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Posts posted by cdexchange

  1. The green bottle turns the beer skunky faster. I had the same problem years ago with Molson Canadian. No matter where I went the Canadian tasted off. A bar tender told me it was a commom complaint of Canadians.



    I have to ask - if this were actually true, then why would all these beer companies (who would presumably know about this phenomenon) still use green bottles? :blink:


    It makes me wonder if this is actually a real thing or if all y'alls are just succumbing to confirmation bias or communal reinforcement.

  2. Of course. I'm really trying to figure out how they're going to make 3 movies out of a few hundred pages.



    Tolkien wrote hundreds of pages of additional prose about those places, characters and events, much of which can be found in the appendices of the LOTR...much of that backstory will be woven into the Hobbit film. If they were sticking only to the strict narrative of that particular book, I would agree with you...but to the delight of most of us they are expanding the scope of the story significantly. I for one am super-happy about this.


    Bah. I loved Tolkien's books, but this smells like a money grab to me.


    The LOTR Trilogy started out as a two-film treatment in its early stages also, before they decided to expand it into a trilogy. Of course, it hadn't already been filmed at that time...but I have confidence in PJ to make the right decision for the sake of the story, and not just the box office.

  3. If the Hip roll through Buffalo again this year (which I beleive they will) I'm going to go see them. I'm a little lacking in my knowledge of them, but I heard that concert at the Wharf was amazing last year, so I don't want to miss it again.



    Indeed it was, best time I had all summer.



  4. I just walked the trash out to the street. My jeans wouldn't hold up on the way there. Came back, came upstairs to change, and it was all I could do to prevent them from pooling at my ankles on the staircase. Good stuff! Back down to a 34, at least. (The jeans are Levis, and they're stamped 34, but c'mon, we all know that a Levi's 34 is a real 36.) It's starting to pay off.

    i'm having the same issue with my jeans (except i'm still nowhere near a 34 ...). thankfully, our office complex has bathrooms set up literally every 50 feet on my end of the builidng. makes it nice for having to stop and hike up when i'm walking to the cafeteria.


    stepped on a pallet jack (only scales we have around here) about a week ago. down 27 pounds. that's frickin' miraculous.

    Nice job guys!


    I stepped on a scale this morning myself, and since the week before I started dating my girlfriend (now 1 week shy of 4 months), I have dropped 18 LBS. I know I feel better. I'm sure you guys do as well! I needed to buy a new belt to avoid the constant hiking of my pants. Soon: new pants!!



    Excellent work, gentlemen. It's SO worth the effort - nothing tastes as good as that feels.

  5. The best way to kill a hot zombie is to F**k their brains out.


    I assume you mean that literally :lol:


    That would make an interesting new porn genre. Oh who am I kidding, it probably already exists somewhere! Where's Korab when you need him?

  6. I can finally stop stressing about the Sabres.


    NFL Draft coming soon and the Bills appear to actually be making real strides.


    The weather is beautiful right now, and summer is right around the corner.


    I've managed to stay at my goal weight for 3 months now and it's been easier than I feared (though obviously not easy).


    I started going back to school in January and I have a perfect 4.0 in all my classes so far, while still managing to run my business full time. I was worried about going back at my age (42) and so far it's been alot easier than I thought, in fact everything about it has been quite enjoyable.


    The noise level on this board is going to decrease greatly for the next several months.


    I still love the Sabres and am very optimistic about next year.


    F'n Fantastic! :)

  7. The pickled is a lot different than sardines. It's pretty unique and to a certain degree an aquired taste. My one girlfriend remarked "Ugh, the things I put in my mouth for you." on first try. I too always had it at Christmas Eve and New Years Eve dinner, it's a Polish tradition.



    She sounds like a keeper! :thumbsup:

  8. I wish I didn't have to wait until Friday to post this.


    Got a call from a local fuel tanker trucking company that wants to hire me on. Gets me home every night. 12 hour shifts. 5 days a week. Pay would be about the same (if not more). Granted, the responsibilities are greater because of the product I'd be hauling and delivering, but it sure beats being out on the road for 3-4 weeks at a time.



    Congrats, that's fantastic. :beer:

  9. I think the service is way too much on the "it's your privilege to be served by us" side of things



    To be honest, this was my biggest worry going in. I had heard this same thing from other people, and I was worried that the service would be snobbish and condescending. Guess we got lucky because our guy was not like that at all. Dude was super-personable, extremely professional and knowledgeable but not at all uptight, made us feel right at home (and my wife and I would not normally feel "at home" in an upscale place like that). It was seriously some of the best service we've ever had in a restaurant.



    Steaks in WNY: Russel's. Absolutely.


    Steaks in Buffalo: EB Green's.


    But both lack the Chop House atmosphere.



    Thanks for the recommendations...I like a nice high-end steak once or twice a year. :)

  10. What the hell did you order? $180/couple is pretty normal there--but WITH drinks!


    Lemme see if I can remember it all: Wife had a salad ($9), I had french onion soup ($9)...split a Stuffed Banana Peppers app ($10)...my steak was $52 all by itself (!!!), side of twice baked potatoes ($9), wife's chicken was $30 (for chicken!!!), side of asparagus ($8), three diet pepsi's ($9), and split a dessert ($8). With tax and $30 tip it was over a buck eighty. By far the most expensive meal we've ever eaten.


    Luckily, we did bring half of everything home for leftover dinner tonight (except I polished the steak last night of course - I'm not nuking a $52 steak the next day!)


    So...four meals. Still ridiculous, but a little easier to swallow.

  11. Sushi for lunch. Outstanding.


    Awesome, what kind? I've had some great sushi down your way.


    My wife is taking me to Seabar for my birthday next week...can't wait. I absolutely love sushi but haven't been to Seabar yet. I keep looking at the menu online and trying to decide what to get...any recommendations from anyone who's been there?

  12. Had a fantastic seafood Friday. My sis caught a nice big spotted trout on Thursday, and it made for an excellent lunch the next day. (Had to throw my snook back. Stupid regulations.) Lightly seasoned and grilled, on nice crusty rolls. Appetizer was breaded and pan-fried flounder, caught the same day by my brother-in-law. And dinner was fresh-caught shrimp over pasta.


    Sounds great. Where'd she catch it?

  13. The show is excellent.


    I've got the blu-ray arriving tomorrow on the release day (thank you Amazon Prime)...but I want to finish the first book before I watch the show. Anybody know if the first season of the show ends at the same point in the story that the first book ends?

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