he knows them and he thinks it makes himself look smart. Yesterday and part of today, he doesn't let me sit down before he starts asking questions. Then once I do, he asks another one 5 minutes later. This continues until I take a men's room break or go to lunch. I think my sinus headache is because of him.


    I honestly do like my job and am grateful that I have one.

    perhaps if you directed him to the walls political forum , a few folks would enjoy having a little talk with him...

  6. I want Ziva back ...and I want to see Tony head slap Gibbs a few times.... and that bozo who refused my help to push him out of snow and refused three other carloads of people the same help, may someone slip some itching powder in his shorts....

  7. this from another player from supplied links.

    "If kids, can just have someone to talk to, and educate themselves, to realize its not the end of the world. It is not over if they do not reach the next level. Its a game, Its a job, its not your whole life.

    The notion that some will be worried about the apple juice and some will not, entirely the issue and the effects and consequences at play here and Terry Trafford hardly a singular example , his case life ending , for many others scars their entire lives. to our culture a far out of wack as to what the perception as to what greatness is and how this effects us as a people. If the apple juice of no import in what we do,just maybe it time to get the hell out. imo

  8. Hammer=produce. Sorry, I'm a word man. Hammer is a great word. I was merely intending to ask questions, not make an argument. That's pretty intellectually honest, no?


    the tragedy of the 20 yr. old ohl player is example of the plight of a elite level player. It clear he a young man feeling he had no outlet to discuss his difficulties, perhaps he feeling that it wrong to discuss them, that it would harm his career. These issues that need be looked at we do better . That there be facilities where we can be the best we can be, wonderful, that there be facilities for us to be the best other people think we should be no so.. general comment. My post wished to encourage thought . Many areas with no simple answers . am questioning values, values that have gone far out of perspective.

  9. http://www.mlive.com..._dick_garb.html




    Above are three links discussing how tragic the pressure of succeeding in hockey can be to our youth. How we put to much import on the game. Terry Trafford was a OHL hockey player who was sent home for breaking team rules. ( it suggested it was smoking pot). The first two links discuss Terry Trafford with other links attached to stories, all of value to read to consider. The third link is of a player who heard of the tragedy and speaks of his experiences, how he needed to back away from the game to save his life. The stigma that can be attached where it viewed as weakness to ask for help , to discuss fears, anxieties, is one of the tragedies of us as a people putting far to much import on the games of our lives. A broad subject , many area's to be considered, but something we do need face head on and do better... imo


    ( i do not see it of value for myself to be posting opinion, but encourage, looking at the fresh faces of the children , in the initial postings, the pressures to perform, to succeed, on our youth, the feeling of failure, of disappointing others, of not meeting up to standards of coaches, and scouts and so many others, how the game becomes so more, often because it is so much more to not us but those around us. I had often thought as a young boy, why do they stay, why can't they just go home and let us play. Through the eyes of a child we often learn what are they true values in life, the things worth living for, the tragedy in life is often how we lose this as we grow older. While nothing is worth doing if it not with our best efforts, we need fore mostly remember it is a game. It is done for fun, for joy. )

  10. http://www.schombergminorhockey.com/risk-management/66-risk-management/311-minor-hockey-is-for-the-children.html

    Hoping folks will take the time to read and reflect. The games of our lives it would seen at times take on

    great importance, how this effects us and those around us of value to reflect on.

    While sport has many important attributes in terms of in composite developing character skills, it good to remember they are just games.

    Hope some will read and offer their opinions.

  11. I doubt he's playing hard to get. My guess is that he's sincerely upset about PLF's departure and not sure whether he wants to keep working there. He also probably knows the prudent move is to let things settle down and have a few calm conversations with TM, TB and CP (and perhaps TP) before making a decision.

    Thing is what are the terms , clauses in contract. Nolan has said as of yesterday they busy enough with trade deadline ect. His job is to coach the players the contract will work itself out. Unless he has something else lined up to go to, he not very likely if amounts reported true of $750/3yrs. going to pass on $2.2 million . Alternately if he is not going to sign he will need skillfully find way to leave and not blow himself up. Perhaps he thanks all for the great opportunity, but feels responsible for instance to continue the building he has done in Latvia. ( hard to say that with straight face , but one never knows. ) He very well may have a relatively stress free road to coaching there with a reasonable life style free of the politics he has experienced in NHL.

  12. http://www.thehockeynews.com/articles/54311-On-the-ice-Sabres-owner-Terry-Pegula-has-done-more-harm-than-good.html


    there a number of articles from outside Buffalo hockey writers alluding to this owner meddling. Find the end comments in light of what has transpired ....

    Pegula told LaFontaine that he should take comfort in the fact his new employer has a track record of being loyal with people and allowing them to grow into their jobs. “In other words, your first mistake and you’re not out.” It would have been a lot more comforting to LaFontaine if Pegula had said he will now keep his nose out of hockey decisions and will be a little more judicious in throwing his money around.

  13. no offense millbank (and yes i know the saying about starting a sentence like that) but I don't completely trust your interpretation of the conversation about drinking and mental health issues and such being shameful. I have seen many conversations where you simply lost something in translation and misunderstood something here and vice versa you have said things that I have had to read a few times and I i just don't fully comprehend what you meant. I believe this is one of thous situations. What i have seen is people going into overdrive on the TP is the antichrist and he has stoogies that cover up for pedophiles and they are like super mean and hard to work with(exaggerated for effect only slightly) and they are saying this with just as little information as the people that have said what is wrong with PLF. unless someone really leaks the story we will likely never know what happened but I would like to point out a few things.


    PLF walked away after 40 days with the Islanders the big thing that occured during that? Smith fired as GM and the backup goalie was made the GM


    PLF walked away (or was told not to come in) after about 2 1/2 months with the sabres what happened about 2-3 weeks ago? The only thing i kinda recall is the sabres terminating Omark's contract


    PLF tells the doctors and the sabres that he can play and they are wrong about his dangers with PCS demands to be traded when they say no


    PLF turns down a contract offer from the Islanders and refuses to come to training camp, gets traded to the sabres


    PLF did a interview maybe last year? or 2 years ago? I think for the hockey day in USA stuff and they asked him about the concussions and PCS and if he had any lingering problems. I want to say he said he did have some things like light sensitivity at times and that his family would call him out on moodswings once in a while ( i could be misremembering the symptoms) I am almost certain he said he did think about the dangers the numerous concussions could have on his quality of life. if anyone wants to try and find it they spent alot of it at or skating on the little rink he made/makes for his kids and the neighborhood kids at his house


    TP suffered and defended Regier for what 3 season? before he said your fired


    TP kept LR for what 2 and almost a half seasons? I am willing to bet LR could be very crouchety if he thought he was in the right about something (maybe the moustache makes me think that of him?)


    TP was willing to hand the keys of this franchise over to PLF 3 months ago and had to be told by PLF no no no I am not the guy to be making all the decisions


    PLF sat in all the meetings this team has had whilest they revised the Regier plan


    PLF did all the meeting with all the GM hopefuls and heard and possibly discussed ideas of directions to go with drafting, trades, FA signings, intentionally tanking!!!!!


    PLF left to go work for the NHL and by extension any of the other teams in the league


    first point I am making is patty has a documented history of leaving when he does not get/hear what he wants. Unless that person has built repeated teams that have won cups (note it is plural) and repeatedly contended for said cups (plural again) that is not a favorable nor desireable trait in a team executive. It would be like hiring a speech writer that doesn't speak the language you are going to give the speech in


    second patty has talked about the dangers the concussions pose him so I don't think it is out of line to ask the question. asking the question is not the same thing as comparing a employee that use to work somewhere that has a now convicted pedophile to said pedophile is it?


    third i have yet to see anyone let go quickly or come out and say bad things about about TP what I have seen on the hockey side is someone that if anything has waited to long to smash things like a tyrant


    fourth the NDA is something that was made absolutely needed the second it was said patty was going the the nhl offices to work. I don't care how upstanding of a guy you are ###### leaks out alot quicker if there is no legal reason for it to remain mum and you don't want the internal working of your draft, team direction, player rankings and such made public


    lastly I would like to paint a verbal picture here. the olympic break is coming up. PLF calls Omark into his office and tells him we are sending to you Rochester before the roster freeze takes effect. Omark is clearly not happy and patty being the player guy he is gives him the Girgerenko speech about paying your dues and such and your still young and you got talent. Omark nods his head and says ok. few days later no Omark in rochester. TB or some other nefarious TP henchman come to patty's office and asks him if he told Omark to report to rochester patty of course says yes I told him. well pat he hasn't shown up and he just told us he isn't going back to the ahl for another season, you did tell him this was just for the olympic break right? of course i told him that, don't tell me how to do my job I am the president of hockey operations here not you. pat I am not telling you how to do your job I am just asking if you told him this was for 2 weeks or not. Get out of my office I don't answer to you TP is my boss.

    Couple of days later TP comes to patty's office. Pat we gotta talk about this Omark thing. Ya TP that might of been a opps on my part I don't think i was real clear on the temporary thing with the ahl assignment but no big thing we just recall him when the rosters unfreeze and I explain it to him it will be fine. Pat this is the 2nd player in like 2 months that has refused to do as you/sabres have told them. A 19 year old prospect that we are hoping to anchor one of our scoring lines is one thing, but a 26 year old that has achieved almost nothing at this level? we can't let this pass, we gotta terminate his contract. terry don't do that this was my mistake and further more I am in charge of hockey operations this is my decision. Pat this is more than a hockey decision this reflects on the brand badly this is a business decision and it has to be done. If you go over my head on this terry I am done. Pat don't say that man. I am serious terry you hired me to do a job let me do it. Pat take a few days off and see the family and think this over. this is a move that has to be made I am sure you will see that once you get some distance from it.

    week or 2 later prideful patty is still pissed and has not backed down from his I am resigning over this on principle stance. TP is doing what he can to change his mind when suddenly it happens. Miller and Ott are traded and a moment has come that can't escape the notice of everyone. where is PLF? someone smells a scoop. someone sees a nefarious opportunity. the die has been cast. DYSFUNCTION AT SABRES HQ INVOLVING PLF. cue the sensationalism. cue the left wing right wing clipped wing conspiracies. did PLF walk because of Putin? did he walk because TP said screw thous Ukrainians they wouldn't even let me frak there. Did TP walk in on a ###### involving TN PLF TB and sabretooth?!?!?!? OMG weez needz to knowz and haz cheezburgerz. was there a organized executive seal clubbing that PLF took a moral stance against?


    or was it just a case of a prideful guy making a slight mistake and not being wired in a way to accept the outcome of it and move on? I don't know and the truth is my version of the events has just as many legs to stand on as anyone elses be they pro PLF pro TP or half red half blue. the only ones that do now what happened for sure have very little reason to come out and set the record straight

    I suppose you can put a dress on a pig and call it a women , its a pig.. I stand by what I said

  14. Millbank: Weave had it right. 'Chestnut of wisdom' is high praise, in my world. Sorta like a 'pearl,' but beloved by squirrels, not oysters.

    my apologies, misunderstood. One more comment . It good to remember when stories such as these occur, many from other parts of nation, folks who follow other teams ect, out of interest to read what locals are thinking , log on to site . It is during these times posters have a opportunity to represent the community , team they root for in a positive knowledgeable fashion. Think of times we have visited other teams sites and found amusement in that teams/ cities posters opinions. I would like to think people could visit this site from outside and go away informed , feeling respect for the avid fans/supporters of Buffalo not amusement. It a thought we all to some extent need reflect as we post in ways we to the good or bad reflect our community to some extent ...

  15. i don't think this sort of speculation is beyond the pale. this is what happens when there is a vacuum of information. it's a rational process, really. no one wants to engage in such talk (well, almost no one), but it's what we're left with: theories.




    now, there's a chestnut of wisdom.


    stand by what I said, call me as you wish. It disgraceful and low to throw out mental illness, drunkeness, cte, ect it fact shameful.

    Regarding my thoughts ect, if they be chestnuts of wisdom , it noted by many I not cared for or respected, I can live with that.


    I do like this ...... Lions do not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep

  16. 30 minutes since the last PLF post. 30 MINUTES!!




    In a vacuum of facts opinions made from whole cloth will emerge. When people have nothing to go on except reports from people with agendas, what do you expect? How are we supposed to know who's at fault here?


    having opinions agreeing disagreeing gaining information is what is done here. My disappointment lay in some of the low level of trash discourse. Regarding personal decisions there does not need to be a fault. Sometimes a choice needs be made, one side is happy the other is not. It obvious neither need make any apologies , you win you happy, you lose , you are not. Those at top as they say it is lonely , often they make decisions that at first blush make more unhappy than not, or at least as many. The search for a villain a idle one in my view.

  17. don't really think Shoalts writing about the goings on of the Buffalo Sabres read as breathlessly in Toronto, nation, (globe a national paper) as it is in Buffalo. This article hardly bent to the sensational to sell newspapers. It simply a reporter doing his job. Not a surprise some would jump to trash him... many of you have really reached a number of lows thus far, siting mental problems, drinking, cte, ect as to why Pat Lafontaine would have resigned. Disgraceful, you are better than this . Nature of forums is to have opinion, to agree , to disagree , but lows have been met here. imo

  18. Bingo!


    That is what is scary and why I pointed it out at the time he was hired here. He will not only take a stand, but I would suggest he had quite a bit of vision in predicting the outcome for NY wouldn't you say?


    Patty saw the iceberg and thought they could avoid it with the right captain. Once the owner of the ship made Smith walk the plank...Patty was smart enough and Po'd enough to take a career hit. Deja Vu? You can like Murray all you want, and I like what I have seen so far....but in the past 3 years, a lot of icebergs have shown up on the radar. Patty may have decided to take a staycation and bypass the glamour of a fancy cruise in the sea of disaster.....


    what I think hearing the Battista involvement is this about respect and lack of it. Lafontaine, Nolan, they hockey guys, people who wear their hearts of sleeves, in the battle, as competitors it is about respect. They not sophisticated in the working of the snake pit that is often upper management , they show respect expect it in return, this above the bottom line and career advancement, they team people. Murray talking on phone doing trade has time to tell Battista of the trade and go tell Nolan to remove players, can imagine Nolan asking why did he not tell me himself and is Lafontaine aware of this. There was no respect shown to either Lafontaine or Nolan and it can be argued players either. Given the situation it was outrageous either were in lineup in the first place. It would be sensible to have called Miller told him of his intentions of a trade thus they are going to hold him out of lineup, this done out of respect not being differential. Hard ass looks great on the short term but mistakes were made and the edge will need be smoothed or it is going to wear thin sooner than later. imo

    (moves all very well may end up great and just possibly bringing a Luke Richardson to replace Nolan all very well may work out just fine, but over time it is important how you do things, else people are not going to want to work for you or do deals )

    got to note we all conjecturing , we do not have the facts , just tidbits and likely never will given it does not serve the team or Pat Lafontaines interests .

    another bit, sportsnet hockey at noon, saying deal with Miller done last week, they added Ott late.

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