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Posts posted by cdexchange

  1. I think scientists and people who like to indulge in science for fun can be these things, but I don't see how science itself is dogmatic, or especially self-righteous. It literally is the process of formulating ideas and then attacking them as much as possible to see if they hold up, and using them only if they hold up, but always ready to discard them. Not self-righteous at all IMO.


    Self-righteousness would be present in the people saying "Look at those idiots and their gOD, gOD isn't real because Carl Sagan said so, and the Big Bang" and whatever.



  2. Any given Sunday right? I think it's possible. Everything will probably fall just right and they will have to beat the Pats 3rd stringers to get in, and won't. Just because Buffalo.



    Or, they'll pull off the miracle of all miracles and somehow manage to beat DEN, GB, and NE...


    ...but lose to Oakland and miss the playoffs anyways. #becauseBuffalo


    This is what absolutely confounds me: There has to be intelligent life elsewhere right? I'ts mathematically impossible for there not to. Yet at the same time, it's also impossible/extremely improbable that none of that life exists within our galaxy, and isn't far enough ahead of us to have discovered ways of communication. Couple things I've read on the subject include humans may be the most advanced ( :death: ), another species may have conquered all of the others in our galaxy and we're next, or there

    is some sort of threshold/test every planet must pass until we are contacted with and we either failed or are not there yet. If the last one's the case I'd have to imagine we haven't met it yet because we really haven't done too much in space.




    Yep, it's the Fermi Paradox and I highly recommend this book about it: http://smile.amazon.com/Universe-Teeming-Aliens-WHERE-EVERYBODY/dp/0387955011/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417463476&sr=8-1&keywords=fermi+paradox


    Summary: In response to Enrico Fermi's famous 1950 question concerning the existence of advanced civilizations elsewhere, physicist Webb critically examines 50 resolutions to explain the total absence of empirical evidence for probes, starships, and communications from extraterrestrials. He focuses on our Milky Way Galaxy, which to date has yielded no objects or signals that indicate the existence of alien beings with intelligence and technology. His comprehensive analysis covers topics ranging from the Drake equation and Dyson spheres to the panspermia hypothesis and anthropic arguments. Of special interest are the discussions on the DNA molecule, the origin of life on Earth, and the threats to organic evolution on this planet (including mass extinctions). Webb himself concludes that the "great silence" in nature probably results from humankind's being the only civilization now in this galaxy, if not in the entire universe. This richly informative and very engaging book is recommended for most academic and public library science collections.


    Best thread ever.

  4. This sucks, I'm now stuck on 77, I had my folks grab me and make it to airport area, took 3 hours to get to me and we were piping along until the 354 Junction, now we're stuck and stranded behind a mile long line of traffic at a stand still while this snow pours down on us..... A few cars have passed us in the opposite direction so I find it baffling why we are stuck... There were plows and troopers around, not doing anything significant, I'm just getting frustrated


    Do you have lots of gas in your vehicle? Hang in there man.

  5. I have to agree with PA that it's terrible, just not that it's Pegula's fault. This is strictly on Goodell and the league.


    Yes, it's been done before, but not when people were literally trapped and potentially dying in communities surrounding the stadium. This is gross.


    How many of my neighbors are already dead or will die between now and Sunday because they can't get their meds, or their vents clog up and they die from CO poisoning? And yet they put out a call for hundreds of people to come into this community and waste time & energy shoveling out the stadium to play a meaningless football game?


    F*cking terrible.

  6. Seriously dude, thank you. Much manly totally hetero not-gay love your way (not that there's anything wrong with that...)


    Just bought it online from Elmwood Ave Home Depot, scheduled to pick it up tomorrow...if I'm still buried tomorrow I'll just call them and tell them to hold another day. I already paid for it so it's mine, and they better not sell it to anyone else. I feel better already. Even if I don't end up needing I just bought my next one a few years early and I'll have it here whenever this one takes a sh!t.


    They had lots in stock if anyone else is in the same boat.

  7. Yes d4rk, thanks. That's the one good thing is that we still have a couple days before worrying about the flooding (and plenty of free time to prepare beforehand).


    I'm so thankful (and somewhat surprised) that the power has stayed on for the vast majority of people so far. We are very lucky in that respect.


    Thanks for everyone's concern and suggestions.

  8. So far my road is impassible, but even if I could get out and find a store that is open I'm sure those are all sold out already. I will try though.


    My pump is only one year old. My biggest concern is if it can keep up with the deluge without remaining constantly on and burning the motor out.


    Also, my road is a small loop, with no thru-traffic, so I'm fully expecting to be one of the last ones plowed out (which is totally understandable I guess).


    Still cannot see my neighbor's house. When is this f*cker gonna shift south again PLEASE?

  9. I live 5 minutes from the Ralph. I swear to god if they hold this game here on Sunday and divert those precious resources (especially police) away from me and my neighbors I will NEVER watch another NFL game and I truly mean it.

  10. I'm in Hamburg, getting absolutely hammered again. Wife and I spent two hours up on our roof last night and got maybe 15% of the snow off. It was only(!) about 2 feet deep on the windward side, but around 4 feet on the leeward side. Very heavy and packed, so it was slow going. I'm glad we got some of it off at least, especially the large masses overhanging the edges.


    Today I shoveled a trench from the front of our house to the road, just to give the rain/melt-runoff a place to go this weekend. My large maple tree in my backyard dropped all of its leaves on Monday (it's always the last one in the neighborhood) so my gutters are full of leaves and ice. I'm so ######!ng scared of what's going to happen this weekend. We have a split level so my finished basement is completely subterranean and our TV room is half-subterranean. My sump-pump runs quite a bit even during a normal rainfall/melt, so I can't see how it's going to hold up during this coming sh!tshow.


    FFS, I reeeealy don't want to see/hear anybody else say that this is even remotely awesome and they're sad they aren't here. Please.

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