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Iron Crotch

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Posts posted by Iron Crotch

  1. I've got a SLAP tear in my right shoulder which is not susceptible of repairing itself, but I'm having great success with a combination of PT and cortizone. It's hardly sore anymore, and I can once again throw a ball, do most exercises at the gym, etc. Send me a PM if you want details on who I'm seeing.


    This is exactly what I have in the right shoulder (luckily I'm left handed) - a SLAP tear. I also have what my doctor describes to be a "frayed" rotator cuff. The cortizone shots do wonders in that they remove the swelling and the movement is more-or-less normal afterwards. Certain things I can never do again (e.g. incline bench press), you have to do the PT shoulder exercises religiously as you mentioned, and you have to stick to relatively modest weights on all upper-body lifts. But, surgery isn't always mandatory... or at least can be delayed indefinitely until more damage is done.

  2. If they can find a willing trade partner to trade back into the middle of the first round, that'd be the best possible outcome IMHO. So that is my prediction.


    I think they'll take Barkley over Nassib, but either would be fine. Barkley threw 6 TD passes against Syracuse last year and 5 in 2011, so Marrone is certainly familiar with him.


    Don't know where else to put this but I loathe Jerry Rice. He comes across as an absolute dolt. I still don't know why sports networks continue to put bafoons on the air just because they played the game. See Keyshawn Johnson, Michael Irvin, Emmit Smith, Marshall Faulk. I'd put Jim Kelly in this group as well but I'm not sure he was on any national network long enough to qualify.


    I was fine with just TJ and Berman on ESPN. Then they go to 3... then 4... then 5... at some point you just have too many analysts all fighting to say a few words.

  3. Personally, I can't drink any flavored beer. Same goes for coffee. I do like that Hop Stooopid that was mentioned. Got a 12 of Sam Adams Hopology. It was the worst. Tasted like I was drinking one of those pine tree air fresheners you put in your car.


    My European friends always make fun of the American obsession with hops... for some reason, we seem to think more is always better...


    My favorite "hoppy" beer that actually tastes good is Hazed & Infused: http://www.boulderbe...-dry-hopped-ale

  4. I just find it funny that someone can sit there and bench two 120 lb dumbells and then refuses to carry them an extra three feet in order to put them back where they got them from. I'm in no way an overly clean person, but I do like keeping things in order.


    Few things annoy me more than a lack of gym etiquette. In some sense, those guys are announcing to the world they they are selfish individuals. Put your damned dumbbells back where they belong. Strip your plates from the bar when you're done. Carry a damned towel and use it. And, don't try to take up 5 pieces of equipment at once. Plus the "grunters" annoy me... and the guys who stare at themselves in the mirror and flex for 80% of the time they're in the gym annoy me... and the "belters" annoy me (guys who wear a weight belt to do kickbacks with the pink and purple weights)...

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