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Posts posted by Zamboni

  1. 2 hours ago, inkman said:

    I'd love to read a book from Murray about his time as GM. It'd be a hell of a read and probably make most Sabres fans questions everything. 

    As long as he’s 100% factual and not bloated with pompous opinion, conjecture and overly dramatic “stories”, it would be an interesting read. 

    But I have a feeling some would believe all the “negative light” stories and question all the “positive light” stories. But an interesting read to be sure.

  2. Who the heck, thinks a 20 year old first year player in the pros won’t develop? I don’t think anyone would be that obtuse. He has too much talent to not develop. It may be a slower road like a Reinhart or Ullmark instead of a faster road like a Eichel or Dahlin. And I’m fine with that. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 3 hours ago, dudacek said:

    Looking at our PP stats, where I stumbled up this:

    Sam Reinhart is only 6 points behind Jack in even-strength scoring this year - 55 to 49. Sam is tied with Kuznetsov and Backstrom for 45th in even-strength scoring in the entire league this year.

    Wasnt he getting flack for being a  2nd-line PP specialist earlier this year?

    I liked Reinhart the moment we drafted him and still do. He’s not flashy, fast paced or loud. He’s a quiet player who does his talking on the ice. 

    He is an example of slowly developing into a very good player. He needed time, and he had it. Now it’s paying dividends. If he keeps this up next season, I am afraid he’ll be getting a huge contract. Somewhere in the 6-7 range. But I would gladly pay that for what he brings and continues to develop.

  4. 59 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    The ever shifting criteria. That’s why I won’t waste the time. I thought of three guys off the top of my head. The league is changing. The AHL is going to be less relevant then it already is. 

    Im done with this. I’ve already acknowledged it can’t be determined what impacts a player’s development.

    Yes I agree, let’s move on. Because the AHL and other lower developing leagues are VERY relevant and will continue to be.

    agree to disagree. 


    On to Olofsson ... I like his hustle. And determination in reading plays and being in positions to receive the pass and take shots. That really stood out to me last night.

  5. 11 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    So you want me to find 25 guys who had little to no AHL experience and were not top ten guys who have become top scorers? Like Brayden Point?


    9 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    Or how about Johnny Goidreau?

    Alec Debrindicat?

    22 to go. 

    Remember you can use European pro leagues too since they develop players like the AHL is a developmental league.

    oh, one off seasons isn’t really making the point either, right? I mean if they are top scorers in the NHL, they would be at the top of the list for multiple years.

  6. 1 hour ago, SDS said:

    That's not what he said. He clearly stated over and over that there isn't proof the same players who make it out of the AHL wouldn't have become the same players if they were in the NHL the entire time. He also recognized that these players who aren't making NHL rosters need someplace to play. His ultimate point is that there is no inherent advantage of the AHL experience over the NHL experience, other than needing another league to go while the natural growth in the game takes place. If the AHL had some inherent goodness to it over the NHL, more top players would come from there.

    I stand corrected.i read his overall regard to the AHL wrong.

    im glad he realizes that the AHL is a developmental league.

    im glad he knows that players who aren’t (usually top 10 draftees) drafted high, aren’t good enough coming out of high school and college and NEED a league to help them develop into better players so they have a chance, a chance ...  to contribute to an NHL team. 

    im glad he knows the NHL is not a league to develop. Most players need lower leagues to large degree where they can be effective players and actually stick on a NHL roster.

    im glad he knows not every player develops past being a good AHLer. The talent just isn’t there to make the jump.

    if that’s what he meant, then my apologies for misunderstanding him.

  7. 16 minutes ago, tom webster said:

    Actually, a couple of things,

    1) I’m 59

    2) I’ve gotten where I am today by surrounding myself with people smarter then myself

    3) some of the greatest achievements in my career where the results of thinking outside the box, questions the status quo.

    4) I’m smart enough to know I may not be right. There is absolutely no way of knowing. The numbers show less then 50 players a year with AHL experience develop into top 6 forwards or top 4 defenseman.

    5) I’m glad you insist on bringing me into the conversation.

    6) Thanks Freeman for pointing out the obvious. 

    1.  Your age has absolutely positively nothing to do with this conversation. But I’m glad you told me your age now we are all in lightened knowing how old you are.

    2. I know you want to pat yourself on the back, but you are not thinking outside any kind of arbitrary made up box that you have created for yourself in regards to players  aren’t high draft picks, not needing the AHL or an equivalent  developmental league and needing it for developing their game.

     You are the one that originally made a grand statement, and overall generalized statement that the AHL isn’t really that needed for most players. That you questioned how useful or how important that league really is for players. 

     Time and time again, day after day, you fail to prove your point.  You make a comment about finding 100 players who are the top scorers in the NHL  not needing a developmental league to get better like AHL.

    Step up, back up your claim, prove your point. Otherwise your claim has no validity. And you should just keep that point to yourself, or be challenged every time that gets spewed out of your mouth. Keep avoiding keep deflecting keep bringing up other points that have nothing to do with the original point. You seem to be very good at it.

     Do the homework. Unless you know you can’t back it up, never mind that is why you’re not doing the homework, because you can’t back up that claim.  I bet your reply to this will still not address your original point with facts and proof. 

    I even made it easy for you I said I only want to see 25 players over the last decade who are not top 10 draftees,  Who over the course of their careers are top scorers in the NHL, who had little or no AHL or equivalent developmental league time.   They just came into the league and were incredible point Producers right away and continued to be throughout their career to this day. 

    I guess Olofsson is wrong huh?  He doesn’t know any better? You calling him a liar?  The lengths you’ll go huh?

    3.  I’m glad you’re modest enough  to call yourself smart enough. Thanks for letting us now. 

    4.  I’m not the one that brought your name into the conversation, if you look back someone else brought your name up, and I replied to that post.

     I’m still waiting and waiting and waiting…  yawn

  8. 4 minutes ago, nfreeman said:

    Well, it's also quite possible that Olofsson is savvy enough to know that paying tribute to his time in Rochester is what the organization wants to hear, so he's being a good company man in order to generate internal goodwill.

    Possible. I guess anything is possible.

    its possible the moon is made of cheese when you dig down 50 feet too. Unlikely. But possible.

  9. He made a interesting comment last night.

    He said (and it’s not the first time) he wouldn’t have been able to do what he’s able to do today If he didn’t go and develop and learn the game in Roch. first. That spending time in Roch. really helped him develop and get used to the NA ice and the way the game is played over here. 

    So from the horses mouth, he himself knows he would not have been able to look “this good” if some of the fans got their wish and he was called up in Dec/Jan.

    a full season of development in the AHL really helped him round out his game. I’m glad he recognizes that and hopefully he has a great post season in the AHL and works his tail off in the summer, and comes into camp and makes the team. I’m rooting for him.

    • Like (+1) 3
  10. Stay semi close to home to get maximum time with activities instead of on a plane or several planes.

    hockey hall of fame/Toronto 

    rock n roll hall of fame 

    adirondacks camping/hiking although it will be cold so a hotel or cabin would be best.

    washington DC to see the White House, capital building, Smithsonian museum etc ...

    NYC area

    whatever you pick, look up “best thing I ever ate” or “diners drive ins and dives”. Watch YouTube videos together and see what places look good to go eat, and make it a fun destination trip inside a mini vacation. 

    It will be cold, but if they have zip lining open within driving distance.


    just some thoughts ...





  11. I’ll be patient with TT. He’s young and needs developing. If JB keeps him in the AHL for a bit next season, maybe he can round out his game and come in at some point and be more effective. His D game, skating and decision making with speed need improvement. He’s not a lost cause or a bust. Far from it.

  12. cut.jpg

    Tuesday, April 2
    Nashville 3 at Buffalo 2
    Goals: Okposo, Skinner
    Goalie: Hutton (32 saves/35 shots)
    PP: 0/3; PK: 1/1; Shots: Nashville 35 – Buffalo 28

    CURRENT INJURIES – (Man Games Lost: 243)
    Player (injury, first game missed) – total games missed
    Matt Hunwick (upper body, March 23) – 7 games
    Zach Bogosian (lower body, March 25) – 6 games
    Vladimir Sobotka (upper body, March 30) – 3 games
    Marco Scandella (lower body, March 31) – 2 games

    4/3: Assigned D William Borgen to Rochester (AHL)

    Saturday, April 6: Buffalo at Detroit, 7 p.m.


    • This is the fourth and final meeting between the Sabres and Senators this season.
    • Last meeting: Ottawa defeated Buffalo 4-0 in Ottawa on March 26
    • The Sabres are 6-3-1 in their last 10 games vs. the Senators; 6-3-1 at home.
    • This is the 141st game all-time between Buffalo and Ottawa; Buffalo has a 68-52-20 series record.
    • The Sabres are 37-23-8 at home against the Senators all-time.


    • The Sabres are 5-11-2 all-time on April 4.
    • April 4, 1973: The Sabres appear in the first playoff game in franchise history, a 2-1 loss at Montreal.
    • April 4, 1981: The Sabres chase Red Wings goaltender Larry Lozinski with three goals on eight shots in the first period on the way to a 5-4 win in Detroit that featured two-goal performances by Tony McKegney and Andre Savard.


  13. 29 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I think Skinner’s goal in the negotiations was to maximize his contract in Buffalo. If it means taking things down to the pre-July 1 courting period, he’d do it. I’ve always thought the location, on-ice fit and cap fit line up better for both sides in Buffalo than anywhere else.

    I do wonder though if the on-ice collapse of the team has affected Skinner’s thinking at all. And I wonder if circumstances for other teams will change enough between now and the end of June to improve the chances of more viable opportunities surfacing.

    Botterill has not looked adept at maximizing deadlines in the Kane and O’Reilly negotiations and I wonder if a similar situation is developing here.

    I think the raw value of each player is roughly comparable.

    Skinner is a better goal scorer, but Kane can score. Kane a better forechecker and physical presence, but Skinner can agitate. They are both great skaters; Kane has more straightline speed, Skinner more agility. Neither is a good passer or uses his teammates particularly well, both can be selfish with the puck. I’d rather have Kane in the D zone and the rush, Skinner in the O zone and the room. 

    I think they are close enough that it comes down to what your team needs most.

    Skinner is definitely a better fit right now for Buffalo and I think that’s what JBot had in mind with the decisions he made around each.

      I like where your heads at… I was pretty much thinking the same exact points for each player. It’s reasonable it’s logical it’s even tempered.   Even though at the end of the day 7.3 seems about average for what skinner may get, I think considering that the salary cap will continue to increase, I would be very shocked if Skinner accepted under 7.5, and more likely to settle on 8.0 or so.

     And I’ll believe it when I see it, that Skinner  is going to test free agency. I’m not convinced he will and I’m not convinced he won’t. Right now I think it’s a tossup no matter how much people want to read into his comments, they are public media comments. For me they carry little weight.

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