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Posts posted by cdexchange

  1. WIthout looking: is it the Modell grave article?


    And if the Bills were to be moved (not happening, seriously), I'd do it in a heartbeat.


    I wanna believe this, but how can you be so sure 11?


    Reading sh!t like this today sure doesn't make me feel any better :(post-516-0-09061800-1406245630_thumb.jpg

  2. For people who throw their cigarette butts on the ground...


    Public execution. No trial. No judge. No jury. Just put down immediately.




    (This goes for anyone who intentionally throws trash on the ground)



    Agreed. And same thing for anyone who drives slow in the fast lane.



  3. Yeah I really want to buy one in the next week or two so I can have enough time to get used to it before the fall semester begins.


    JJ: I think you mean the Note, not the Tab. The Note is the one with the S-Pen I believe. That seems to add about $100 to the price (above the comparable Tab), making the going rate around $500 for the Note 10.1 But I've been seeing factory refurbs pop up on ebay lately close to the $300 mark, and I think I'm gonna jump on that next time.


    Anybody have any idea what the release cycle is like for these things? I'm hoping the new models will be released soon, which will of course drive the price of the current ones way down...

  4. If you plan on taking notes, I highly recommend you go out and try doing that on display units in the store. I'm okay with Android as a basic mobile platform, and I am definitely not a Mac guy, but I prefer the Apple mobile platform and the reasons start with being able to type accurately and quickly.


    Hey Sizzle, the Note comes with the S-Pen stylus, which is designed specifically for writing on the screen and then translating that to text. I would never dream of typing notes in class (especially onto a screen). I can always add a bluetooth keyboard if I need to do a lot of typing.

  5. Bumping this and looking for tablet advice from any college students on SS. I'm entering PA school and I'm seriously considering buying my first tablet (to take notes, annotate pdf's, read textbooks, etc.) I don't want to lug 20 lbs of text books and notebooks around with me all day. Do you guys have any recommendations for good tablets for students? I know many of you probably have iPads, but I'm not really an Apple guy (the only Apple product I've ever used was an iPod, never a computer). I have an Android phone so I'm familiar with that OS. My early choice after a little research is the Galaxy Note 10.1, which seems like a good choice for note taking. It's been dropping down below $300 for a factory refurb (I think $300 is my max price point). Also, any essential apps I should get for note taking and organizing? I've been reading up on Evernote, Papyrus, and Onenote, but I just can't decide. Thanks to anyone who can help!

  6. You want to target the 200 level then. Basically any seat will be fine, but, obviously, if you have the chance, grab a pair that is not on the ends or in the corners. The entire 200 is the "club level", you have amenities the other two levels don't have. I can't recall if that gets you into the Harbor Club. I let my mini pack lapse before last season.


    Yeah 200 seems like a good compromise. But I'd suggest you save the bolded part for after the game :P

  7. My wife and I were talking about it yesterday, and decided that Health Care works are amazing since there's no way either of us could do it.


    Yeah my wife is an RN at Roswell Park, so I know what you mean. She both loves and hates her job, if that makes sense. She almost didn't survive the first three years, since it was so emotionally draining. She would come home literally in tears sometimes before she truly learned to compartmentalize her emotions. It's a fine line they have to walk between genuinely caring for patients while at the same time avoiding emotional attachments. I doubt most people could do what she does.

  8. I've been thinking for a while about starting an OT thread to see if there are any other board members here who work in a health care related field. Not sure if there will be enough interest or not. Aside from Woody our resident MD, are there any other docs, PAs, NPs, RNs, LPNs, CNAs, PTs, imaging folks, dental, etc here? I recently read that 1 in 8 Americans work in health care, so surely there must be.


    Would be interesting to hear about different specialties, what you love and hate about your particular field, any interesting stories of patient interaction both good and bad, how the ACA has impacted your job...anything at all really.


    I'm starting PA school next year and I can't wait. Would love any advice from others who have already been down that road. I'm 45 so this will be a second career for me, and I have not previously worked in health care (although I've been a direct patient care volunteer at Hospice for the last year to get some experience). I've also done some PA shadowing and I hope to do some more before school starts.


    Well, I'm not sure how many people are actually here during the offseason, so this will probably go nowhere, but so be it. B-)

  9. personally, I couldn't care less whether the cheerleaders are here or not.


    Just wanted to say thank you for using this phrase correctly, as opposed to the other 99.9% of the population that inadvertently states the exact opposite of what they really meant to say. That is all.

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