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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. Yeah, I believe hockey PxP announcing is the hardest in all of sports, with the pace, constant change of possession and change of who's on the ice. The best are really talented (and knowledgeable).
  2. An OK period. I actually though the forecheck was... encouraging? Semi-physical? I may be damning them with faint praise.
  3. I mean, I only see what the telecast shows, but seems like his usual placid reaction.
  4. With a few exceptions, the Sabres think the NHL is high-level shinny.
  5. We need desperation, sweat, and passion like we’ve seen over the last three. Seeing Tuch doubled over at the end of the last game was something I’ve been waiting to see all season. Break. A. Freakin’. Sloppy. Sweat. Guys.
  6. Huh, didn’t know the scoreboard and old roof were at the root of the poor home record. I guess now they’ll be piling in without the fear of a roof collapse. Terry… Sabres fans would sit outside in the new football stadium if the Sabres were a contender.
  7. Three in a row! Come from behind, Home shootout win! Best game of the year?
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