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Posts posted by millbank

  1. Maybe,I think they would definitely respond harshly. No one wins then.


    I was amused by the emojis. ;)

    Personally do best to keep it fun.  Cannot see any reason for the rough stuff between these two teams.  They are not sending messages for playoffs or any such thing.  These games just entertainment , perhaps watching to see if some youth have some potential  , for Leafs many on ice tonight only placeholders and likely won't even be with team in two years. 

  2. I'm not sure what this says, are you drunk?

    i am sorry... I WAS TRYING AT SOME FUN, given this a disappointing game.. was saying for Sabres just maybe it better they give Leafs two points than take two themselves  tonight given it better to elevate the Leafs in Standings in terms of the draft .  My goodness.. why the nasty.. got to go 

    always fun 

  3. But they did not draft him. He was to be promoted to the khl but the team had financial issues and cut him loose.  If anything it falls into the blind squirrel category.

    yes that is right ... can give you entire link if you wish, not to argue but point was good teams find good middle round picks and anonymous  picks..  Shoshnikov not on anyones radar anywhere ,  he was see and scouted by Hunter in Russia , nothing blind about i t

  4. I thought he was a unsigned free agent and not a draft pick


    he was 8th overall pick in 2014 to Leafs 


    be fair guys ,, Jack getting much respect everywhere...  Nylander just in game 11 but is  projected to be a part , Jack is not playing tonight , but anytime he on Hockey Night in Canada he given his due... 

  5. yeah, he's got that certain something to his game

    one thing Leafs have done right is bolster their scouting staff.. It easy enough to pick in the top,,, it finding or getting lucky with middle or late draft picks. 

    Many of the top teams get on top by choosing wisely at top, but stay there by choosing better in mid round drafts.. finding anonymous guys 

    Conner McDavid clearly a excellent player and good rookie , but with the amount of games played should he be in consideration for top rookie ?  Jack for instance entire year played .

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