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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. People just love to hate smh
  2. First of all Collinsworth said you guys got all the calls .. I disagree The bills got screwed over a couple times But I'm being negative ?
  3. You guys should have won by more but the refs had your balls Congrats you're contenders
  4. Is that leap over the defender for Josh Allen was the Moment of the game Well done bills fans
  5. The refs dont like you guys Another ***** call yikes
  6. Bills have to step on their throat they're are giving this away
  7. Yeah That penalty was BS for you lol
  8. You Guys have a Brady versus Manning thing going on here
  9. This game has some playoff atmosphere Quite enjoyable
  10. I beat colon cancer.. so I'll take it
  11. I see .. I wouldn't use Connor Mcdavid as a generational talent then I would say hes the best talent of this generation
  12. Gross that contract will hurt them in year 3
  13. It would be pretty cool if power passes dahlin.
  14. So you're saying connor mcdavid is not generational? Gretzky - crosby- mcdavid Fedorov- Datsyuk - Bergeron
  15. You dont think bergeron is a generational talent? Whos better at what he does can you name that player ?
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