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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. He plays very similar to Raymond he's the wild card in this draft to get picked early
  2. You just take the L and move on aka Draisaitl
  3. I think he goes to Calgary for tkachuk. Makes the trade easier for jack when you bring his best friend over
  4. Another message board had this Make it so
  5. Please you will see it right away.
  6. Bjork plays like daniel Paille Means we win the cup next year boys the hockey Gods have spoken
  7. Killing it still . Don't think people realize how good jj is but they will
  8. I'm sure he will be "overlooked" just like aho,pastrnak can't wait to see him on a Contender. Then you will have how did he drop posts 4 years later
  9. Seeing as your a fan of cozens maybe you should watch him they're Identical.
  10. We have screwed up every opportunity to sign him to a cheap contract. I believe its over he signs a 1 year deal and goes home or we trade him
  11. We're always late when we need to become garbage
  12. The right choice is guenther everything beniers has but better .
  13. Anybody could draft better then buffalo . Can anyone honestly say they hoped for jack quinn last year? jj will save the draft who should have been a top 15 pick
  14. I was talking about lundell. rossi will probably have a career like marchand though
  15. Yes huges should be the " Scouts" number 1 pick instead of power . It's like they forgot he existed. Whatever praise the green giant power
  16. Sure he will be a career kotalik When we missed out on a franchise center
  17. Didn't people see enough of a Big foot soft defencemen? Yeah let's draft power The whole list is garbage
  18. We honestly can't wait for Defencemen to develop I believe forwards develop at a faster rate giving you atleast 20 goals or more for rookie years and tops 40 points
  19. Guenther should be the first overall pick he has everything
  20. Same guy that said Dylan cozens doesn't have a high hockey IQ level or skill .
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