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Posts posted by cdexchange

  1. All of this is great advice. I think I've dropped my stress level recently because I came to the conclusion that the little things I always worried about really weren't that important in the grand scheme of things.


    This. I recently started as a Direct Care Volunteer at a Hospice, and have spent a lot of time caring for and chatting with the patients. Talk about perspective... :(

  2. Pileateds are definitely badass.


    My wife puts out grape jelly and we get TONS of orioles in our yard. They literally queue up in the pine tree next to it, each waiting their turn to indulge. It's like crack to them. Birds are so cool. Love the little "purring" sound that nuthatches make too.

  3. Having read the books, I've been eagerly awaiting the "Red Wedding" episode all season. Can't wait to see my wife's reaction tonight when we sit down to watch it...she has absolutely NO idea, hehe :devil:


    Oh and for laughs, anyone who has twitter should check out @redweddingtears for some hilarious reactions.


    Hilarious!!! :lol:


    Now I'm just waiting with anticipation until later this evening when my dad gets to open his b-day / Father's day gift from my brother and I. We got him a gift certificate for two to take a hot air balloon ride over Letchworth State Park. :)



    Awesome. We bought my Dad the same thing a couple years ago and he absolutely LOVED it. :thumbsup:

  5. At noon tomorrow, if no one has stepped forward to defend Terrence Pegula, I will ask Judge Smell to name a public defender from among the pool of SabreSpace posters (read those terms of agreement, folks). Should no one agree to defend Pegula, I will ask that a summary judgment of guilty in the first degree be entered. I will also ask Judge Smell to compel SDS to cause any enterance of the phrase "Pegula" or "Terry Pegula" or "Sabres owner" or "Sabre owner" to be replaced with the term "meddler."



    Every time I see this my brain reads it as Judge Smails :lol:




  6. Love the show, and the books. I thought the first episode of the new season was particularly good, especially the scene between Tywin and Tyrion. Poor Tyrion...it's amazing with the way his family treats him that he seems to be the only Lannister with some semblence of honor and a conscience. You'd think he would've turned out to be the most evil of them all, given the circumstances.

  7. Checking in from Hamburg. Not as windy yet as I had feared, though it will probably pick up a bit soon. No hiccups in the power so far, lights haven't even flickered yet. Sump pump is kicking on every 30 seconds right now, and I have a finished basement...but it's a brand new pump so I'm not too worried. If the power goes out I have an extension cord all ready to hook into my neighbor's genny.


    I have a large pine tree on the northeast corner of my house which is my biggest concern right now. Sure hope it doesn't end up on my house.


    Quite a lull in the precip right now, just misting at the moment. Just took the dog for a nice walk actually. Kinda fun to walk around the neighborhood on a night like this. Probably won't sleep tonight...too stressful...so I'm just planning to get lots of homework done for school, and hoping my classes are cancelled tomorrow.


    Stay safe everyone.

  8. Yeah, on the roads the average driver is just your garden variety moron. But in parking lots they take it to a whole new level.



    My complaint is the jacktards who drive around the parking lot at the gym three or four times looking for a spot in the front row so they don't have to walk a hundred extra feet on their way into the gym where they will presumably exercise anyway!

  9. What a whirlwind 24 hours. Storms in NYC delayed his flight a good bit. Landed in Corning around 7:15pm. Poor guy was so tired he could barely walk a straight line. Instead of dinner in town we headed straight home. He slept the entire ride. Must have been really beat. No way I could sleep in a car full of total strangers in a strange land. Grabbed a bag of Burger King on the way home. Unpacked his stuff, showed him around the house, ate some food, and when we went to bed after midnight he was on the phone with family. Woke him up around 11am today. We had lots of things to do today. His laptop came with a power supply for a 250v outlet so we had to get one for 120v. Had to do some basic clothes shopping to fill in the gaps in the clothing he brought. School supplies needed to be got too. We overwhelmed him with lunch at Wegman's. He had no idea what to choose with all that variety of food available.


    He (and us) seem to be adapting. He knows enough English to communicate effectively enough but we have to be careful how we phrase things. Of course he does not "get" slang, sarcasm, or innuendo at all. And he tells us what he thinks we want to hear instead of being completely honest. Hopefully that changes as he gets more comfortable. He spent a good 2 hours or so playing Xbox with my kid this afternoon. That seemed to help them bond as he started to open up more.


    It has been a challenging road so far but not in a bad way. I can only imagine the chaos in his head right now. First time away from home and he's 12 time zones away, in a completely foreign culture, and no plans to see family for another 8 months. He has been holding up pretty well emotionally as far as I can tell.


    Kid has courage, I'll give him that much.



    Good stuff man, it's extremely interesting to me to see/hear how people adjust to a completely foreign culture. Is this kid exceptionally smart or gifted, is that how he got picked for the exchange program? Just curious. I look forward to more updates.

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