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Posts posted by millbank

  1. Can't believe the Swedish Skip channeled her inner American on that last rock of the 9th end. Personally, I think the fix was in for the 'Nucks across the board. ;)


    Canadian men up 8 - 3 in eighth end and looking good for Gold. Team from Scotland just did not have it today. It was a off day for them they have been world champions.

  2. And said PM screwed everybody else.


    Trudeau often had not one but two girlfriends at events, one famous time he had three.... :clapping:


    One night, after Ms. Boyd had performed at a reception at Rideau Hall, his then-separated wife, Margaret, remarked, "So you had a mistress play."

    "Not one, but two," he shot back.

  3. I just bet my Canadian cousins, all of whom are large and can really eat, a "loser buys wings next time we get together" wager on this game.


    Millbank: go ####### yourself and all of your #######, ########-licking, ########-smelling, ######## ######## of a mother-######## ######-box of a #########-bag countrymen.


    It is ON.


    all right thats it .....@#@$#@@@#$@#@..........@#@#@@#@#@%&*% and further more #$%#@%&*% :devil:


    ( I so worked up now had to edit four times.. :o )

  4. Sincere comment hope all will have fun with this, root hard for their respective teams ect. but also respect the sensibilities of the other, one will be pleased , one will not be. Such games at times make me nervous as to often otherwise fine people get emotional and say things they would not normally say. As it goes once something is said it hard to take back. :)

  5. Yea, you missed my point. Of course Canada shouldn't be criticized, they dominated. But replace Canada with Russia, and I'd bet the narrative changes.




    Another one misses the point :(


    how... how does anyone whoever the participants frame 60 - 15 any differently, at least people not on illegal substances or over indulging in firewater. Finland - Russia game no comparison. , not that Russian floated, what they didnt do is come together as team. Not a surprise with OV , he a guy who with Capitals for his career overstays his time on ice, takes over long shifts, screws up team play, only time he and Capitals played well was when Hunter glued his ass to bench and used him in spirts. What this game shows is leaving guys to their own devices rather than play as team you often while more talented going to lose to a group who do play as team

  6. they outshot Latvia 60 - 15 for goodness sake , the story line is how well Latvian goalie played, not how Canada did not play well. What it shows in a one shot deal, a hot goalie anything can happen. Game just might also show that Ted Nolan a excellent motivator of men. One of his players, commenting his surprise a coach actually patting him on back.

  7. Question is it the hockey that is breath taking during Olympics or the import of the result? Each of these games have great meaning as opposed to long NHL schedule where few compelling games happen during season. Just from a hockey play point of view, see the games at Olympics on large ice, as defensive games , where the great skills of players seldom appear, where during NHL second season, these the games where hockey is seen, trap better broken down ect. Its my view Olympic hockey in terms of import compelling, the game play itself crap.

    Just my opinion,

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